"It seems that you and this eldest lady of the Nangong Divine Clan are quite destined..."

After listening to Li Heishui's narration, Lin Wudao couldn't help but joke.

Hear the words!

Li Heishui suddenly smiled awkwardly.

"City Lord, we are just friends."

"Haha, how can an ordinary friend be so concerned about other people's affairs? In order to find the ancient magic talisman, he would not hesitate to sacrifice his lifespan to read the treasure mirror of heaven and earth?"

"Ah, City Lord, you really misunderstood, we..."

Seeing Lin Wudao's description getting darker and darker, Li Heishui became more and more embarrassed and didn't know how to explain it.

See it!

Lin Wudao teased a few words and did not continue to dwell on this issue.

"Since you have locked the specific location of the ancient talisman through the treasure mirror of heaven and earth, then guard it here."

"After you find that ancient talisman, go find Yin Siming!"


Li Heishui bowed in response.


He raised his head again, first looked at Nangong Yiren behind him, and then looked at Lin Wudao hesitantly.

I want to say something, but I dare not say it...

"City Lord, I~"

After struggling for a while, Li Heishui finally mustered up the courage to speak.


Just as he was speaking, Lin Wudao turned over his hand and took out a storage bag and handed it to him.

"Work hard!"

"I hope that after some time, I can go to the Nangong Divine Clan to propose marriage for you..."


Propose marriage?

Hearing this, Li Heishui immediately prepared to refute, but Lin Wudao did not give him the chance and disappeared from the spot.


The moment Lin Wudao left, Nangong Yi and Li Zongheng immediately arrived in front of them.

"Li Heishui, who is that person?"

Nangong Yiren asked curiously.

"That's my city lord!"

"I come from the Sin City outside the Shanling Realm. This time I entered the Shanling Realm, on the one hand to broaden my horizons, and on the other hand to find the city lord."

Li Heishui replied.


He opened the storage bag in his hand, and in an instant, a bright divine light rose up like a tide.

Out of curiosity, Li Heishui put his palm into it and took out a golden crystal stone about the size of two fingers.

"Is this... a divine stone?"

Looking at the dazzling crystal, Li Zongheng's eyes widened instantly.


Nangong Yiren also had a strong surprise in her beautiful eyes.

Divine stone?

Seeing their reactions, Li Heishui was startled at first, but then he understood Lin Wudao's thoughts.

"Yiren, please take these sacred stones back and renew the lives of your ancestors."

"Li Heishui, this is too precious..."

"Take it!"

Li Heishui didn't allow her to refuse and stuffed it directly into her hands.

"I want to take the ancient talisman to the city lord. These sacred stones are the city lord's compensation for you."

"With them, we can also extend the lives of your ancestors..."

he said with a smile.

Hear the words!

Nangong Yiren took a deep breath, and then nodded gratefully.

"Master Li, has your city lord... already cultivated into a true god?"

At this time.

Li Zongheng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked.

Divine stones are divine objects that are cultivated and used by living beings above the true gods. Mortals cannot refine and absorb them.

Being able to take out so many sacred stones in one go, Lin Wudao was an extraordinary person.


In Li Zongheng's view, Lin Wudao is likely to be a powerful person above the true god.

Regarding his guess, Li Heishui shook his head.

"I don't know the city lord's cultivation and strength either!"

"I'm afraid no one in this world can find out any information about the city lord..."


Not known?

Hearing this, Li Zongheng was shocked!

This level has exceeded the scope of his imagination.

"Miss, the city lord of Li Heishui must have a great background."

"Besides, I think Miss you and Mr. Li are quite close. One is unmarried and the other is unmarried..."

Li Zongheng secretly transmitted the message.

As soon as he said these words, a blush instantly appeared on Nangong Yiren's beautiful face.

"Uncle Li, you are becoming more and more immoral."


Nangong Yiren immediately turned around and left.

Li Heishui was left standing there with a blank look on his face.

"Uncle Li, what happened to Yiren?"

"Well, my heart must have been stolen..."

Li Zongheng sighed and replied.

Heart stolen?

Li Heishui didn't know why.

He seemed to understand a little bit, but not completely.

Seeing his appearance, Li Zongheng sighed again.

"Master Li, you have to work harder."


Li Zongheng left a mysterious smile, and then left with his hands behind his back.

"Didn't I work hard enough?"

Li Heishui muttered something and then followed Li Zongheng.

Lin Wudao didn't pay attention to their reactions.


After returning to the Golden Palace, he opened the void passage with the Supreme Tao Talisman and entered the City of the Heavens.

The first level of the City of All Heavens is still as lively as ever, with great emperors and heavenly emperors everywhere.

In fact, because Lin Wudao, the Supreme Being, often appeared in the first heaven, many powerful beings above the level of true immortals appeared here.

"It really complies with Mu Jiutian's words, as long as the Emperor has the skills."

"In those high worlds, the emperor is just like ordinary mortals. Even true immortals and above are not considered strong."

"In those worlds, the definition of a strong person must be at least an Immortal King or above..."

Lin Wudao thought secretly in his heart.

The City of All Heavens is a magical place!

Here, Lin Wudao really opened his eyes.

call out!

Just as he was secretly observing him, suddenly, a divine light descended and transformed into an extraordinary young man.

Astonishingly, it was Mu Jiutian!

"Mu Jiutian pays homage to the Supreme One!"

With an extremely respectful and pious attitude, he knelt down and knelt down.

See it!

Lin Wudao nodded.

Immediately, his spiritual eyes swept over and found that Mu Jiutian seemed to be much stronger than before.


His cultivation has reached the ultimate realm of Heavenly Dao, and he has cultivated a golden body of Heavenly Dao.

He has reached the extreme of being a Heavenly Emperor...

Next, it is time to fuse the human golden body, the imperial golden body, and the heavenly golden body. When the three bodies merge into one, the immortal energy can be derived and the immortal body can be created.

By the time!

Then you can become an immortal!

It can be said.

Mu Jiutian is now on the road to becoming an immortal...

[System, as Mu Jiutian is my follower, can I take him to the great world of Shenhuang? 】


Lin Wudao had a bold idea in his heart.

With Mu Jiutian's ultimate cultivation and strength, if he were to go to the great world of Shenhuang, wouldn't he be invincible?

When the time comes, who can stop it?


Although his idea is good, the reality is cruel...

【no! 】

[Although Mu Jiutian is your retinue, he has now reached the ultimate level of the Emperor of Heaven, and it won't take long for him to be able to unite his three bodies into one. 】

[When the time comes, if you create an immortal body, it will be the body of a true immortal! 】

[Going to the great world of Shenhuang with the body of a true immortal will inevitably cause the collapse of heaven. By then, the entire world of Shenhuang will cease to exist. 】

[Today’s Shenhuang World is too low-level to withstand the pressure and power brought by Mu Jiutian. 】

[As long as he takes one step, the world will collapse immediately! 】

A cold system prompt sounded in my mind.

Hear this!

Lin Wudao felt awe-inspiring in his heart!

"Sure enough, my idea is unrealistic."

He sighed to himself.

It is definitely impossible to take shortcuts.

[By the way, system, you can buy anything in this city of the heavens, so can I buy the body of a strong man? 】

【Can! 】

[However, host, you are too poor, I'm afraid you can't afford it...]


Too poor? can not afford?

As soon as these words came out, Lin Wudao's newly rising fiery heart instantly cooled down.

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