"Pei Qingming, the elder of the eighth clan of the Lihuo Ancient Clan!"

The moment the old man in Mai appeared, there were bursts of discussion among the surrounding crowd.

The words reveal awe!


When they saw the cyan ancient sword behind Pei Qingming, everyone present showed intense fear in their eyes.

Because that is a false divine weapon of the Imperial Way!

In the Great Eastern Domain, due to the limitations of the rules of heaven and earth in the Mountain Realm, all living beings are unable to break through to the magical realm.

At most, it can only reach the Great Perfection of Divine Illumination Realm!

at this time.

At the same level of cultivation, whoever has stronger pseudo-magical weapons in his hands will have stronger combat power.


After reaching the Great Perfection of the Divine Illumination Realm, practitioners compete with each other on secret techniques and pseudo-magical weapons...

With the Imperial Pseudo Divine Weapon in hand, Pei Qingming's combat prowess is naturally not comparable to that of Pei Qianjun.

without any exaggeration.

Pei Qingming can kill Pei Qianjun instantly!

This is the huge gap between the pseudo-magical soldiers...

"Taiyuan Ancient Sword?"

At the same time, Lin Wudao also walked out of the ancient secret realm. When his eyes glanced at the ancient sword behind Pei Qingming, a flash of surprise flashed across his eyes.

According to the insight of the eyes of the gods, the Taiyuan ancient sword was a low-quality imperial weapon.

"An ordinary clan elder possesses the pseudo-magical weapons of the Imperial Way. It seems that the Lihuo Ancient Clan's heritage cannot be underestimated."

"There must be more powerful pseudo-magical weapons of the Imperial Dao among his clan."

Lin Wudao thought secretly.

As an ancient clan that has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, its power is naturally extraordinary. Maybe it has the best imperial and pseudo-magical weapons.

"I wonder if a crazy person can handle the situation?"


Lin Wudao immediately hid in the dark and watched quietly.

"Anyone who offends our ancient Lihuo tribe will be killed!"

Pei Qingming was filled with murderous intent.


The moment he finished speaking, the Taiyuan Ancient Sword hanging behind him suddenly burst into a monstrous blue light.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of incomparably sharp sword lights turned into a terrifying river of sword energy, heading towards the crazy Taoist to kill them.

The majestic sword intent covers ten directions!

See this.

The onlookers around the ancient divine well were all retreating crazily as fast as they could, for fear of suffering an unreasonable disaster.

Compared to them, the crazy Taoist didn't have any fear.


After seeing Pei Qingming appear, a greedy smile appeared on his lips...

"Imperial Pseudo Divine Weapon?"

"Old man, since you came to my door voluntarily, I will help you."


As he spoke, the mad Taoist's head was filled with brilliant light, and an ancient and majestic golden pagoda appeared in the bright divine light.


Thousands of golden divine lights hung down and turned into a golden light curtain, guarding the mad Taoist inside.

No matter how ferocious Pei Qingming's Taiyuan Sword Qi was, it could not penetrate it and only caused waves of ripples.

"The ultimate imperial pseudo-magical weapon!"

far away.

On the spirit boat where the Canglan Ancient Clan was located, Wei Jiang, the elder of the Canglan Clan, suddenly opened his eyes, and a look of shock appeared on his old face.

The ultimate imperial pseudo-magical weapon, even among their Canglan ancient clan, is a treasure-like existence.

Extremely valuable!

However, what Wei Jiang didn't expect was that the crazy Taoist in front of him actually held a top-notch imperial pseudo-magical weapon.


It’s also a defensive imperial pseudo-magical weapon!

"With this golden pagoda, that person will be invincible..."

Wei Jiang murmured softly.

There was a gleam of heat in his eyes.


Wei Jiang was not the only one who was shocked and coveted the Golden Pagoda.

In addition to him, the mysterious third prince also let out a slight exclamation in the golden palace of Tianlong Ancient Kingdom.

"The best pseudo-magical weapon of the emperor?"

"I didn't expect this person to have such a treasure? Is it possible that he also obtained this pagoda from that secret realm?"

"If this is the case, then the secret realm will be extraordinary..."

A gentle whisper came from the golden palace.

"Yuan Feng, if you have a chance later, leave that golden pagoda to me."


The middle-aged man who had been guarding outside the palace bowed in response.


His cold eyes fell firmly on the crazy Taoist.

"Haha, the ancient Tianlong Kingdom dares to take advantage of the old Taoist idea?"

"I'm not afraid that you won't fight, but I'm afraid that you won't come!"

"When I bury Pei Qingming, I will deal with you..."

As if sensing the intention from Yuan Feng, the crazy Taoist's eyes burst out with a cold and fierce light.

Say it.

He put his hands together gently!


A mighty imperial power suddenly surged out like the great river of heaven, directly wiping out the monstrous sword river that had been cut down.


The crazy Taoist stretched out his hand, and an ancient seal like a pyramid suddenly flew out of his hand.


It turned into a golden mountain that was more than a hundred feet high and fell towards Pei Qingming.

A moment!

Everyone present felt as if the heavens were pouring...

"Another imperial pseudo-magical weapon?"

Everyone was shocked.

"Does this person have a treasure house of the Imperial Dao? How come he has so many pseudo-magical weapons of the Imperial Dao?"

"Could it be that it was obtained from the secret realm?"

"This is too cruel!"

"Ordinary people are extremely lucky and lucky to have one of the Imperial Pseudo Divine Weapons. He actually has two?"

"I guess he definitely has more than just these treasures..."

The onlookers were talking a lot.

this moment!

Almost everyone's eyes burst out with strong greed and passion, and they wanted to rush over immediately and snatch the false divine weapon of the Imperial Way from the hands of the mad Taoist.

Even strong men like Wei Jiang, who came from the Canglan Ancient Clan, were envious of the crazy Taoist people.

"He alone is enough to match the background of a medium-sized force..."

Wei Jiang secretly clenched his fists.

The heat in his eyes became even stronger!


They didn't know that all this was done deliberately by crazy people.

If so many treasures are not revealed, how can the big fish take the bait?

"The treasure touches the heart!"

"If someone jumps out later, I will deal with him first, hehe..."

He was grinning secretly in his heart.


The mad Taoist mobilized the ancient golden mountain and crazily suppressed it towards Pei Qingming. Under the impact of the terrifying imperial power, the earth began to collapse crazily.

Many substances around him were destroyed one after another and turned into powder...

"Qingtian Sword Qi!"

Seeing the golden mountain pressing down above his head, Pei Qingming's expression became more solemn than ever before.


As he raised his hand, he performed a mysterious sword technique.

I saw that the Taiyuan Ancient Sword hanging behind me suddenly erupted with a mighty green divine light, and then evolved into a world-shattering giant sword, slashing hard on the golden mountain.


The sword energy collided with the golden mountain, each trying to destroy the other.

"The Great Burial Technique!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the crazy Taoist raised his hand and performed a big burial technique, which instantly turned into a terrifying tomb and buried Pei Qingming in it.

"not good!"

Feeling the boundless evil surging around him, Pei Qingming's expression changed drastically.

this moment.

He smelled death...

"Forbidden Technique: The Combination of Man and Sword!"

Under the threat of death, Pei Qingming could no longer care about anything else and immediately used the forbidden technique of combining man and sword.

In an instant!

His whole body's energy and spirit seemed to be integrated with the Taiyuan Ancient Sword, making the burst of Sky-Qing Sword Qi more than ten times more powerful.


Under the impact of the forbidden technique: the integration of human and sword, the large tomb evolved from the Great Burial Technique was actually cut open by Pei Qingming with one sword.

Not only that!

The powerful force, along with the golden mountain, was also chopped away with a sword...

See this.

The crazy Taoist's face darkened.

"The Great Burial Technique!"

"The Great Burial Technique!"

"The Great Burial Technique!"

In a rage, he stacked three large tombs in succession, hoping to kill Pei Qingming on the spot.


Just when the crazy Taoist was dealing with Pei Qingming with all his strength, Yuan Feng, who was above the golden palace in the distance, saw the right moment, stepped forward, and appeared behind him in an instant.

"Cut it in two!"

Under everyone's gaze, Yuan Feng took out an ancient black sword as quickly as possible and slashed at the mad Taoist with great ferocity.


This sudden scene immediately aroused the horror of everyone watching.


They all could see that what Yuan Feng was holding was also a top-grade imperial pseudo-magical weapon.

Moreover, it is too fierce!

Its quality and power are already infinitely close to the Ji Dao level...

"Did the Ancient Tianlong Kingdom take action?"

"Now, that person is probably doomed."

Everyone sighed secretly.

Under the flanking attack of Pei Qingming and Yuan Feng, even if he holds two false weapons of the imperial way, the crazy Taoist will inevitably die.


They don't understand crazy Taoists at all.

Even Lin Wudao doesn't know all the crazy Taoist's methods and trump cards...

"You are here to die."

Lin Wudao sighed secretly.

Even though the crazy Taoist was currently between life and death, Lin Wudao firmly believed that the crazy Taoist still had some cards to play.


Just when Yuan Feng came to kill him with the best imperial pseudo-magical weapon, the mad Taoist suddenly turned his head, with a teasing smile on his lips.

"Hey, I've been waiting for you!"

"The incarnation of Burial Heaven!"

Seeing Yuan Feng slashing hard with his sword, at the critical moment, a dark and evil incarnation of Zang Tian appeared behind the crazy Taoist.


I saw the incarnation of Zangtian behind him, using his hands to create a mysterious seal.

"The Heaven Burial Technique!"


In an instant, an invisible force came to the world and blessed the crazy Taoist.


Everyone saw an extremely horrifying scene.

Yuan Feng and Pei Qingming, the sword light and sword energy that were slashing at the mad Taoist were forcibly imprisoned in mid-air.


After a slight pause, the power of the sword light and sword energy suddenly increased by more than ten times.


Go back the way you came!

With lightning speed, it fell on Yuan Feng and Pei Qingming.



Accompanied by two extremely miserable screams, Yuan Feng and Pei Qingming were cut in half by the returning sword light and sword energy.

All hope was wiped out...

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