
Seeing Lin Wudao's extremely fierce slash, Lu Yunxiao, who had been exposed as a demon, stopped pretending and saw a ferocious roar coming from his throat.

There was a monstrous aura of demons all over his body...

A pair of eyes, even more scarlet!

The whole person instantly became no different from the demon behind him.

"I turned into a demon!"

"Lu Yunxiao is really using his own body to feed demons. It's too scary..."

"Knowing people and faces but not their hearts. On the surface, he is a peerless genius, but secretly he is raising monsters, bringing harm to the world, and devouring many living beings."

"Such evil obstacles must not be allowed to remain!"

The moment the demon's true form was revealed, indignant voices suddenly came from the surrounding crowd.

Raising demons is a grave sin!

But everyone can kill all living beings in this world!

this moment.

The guests present, apart from being shocked and horrified, also cast angry glances at Lu Yunxiao, wishing that he would be hacked to death by Lin Wudao.

In fact!

Lu Yunxiao, who is fused with the nine-headed demon ape, is not a real demon, but he is at least half a demon. Not only does he possess the powerful power of a demon, but his physical defense is also amazing.


After merging with the body of the demon, his power instantly surged to the late stage of the other side, with overwhelming ferocity.


This still can't stop Lin Wudao's blade!


With a sharp slash, Lu Yunxiao's late-stage strength on the other side became extremely weak, and he vomited blood and flew backwards.

There was a terrifying knife mark left on the chest...

If it weren't for the powerful demon body, the knife just now would have split him in half.

not dead?

Lin Wudao was slightly surprised.

He only used three points of his strength for this knife!

I thought I could kill Lu Yunxiao with one sword, but now it seems that the demon body's defense is indeed amazing, and it can basically resist the attack of the transformed god.

Think of this!

Lin Wudao immediately stepped forward and came to Lu Yunxiao, raising his hand to chop him to death.


At the critical moment, with a loud roar, Lu Cangmang held an ancient long sword and blocked Lin Wudao.

"Lu Yunxiao used his body to feed the devil, and he deserves to be punished for his crime!"

"Why, do you, the Lu family, still want to protect him?"

Lin Wudao's eyes were cold.

Hear the words!

Lu Cangmang clenched his fists tightly, his eyes filled with pain.

"Raising demons is an unpardonable crime!"

"Since Lu Yunxiao has done such an outrageous thing and committed a heinous crime, even if he is a genius of our Lu family, I will never cover him up."

"The reason for this is that I want Palace Master Lin to make it easier for me to kill this evil obstacle with my own hands..."


Want to kill Lu Yunxiao with your own hands?

Hearing this, everyone present looked shocked.

They didn't expect that Lu Cangmang could be so cruel?


Compared to the surrounding guests, Lin Wudao had a faint sneer on his lips.

"Are you really going to kill Lu Yunxiao with your own hands?"


"My Lu family and the demons are inseparable. No matter who raises the demons, they must die!"


While speaking, Lu Cangmang stabbed Lu Yunxiao's chest with his backhand sword.


"Ancestor...why...don't you save..."

Lu Yunxiao's face was full of ferocity.

His eyes were full of hatred and despair!


Under everyone's gaze, he took his last breath and fell into the blood.


Seeing this scene, the onlookers were shocked.

"He actually killed him!"

"This ancestor of the Lu family is also a ruthless person."

"Huh, dying like this is really an advantage for him!"

"Oh, you are such a genius, why do you want to raise demons..."

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd.

They didn't have any sympathy for Lu Yunxiao's death, they just lamented that he had gone astray and ruined his bright future.

Among the people present, only Lin Wudao was watching with cold eyes!

"Someone, bring Lu Yunxiao's body down..."

At this time.

Lu Cangmang suddenly summoned several guards to carry Lu Yunxiao's body away.

See it!

Lin Wudao yelled immediately.


He blocked the way with his knife, looking straight at Lu Cangmang with a pair of cold eyes.

"Palace Master Lin, Lu Yunxiao is dead. Don't we, the Lu family, even have the power to collect his body?"

Lu Cangmang had a sullen face and growled.

He looked very painful!


Lin Wudao turned a blind eye!

"Who said Lu Yunxiao is dead?"

Although his voice was not loud, it shocked everyone present.


Lu Yunxiao is not dead yet?

For a moment, everyone looked over again.

at the same time!

After hearing Lin Wudao's words, Lu Cangmang's body trembled slightly, and a strong hatred flashed deep in his eyes.

"What does Palace Master Lin mean?"

"Everyone has seen that I have killed Lu Yunxiao with my own hands, and he has indeed died, and there is no life left in him."

"Now that it's been like this, are you still doubting that he's not dead?"

"Are you doing this deliberately to humiliate my Lu family in public?"

Lu Cangmang asked sharply.


As he spoke, the momentum of the Great Perfection on the other side was instantly released, making everyone present breathless.


Lin Wudao was not affected at all.

From beginning to end, he was watching Lu Cangmang's performance with cold eyes...

"Since you said that Lu Yunxiao has been killed by you yourself, do you dare to cut off his head directly?"

"Demons are best at disguise, and pretending to be dead is also their specialty."

"As long as you dare to cut off Lu Yunxiao's head in public, then I will believe that you really killed Lu Yunxiao..."

Lin Wudao said coldly.

"You...you go too far!"

this moment.

Lu Cangmang's face was extremely gloomy, with strong hatred bursting out of his eyes.

Like that, I wish I could tear Lin Wudao into pieces...

"What, you don't dare?"


"Palace Master Lin, the dead are the most important! Since the people are already dead, why are you still holding on to them? Can't you leave a whole body for my son?"

At this time, Lu Qinghou, who had been silent all this time, completely exploded.

He looked at Lin Wudao with hatred.

"Oh, leave a whole body?"

"You think this is just a trick, you can hide it from me? It's a joke!"

"Lu Yunxiao is not dead at all!"

"He fed the demon with his body, and his body structure had already changed. He could no longer be considered a human being. When he decided to feed the demon with his body, the demon had already eaten his heart."

"Let me ask, will a heartless person die after being stabbed with a sword?"

A cold voice sounded slowly.


As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar!

Everyone looked at Lu Cangmang and Lu Yunxiao on the ground with incredible eyes.

"Is it true that Lu Yunxiao is not dead?"

Someone exclaimed.

"Maybe..., after all, Palace Master Lin is a professional."

"If he's dead, wouldn't it be enough to just chop him with a knife?"

"I think Lu Cangmang, an old thief, shouldn't dare to..."

"If you don't dare, then it proves that Lu Yunxiao is not dead. He wants to use this method to hide the truth and save Lu Yunxiao."

"Fuck, this old guy is so thief!"

At this moment, everyone's eyes changed greatly when they looked at Lu Cangmang.

I no longer respect him as much as before.

There is no sympathy or mercy!

See this scene.

Lu Cangmang was trembling all over...

"Since...I...I will..."

Faced with the pressure from everyone, he took a deep breath, then raised the long sword in his trembling hand and killed Lu Yunxiao with one strike.


Someone is faster than him!

call out!

A fierce and sharp sword flashed, and Lin Wudao was already one step ahead of him, slashing hard on Lu Yunxiao's neck.


Accompanied by a shrill scream, a head rolled down to Lu Cangmang's feet...

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