"very good!"

"After blessing the divine power of blessing, although the level and quality of the War Sword itself have not been improved and it is still a low-grade artifact, its power has been improved by several levels."

"Even the Ji Dao pseudo-divine weapons cannot compare with it..."

Looking at the sword of war in front of him, Lin Wudao had a satisfied smile on his lips.

After this strengthening, the Sword of War finally has some of the atmosphere and power of an artifact, which has greatly improved the combat effectiveness of its people.


Due to the special nature of the divine weapon, it is inherently much more powerful than the divine weapons used by human gods.


The sword of war, a low-grade divine weapon, is comparable to the high-grade divine weapons in the world.

Once taken out, the Yakuza pseudo-divine weapons in the hands of the top forces in the Eastern Region will be simply garbage...

Think of this!

Lin Wudao couldn't help but have a hint of expectation in his eyes.

He wanted to see what the outside world would look like after seeing the Sword of War...

"Tushan Cangyue!"


He cast his eyes on Tu Shan Cang Yue under the altar.

"Greetings to the great god!"

Hearing Lin Wudao's voice, Tushan Cangyue immediately bowed to the ground with a respectful attitude.

"Tomorrow is the day when the ancient divine well erupts. At that time, great opportunities and great fortunes will appear. You should also go and see it."

"By the way, let's go and get in touch with many forces outside Lei Ze."

"Remember, don't lose the prestige of my Tushan clan!"

"This time, you can go there with the sword of war..."

A majestic and majestic voice slowly sounded.


As the words fell, a great will suddenly descended. In an instant, a lot of information about the Sword of War appeared in Tushan Cangyue's mind.

"Thank you, God, for your mercy!"

Tushan Cangyue bowed respectfully.

With this sword of war, it is enough to sweep away all enemies!

"By the way, now that the God's Domain has just been established, in order to make things easier for you, I will give you one more thing..."

call out!

With a thought in Lin Wudao's mind, he saw a ray of bright divine light descending and instantly transformed into an ancient divine boat, appearing outside the temple.

"This is the boat to the other shore!"

"Driven by the lower-grade divine stone, one breath can reach one hundred thousand miles; driven by the medium-grade divine stone, one breath can reach two hundred thousand miles; driven by the above-grade divine stone, one breath can reach three hundred thousand miles."

"Powered by the best divine stone, it can travel five hundred thousand miles in one breath!"

While talking.

Lin Wudao waved his sleeves, and a pile of low-grade sacred stones were piled on the ground, blooming with bright divine light.

These sacred stones were obtained by him from collecting corpses.

"Thank you, God!"

Looking at the sacred stone in front of him and the boat on the other side, Tu Shan Cang Yue bowed devoutly again.

Woof woof~

Just when she was looking at the boat on the other side, suddenly, a sound of barking came from the boat on the other side.


When Tushan Cangyue was confused, he saw a black and white dog sticking its head out of the boat on the other side.

Looking at the surrounding scene with eyes like a fool...

"Hey, you actually forgot about this piece of shit?"

Looking at the dog's head protruding from the boat on the other side, Lin Wudao couldn't help but shook his head.

He almost forgot about the Dog of Sin!

"No wonder I didn't see this bitch twice when I went to the Land of Sin before. It turned out to be hiding in the boat on the other side."

"Forget it, now that it's out, let's keep it in the Tushan clan..."

Lin Wudao sighed.

The dog of sin is a scourge!


It has always stayed in the land of sin, with nothing to harm it. Now that it is freed from its shackles, it will only cause trouble in the future.

"Master, is that...a dog?"


"That's a sinful dog named Erha. It's a pet raised by this god in the human world."

"The Dog of Sin, born from the source of sin, is the incarnation of all sin and evil in the world, and specializes in feeding on evil substances."

"In addition, it also likes to eat all kinds of natural and earthly treasures!"

"This dog is unruly and can easily get into trouble. You must not be bitten by it. Once you are bitten by it, you will be corrupted by evil."

"By then, your cultivation will have dropped by at least one level!"

"Also, this sinful dog has a very keen sense of smell and is extremely vindictive. If you offend it, the consequences will be very tragic..."


Lin Wudao imprinted a lot of information about the evil dog on Tu Shan Cang Yue's soul.


He handed over the dog chain made by the Penglai God Clan to Tushan Cangyue.

"The dog of sin is unruly and unruly. This dog chain can restrain it a little. If nothing happens, it is best not to let it go out of Daqingshan."


Tushan Cangyue bowed in response.


Just when she took the dog leash in mid-air, Erha, who was looking around on the boat on the other side, grinned at Tushan Cangyue as if he saw something.

Showing a ferocious expression!

Immediately afterwards.

It jumped suddenly and disappeared instantly...

Watch this scene.

Tu Shan Cang Yue raised her eyebrows.

"Boundary between heaven and earth!"


She gently pressed her hands together, and an invisible barrier that was invisible to the naked eye instantly formed within the realm of God, and it quickly shrank.

In just a few breaths, the barrier between heaven and earth shrank to the area surrounding the temple.

at the same time!

Erha, who had originally escaped from the temple, appeared strangely at the same place again, with his eyes wide open as he kept hitting the barrier.

Taking this opportunity, Tu Shan Cang Yue raised his hand gently and put the dog chain firmly on its head.

"Hey, this silly dog ​​finally met his match..."

Looking at the trapped Erha, Lin Wudao also showed a joking smile.

If it falls into Tushan Cangyue's hands, I'm afraid it will suffer from it in the future.


After paying attention for a moment, Lin Wudao left the Qingshan Temple.

at the same time!

Tushan Cangyue also tied Erha to the pillar of the temple.


She ordered the divine attendants to summon Yin Siming, Tu Shannuo and others to the temple.

"Hey, why is there a dog in the temple?"

"What kind of dog is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

"This dog looks so stupid..."

"What a silly dog!"

Seeing Erha who was tied to the pillar and howling constantly, Tu Shannuo and others were immediately filled with curiosity.


They wanted to go up and tease them, but Yin Siming stopped them in time.

"I would like to advise you, it's best not to provoke it, otherwise you will definitely end up in a miserable state."

"Being bitten by it will cause your cultivation level to drop to a great level, or your body and soul to disappear..."

Yin Siming said in a deep voice.


So scary?

Everyone gasped in unison and no longer dared to approach the sinful dog.

"Come in, everyone!"

Just as everyone was looking at Erha with curiosity, Tushan Cangyue's voice suddenly came from the temple.

Hear the words!

Everyone did not dare to hesitate and immediately walked in with solemn faces.

"Meet the high priest!"


"Where is the dragon-seeking messenger Jie Wuyou?"

Tushan Cangyue glanced at everyone, but did not find Jie Wuyou.

"Reporting to the high priest, Jie Wuyou and Ruoruo went out to hunt for treasures."

Tu Shansuo reported.

"Just the two of them?"

"Well, there are also Qingtianhou and Zishen Diao."

"High Priest, this is not the first time Ruoruo has gone out. Nothing will happen to him. Besides, he has Jie Wuyou by his side."

Tu Shannuo smiled carelessly.

As long as he doesn't leave the divine realm, Tushan Ruoruo will be fine!


After hearing his words, Tushan Cangyue's divine mind swept across the divine realm, but his brows furrowed slightly.


She did not find Tushan Ruoruo in the divine realm...

There is only one answer!

They have left the realm of God!

"Great Heavenly Master, can you calculate where Ruoruo and the others are now?"

Tushan Cangyue asked Yin Siming.

Hear the words!

Yin Siming immediately stretched out his right hand and started calculating carefully.


His expression changed.

"not good!"

"If they are in danger..."

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