
Looking at the scene in front of him, Jie Wuyou couldn't help but open his mouth wide, and his eyes were filled with unprecedented surprise and shock.

at this time!

He felt that his knowledge had been completely subverted!

Tushan Ruoruo can actually ripen the sub-miracle medicine. What kind of heaven-defying power is this?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that beating Jie Wuyou to death was something a weak little girl could do.


It was a shock, but the excitement in Jie Wuyou's heart was also quite strong.


As Tushan Ruoruo performed the magic of transplanting flowers and trees, the origin and essence of the twelve sub-miracle medicines began to be continuously integrated into the Nine-turn Resurrection Grass.


The Nine-turn Resurrection Grass begins to mature at a speed visible to the naked eye...

This is a top-notch sub-miracle medicine!

If you take it back and offer it to the Great God Qingshan, it will definitely be a great achievement.

The more I think about it.

Jie Wuyou is even more excited!

"Ruoruo, how long will it take for this... to happen?"

He rubbed his hands and asked carefully.

"Well, it may take more than half an hour for the Nine-turn Resurrection Grass to fully mature. Uncle Xie, help me protect the law and don't let other things disturb me."


Jie Wuyou nodded heavily.

Say it.

He just concentrated on being vigilant around him.

that's all!

Under the ripening of Tushan Ruoruo's magic, the purple air above the Nine Turns of Resurrection Grass became more and more intense.

call out!

At the end, the purple light that bloomed turned into a bright pillar of light, rising into the sky.

at the same time!

Waves of mysterious fragrance swept across like a tide...

"not good!"

Seeing this sudden vision, Jie Wuyou's expression suddenly changed.

There was intense worry in his eyes!

All treasures from heaven and earth will produce visions when they mature. The more precious the treasure, the greater the movement of visions.


The Nine-turn Resurrection Grass is about to mature, but it suddenly erupts with such strange phenomena. If it attracts its strange beasts or cultivators, they will inevitably fall into a dangerous situation.

Think of this.

Jie Wuyou didn't dare to hesitate and immediately took out a mysterious yellow paper from his arms.

This is the God Summoning Paper!

At first!

The high priest Tu Shan Cang Yue gave him, Wu Huan, Feng Changqing, Tu Shan Tuo and others one piece each for contact purposes in times of emergency.

Jie Wuyou has always treasured this thing and is reluctant to use it.

But the situation was critical right now. With the strength of him and Tushan Ruoruo, if something unexpected happened, it would be impossible to defend the Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass.


We must seek help from the high priest!

[High Priest, I am Jie Wuyou. Now Ruoruo and I have found a top-notch sub-miracle medicine, the Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass, thirty thousand miles east of Lingxu. 】

[The Nine-turn Resurrection Grass is about to mature, and a strange phenomenon has erupted. The subordinates are worried that it will cause an accident, and they also ask the high priest to send someone to support! 】

call out!

After the inspection was correct, Jie Wuyou immediately called on the divine paper to light it, turning it into a golden light and disappearing into the vast void.

"I hope the high priest and the others can arrive in time, otherwise..."

Relieve worry-filled worries.


He paid close attention to everything going on around him, and at the same time prayed secretly in his heart that no accident would happen.


This place is in the spirit ruins, and the strange phenomenon erupted by the Nine Turns of Resurrection Grass is so intense that it is impossible to cover it up.

It is unrealistic to not attract attention...

call out!

Just when the purple energy of the Nine-turn Resurrection Grass was rising into the sky, a hundred miles away from Jie Wuyou and the others, there was a simple blue treasure ship, sailing slowly and leisurely.

On it, there are two figures!

One of them is a young man in white clothes with a tall figure and extraordinary temperament.

at this time.

He sat cross-legged in front of the treasure ship, playing chess and sipping tea leisurely, looking extremely comfortable.

Except him!

Behind him, there was a middle-aged man in mysterious clothes with his hands behind his back.

The middle-aged man, with a Chinese character face, exudes a resolute and unyielding demeanor. Just standing there gives people an indomitable spirit.

A pair of deep eyes, looking into the void in all directions...


Suddenly, as if he had discovered something, the man in Xuanyi suddenly turned his sharp eyes to the east a hundred miles away.

When he saw the purple energy rising into the sky, his eyes suddenly opened wide.

Inside, the light is shining!

"Mr. Yang, where are you looking?"

"A hundred miles away in the east, purple air rises straight into the sky, and there is a strange fragrance filling the air. I am afraid that a treasure from heaven and earth will be born."

He raised his hand and pointed to the void in the distance.

Hear the words!

The young man in white who was enjoying tea and playing chess immediately looked over and his starry eyes narrowed slightly.

"The treasure energy rising there and the purple energy soaring into the sky should be a sub-miracle medicine."

"To be able to derive such a huge vision, that sub-miracle medicine must be extraordinary. Its quality has probably reached the ultimate level of sub-miracle medicine..."

The young man in white had a sparkling look in his eyes.

"Uncle Yan, let's go over and take a look!"

He said to the man in black clothes without looking back.


The middle-aged man in Xuanyi frowned and did not carry out his order.

"Mr. Yang, before we left, the high priest repeatedly told us that we must not meddle in other people's business when we go to the ancient sacred well of Lingxu."

"Everything can only be watched, not interfered with!"

"Otherwise, it will inevitably lead to disaster and may be in danger of life and death..."

The man in black clothes said in a condensed voice.

His name is Yan Qingshan, born in a wealthy family in the Eastern Region, and he is the guardian of the Ninth Young Master Shang Yang.

This time!

His duty is to protect Shang Yang Zhouquan!

Since the high priest had sternly told him not to meddle in other people's business when he went to the ancient sacred well, Yan Qingshan must abide by his duties.

Even if the top-notch sub-miracle medicine appeared in the distance, he could not violate the high priest's instructions.


He was worried that if he got involved, it would cause trouble.


Faced with Yan Qingshan's stubbornness and worries, Shang Yang smiled nonchalantly.

"Uncle Yan, let's just go over and take a look. As long as we don't get involved, there won't be any danger."

"Furthermore, with the prestige of our Zhu Rong clan, who are we afraid of in this great eastern region?"

Shang Yang was calm and composed, with a faint smile always hanging on the corner of his mouth.


"Young Master Yang, the high priest told you..."

"Uncle Yan, I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, nothing will happen!"

"Actually, when we left, the high priest also said something to me: If you thrive when you meet the mountains, good luck will come from the east!"

"Now, I have understood the meaning of the second half of the sentence..."

Shang Yang said with a smile.

Being prosperous when encountering mountains, good luck in the east?

Hearing this, Yan Qingshan was shocked!

"Mr. Yang, is this the advice given to you by the high priest?"


"Before leaving, the high priest said that as long as I can understand the mystery of these words, I will have a great future in the future."

"If you don't understand it thoroughly, you will die!"

"Now, I have understood the meaning of the second half of the sentence. As for the first half, I don't have any clue yet..."

Speaking of which.

Shang Yang's stern face showed sadness.

"Master Yang, may I ask what the high priest means in the second half of his sentence?"

"Well, I'm just guessing."

"Uncle Yan, according to my guess, what the high priest calls 'Dongfang Daji' refers to either a certain surname or a direction."

"Since Zhu Rong's departure, we have not encountered Dongfang's surname along the way, but now there is a vision of a sub-miracle medicine."

"Uncle Yan, look where is the magic medicine?"


Upon hearing this, Yan Qingshan's eyes swept across the void in front of him, and a divine light flashed across his eyes.

"Due east?"

he asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's the East!"

"According to my guess, when the high priest said 'the east is auspicious', it means that the direction of the east is auspicious."

"As long as we are in the east, or heading east, there will be no danger."

Shang Yang said thoughtfully.

“Then what does the first half of the sentence ‘hinged by the mountains’ mean?”

"Well, I can't figure it out either."

He shook his head.

"Oh, it's true that the high priest has clearly seen through it, but he deliberately didn't reveal it and insisted on letting people guess."

Yan Qingshan complained.

Hear the words!

Shang Yang also showed a wry smile.

"The high priest naturally has his reasons for doing this."

"If I can understand all the mysteries of 'Rising when encountering mountains, good luck in the east', I will be able to live a glorious life; if I can't understand it, I will die."

"Right now, I am on the edge of life and death. If I make one wrong step, I will be doomed..."

Shang Yang's face was heavy.

Not only him, but also Yan Qingshan beside him.

"Mr. Yang, do we really want to go?"

"Well, let's go and have a look."

"As long as you don't get involved, nothing will happen..."


They were preparing to head toward the east a hundred miles away.

call out!

At this moment, a ray of cyan mysterious light cut through the void, carrying a huge force, and got in front of them.

That is, an ancient bronze palace!

Extremely majestic and majestic!

Moreover, it exudes a vast aura of ancient times...

"That's... the Tushan clan of Nanling?"

Yan Qingshan frowned as he looked at the bronze palace that was flying through the air.

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