"Han Bai!"

Everything happens in an instant!

Seeing Han Bai completely dead without a burial place under his nose, Tu Shanyu on the bronze palace suddenly widened his eyes.

To know!

Han Bai has a perfect cultivation level in the Divine Light Realm, and he also holds the top level pseudo-magical weapons in his hands, and his combat power is extremely powerful.

Even in the face of other major forces, it is absolutely impossible to kill him unless real magic weapons or fake magic weapons are deployed.


Now, Han Bai was killed in the blink of an eye. During the whole process, there was no room for resistance.

You can see the terror of the other party!


After taking a deep breath, Tu Shanyu lowered his gaze to the location of Han Bai's body.

I saw.

His corpse has already become a pile of powder!

But in the original position of the corpse, there is an extremely ancient and extremely mysterious long sword, which is full of charm.

Among them, there is a bright and endless divine light...


The aura emanating from the ancient sword made Tu Shanyu feel unprecedented fear just by looking at it.

at this time!

His soul was trembling!

"What's this?"

he said in horror.

Buzz buzz~

Just when Tu Shanyu was shocked, suddenly, a sad sound of swords suddenly reached his ears.

Look up!

I saw that the Ji Dao pseudo-divine weapon in Han Bai's hand just happened to fall not far from the ancient sword.

At this moment.

The Ji Dao false divine weapon made a sad sword sound, and the sword kept trembling.


Under Tu Shanyu's disbelieving gaze, the divine power blessed by Han Bai's Ji Dao pseudo-magical weapon began to collapse.

Not only that!

Even the entire sword body had numerous cracks.


In the end, the Ji Dao pseudo-divine weapon blessed with eighty-one rays of divine power collapsed and turned into a handful of powder just like Han Bai.


Seeing this horrific scene, Tu Shanyu instantly took a breath of air.

His expression was extremely shocked!

That was the Ji Dao false divine weapon blessed with eighty-one true divine powers, and it collapsed for no reason?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes and killed Tu Shanyu, he wouldn't have believed it was true.


Not only him, but Shang Yang and Yan Qingshan in the distance also showed extremely frightened expressions after seeing this scene.

"That was the ultimate false divine weapon, and it was destroyed? This... what on earth is going on?"

Shang Yang exclaimed.


He didn't know what happened!

Faced with his shock and horror, Jie Wuyou and Tushan Ruoruo had smiles on their faces.

"Uncle, although the Ji Dao pseudo-divine weapons are powerful, they are just a joke in front of the real artifacts..."

Tushan Ruoruo chuckled.



Upon hearing these two words, Shang Yang's pupils suddenly tightened.

Even his body started to tremble...

"Little girl, you...you said that is...an artifact?"

Shang Yang asked tremblingly.

Hear the words!

Tushan Ruoruo nodded.


"That is the sword of war, a divine weapon forged by the God of Qingshan of the Tushan clan!"

"Let alone the false divine weapons of the extreme, even the true human divine weapons will be destroyed in front of the sword of war."

Speaking of which.

Tushan Ruoruo raised her little head proudly, her eyes full of pride.


As soon as he said these words, both Shang Yang and Yan Qingshan's eyes widened, and there was a huge wave of panic in their hearts.

"Little girl, are you also from the Tushan clan?"


"We are from the Tushan clan in Daqingshan. My name is Tushan Ruoruo, his name is Jie Wuyou, and he is the dragon-seeking messenger of the temple."

Tushan Ruoruo introduced innocently.

Daqingshan Tushan clan?

Hearing this, Shang Yang and Yan Qingshan looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"Then the eldest sister you mentioned before is..."

"Oh, my eldest sister is the high priest of the temple. She is already here. Uncle, you will be able to see her soon."

"Uncle, my eldest sister is very scary. When she comes, you must not speak."

Tushan Ruoruo whispered.


Seeing Tushan Ruoruo's expression, Shang Yang couldn't help but feel an inexplicable nervousness and fear in his heart.

In his opinion, the high priest of Daqingshan Tushan clan must be extremely majestic.

Thinking about this!

Shang Yang immediately did not dare to say anything and waited anxiously...

at the same time!

The conversation between Tu Shan Ruoruo and him also reached Tu Shan Yu's ears, word for word.

After hearing the word "artifact", he was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out, and unprecedented panic and fear arose in his heart.

Since there are artifacts, there must be gods!


Still a living god!

"Elder of the clan, that sword..."


Tu Shanyu looked at the bronze palace behind him, but the response that came from the palace made his heart fall into an abyss.

Bang bang bang~

Then, under Tu Shanyu's gaze, an old man in linen clothes with a strong spirit and shining eyes slowly walked out of the bronze palace.

This person!

Astonishingly, it was Tu Shanji, one of the elders of the Tushan clan in Nanling!


After walking out of the bronze palace, his cold eyes instantly fell on the sword of war in the distance.

When he felt the pure and mighty divine power, his old eyes also shrank severely.

His expression became more solemn than ever before!

"Elder of the clan, is this person also a member of the Tushan clan?"


Tu Shanji glanced at Tu Shan Ruoruo in the distance and nodded.

"According to the ancient records of the clan, a branch of my Tushan clan has always lived in this Leize."

"I originally thought that after tens of thousands of years of changes, their branch would have disappeared from the world."

"I didn't expect that not only did they not become extinct, but they also developed so much."

"Even gods were born in the clan..."

Tu Shanji's expression was extremely solemn.

When he said the word 'god', there was a hint of fear and fear in his deep eyes.

after all!

Even their Nanling Tushan clan could only revive their gods after tens of thousands of years of worship.


A clan that had long been forgotten actually walked in front of them?


When he thought that the other party had a real artifact, Tu Shanji felt uneasy...

"Elder of the clan, let's... leave?"

Tu Shanyu said tentatively.

at this time!

He was no longer as arrogant as before, and was only filled with panic and fear.

All he wants now is to leave here!


Facing his longing eyes, Tu Shanji sighed and shook his head.

"it's useless!"

"The other party's people are already here..."


Already here?

Hearing this, Tu Shanyu was shocked!


He followed Tu Shanji's gaze and looked into the void in the distance.

call out!

I saw, along with the great power and momentum, a bright divine light cut through the void, and finally turned into an ancient and huge divine boat, appearing in front of me.

On top of the Shenzhou!

There are three men and one woman, four figures!


When they appeared, Tu Shanji, Tu Shanyu, Shang Yang, Yan Qingshan and others immediately looked over.


Fixed on the woman at the front of the Shenzhou!

I saw a woman riding a white elk, wearing snow-white sacrificial clothing, and holding a scepter.

The whole person is as cold as the moon god!

In her body, there is a majesty that is indifferent to all living beings in the world, and there is also dignity and sanctity that cannot be desecrated.


After just one glance, Shang Yang, Tu Shanyu and others couldn't help but feel a sense of sincere awe in their hearts.

That feeling is like a humble mortal looking up to the gods!

"Is this the high priest of Tushan clan in Daqingshan?"

"This majesty and magnanimity are even more terrifying than that of the high priest of the Zhu Rong clan..."

Shang Yang was extremely shocked.

Now, he finally understood what Tushan Ruoruo said before, that the high priest was not only terrifying, but simply intimidating.

some people!

Born to be different from ordinary people!

Tushan Cangyue is this kind of person...

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