"Ying Xuanzhen, can your Ancient Tianlong Kingdom really guarantee that you will be able to obtain the magical medicine from the second level of the Ancient Secret Realm?"

When everyone was silent.

Shang Yong, the elder of the Zhu Rong clan, asked in a deep voice.

Hear the words!

Ying Xuanzhen smiled and nodded.


"If I am not sure of victory, how can I dare to ask for a price for a pseudo-magical weapon?"

He responded calmly.

"In that case, what's the harm in me, Zhu Rong, giving you a pseudo-magical weapon?"


As he spoke, Shang stretched out his hand, and an ancient sword glowing with red light appeared in his palm instantly.

Exuding a mighty aura of extreme power...

"This sword is called Chihuang. It is blessed with thirty-six true gods and divine powers. It can be considered a rare treasure."

After the words fell, Shang Yong flicked his fingers, and the red-hued ancient sword suspended in the palm of his hand turned into a sword light and killed Ying Xuanzhen.

See it!

Ying Xuanzhen stretched out his big hand, and saw no power fluctuations on his body. He directly held the scarlet-hued ancient sword in his hand.

No matter how powerful his aura was, there was no damage at all...

See this scene!

Lin Wudao, who was observing secretly, had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"It seems that Ying Xuanzhen's physical body is also very powerful. It can actually resist the impact of the Ji Dao's pseudo-divine weapons."

"I'm afraid I can rival the physical body of a demigod!"

He thought to himself.

"Is it the Scarlet Huang Ancient Sword? It's really good!"

Rubbing the ancient sword in his hand, Ying Xuanzhen smiled and praised.


He looked at the remaining people again.

"The ultimate false divine weapon, even our Ziyang Heavenly Sect is not lacking in this one..."

call out!

A large, clumsy black seal flew out of the sleeves of Tian Yangzi, the deputy sect leader of Ziyang Tianzong, and flew towards Ying Xuanzhen.

"Since you are all willing to give it a try, how can you do without me, the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect?"


Following a heroic voice, Feng Xuanlie, the first deputy sect leader of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, raised his hand, took out a large flag, and threw it towards Ying Xuanzhen.

This is also the ultimate false divine weapon!

On it, the power of thirty-six true gods is blessed!

"Where is Taiyi Dynasty?"

Ying Xuanzhen looked at Yun Cangming.


"If you, the Ancient Tianlong Kingdom, cannot give us a satisfactory explanation this time, then don't blame me, the Taiyi Dynasty, for turning its back on us."


Yun Cangming puffed up his sleeves, took out a big clock with green light flowing around it, and smashed it at Ying Xuanzhen menacingly.

The Taiyi Dynasty and the Ancient Tianlong Kingdom were mortal enemies!

If he hadn't beaten Yun Cangming to death for the magic medicine in the ancient secret realm, he wouldn't have been able to produce a Ji Dao pseudo-magical weapon and hand it over to the ancient Tianlong Kingdom.

"Haha, you can rest assured!"

"Our Tianlong Ancient Kingdom is determined to obtain the magical medicine in the second level of the ancient secret realm. If we are unable to obtain the magical medicine in the end, I will personally apologize to you all at that time."

Ying Xuanzhen is always confident.

"Stop talking nonsense, Dragon King, and get down to business!"

"You have already collected our Ji Dao pseudo-divine weapons. It's time to tell the truth about the situation in the second level of the ancient secret realm."

"If you are hiding it, it would be a bit unethical..."

Tianyangzi said in a condensed voice.

Ziyang Tianzong and Tianlong Ancient Kingdom are far apart, and they have no entangled interests.


After entering the Golden Palace, Tianyangzi didn't interrupt much.

However, things are different now!

They paid the ultimate pseudo-magical weapon and had the right to know the specific situation of the second level of the ancient secret realm.

To this!

Ying Xuanzhen didn't hesitate and immediately pushed the third prince Ying Wuque out.

"Seniors, according to our previous investigation, in the second level of the ancient secret realm, foreign objects cannot be used."

"If you want to get through the second level, you have to rely on your own strength."

"There is an extremely strange force in that place. As long as you use fake magic weapons and other foreign objects, you will inevitably be suppressed and then lose control."

"In addition, in the second level of the ancient secret realm, there is an extremely terrifying puppet. Once it self-destructs, it can rival the power of the Ji Dao pseudo-divine weapons."

"Therefore, there is only one way to get through the second level of the Ancient Secret Realm, and that is to rely on a powerful physical body to forcefully fight through."

Ying Wuque said calmly.


Can't use foreign objects?

Will the puppet self-destruct?

Listening to Ying Wuque's narration, everyone present was greatly surprised, and then they frowned one after another.

"So, your Tianlong Ancient Kingdom has found a physically powerful person?"


"Could it be the Heavenly Dragon King?"

Yun Cangming said jokingly.

"Haha, although I have made some achievements in the physical body, it is not enough to deal with the puppets on the second level of the secret realm."

"The person who said it is none other than my fellow Taoist Zhen!"

"Fellow Taoist Zhen Wuhui comes from outside the Shanling Realm. He has cultivated his physical body to an extremely powerful level."

"Enough to rival the true God!"

"With Fellow Daoist Zhen here, we can definitely ignore all the traps and the impact of puppets in the secret realm and help us get the magic medicine."

Ying Xuanzhen raised his hand and pointed at Zhen Wuhui.


The physical body is comparable to the true God?

Hearing this, everyone present widened their eyes and were extremely shocked.


When they learned that Zhen Wuhui came from outside the realm of Shanling, they were relieved.

"It turned out to be someone from the outside world, no wonder~"

Yun Cangming frowned and murmured.

There are infinite sighs in the words!

"Fellow Daoist Zhen is so young, but he can cultivate his physical body to be as good as a true god. He must be an unparalleled genius outside the world of mountains and mausoleums."

"Fellow Daoist Zhen will have a bright future..."

Tian Yangzi praised sincerely.

"If Fellow Daoist Zhen is as physical as a true god, then there shouldn't be any problem."

Feng Xuanlie also replied.

at this time!

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhen Wuhui.

There was an inexplicable yearning floating in each of their eyes, and in addition, there was also a strong sadness.

The Mountain Realm is a prison to them.

Can't get out at all!

All the creatures here are prisoners...

"Okay, everyone knows about the situation on the second level of the Ancient Secret Realm. Is there anything else you want to ask now?"

"If there are no other questions, let's go to the ancient secret realm to have a look?"

Ying Xuanzhen broke the silence and said.

Hear the words!

Everyone looked at each other and had no objections.


Under the leadership of Ying Xuanzhen, they walked out of the Golden Palace together.

"Let's go too!"

"Well, I don't know if the high priest and the others are here, but the drama is about to begin..."

in the dark.

The crazy Taoist frowned and whispered.

"Don't worry, the high priest is already here!"


Hearing this, the mad Taoist perked up.

"Brother Ren, do we still want to borrow the artifact?"

"of course yes!"

"Although I also have a Ji Dao weapon in my hand and am not afraid of that Zhen Wuhui, but just in case, we still have to make more preparations."

Lin Wudao said in a deep voice.

The Great Wild Cauldron in his hand is blessed with the power of the Five God Kings. In theory, it should be able to break the defense of the True God.


Just in case, Lin Wudao had to make other preparations.

With a real artifact in hand, even if Zhen Wuhui's physical body is comparable to the third-level true god, he will die without a burial place.

Think of this!

Lin Wudao and the others discussed a few more words, then followed closely behind Ying Xuanzhen and the others.

call out!

Just as everyone walked out of the golden palace, suddenly, a bright divine light flashed through the void.

Immediately afterwards.

An ancient divine boat came through the sky and stopped above the ancient divine well...

"Hey, the auspicious beast of heaven and earth, white deer?"

Yun Cangming's eyes were filled with surprise.

"Which clan is this? How come you have such a great opportunity to ride on the auspicious white deer?"


Tianyangzi and others were also amazed.


At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Tushan Cangyue and the white deer in the distance.

They are all guessing the identity of the visitor...

Being able to use the auspicious beasts of heaven and earth as a mount must be an extraordinary person!


They had no impression of Tushan Cangyue.

at the same time.

Everyone was looking at Tushan Cangyue, and Tushan Cangyue and others on the boat on the other side were also looking at Ying Xuanzhen and the others.

"Let's go, do business first!"

His eyes swept over Tushan Cangyue and others. Ying Xuanzhen didn't pay too much attention to them. He immediately waved his hand and led everyone into the ancient secret realm.

See it!

Lin Wudao and the others did not hesitate. After saying hello to Tushan Cangyue, they also entered the secret realm in a flash.

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