"What should we do on the second floor?"

After arranging all the 10,000 undead army and many treasures, Lin Wudao and the others arrived at the second floor of the God's Tomb.

Upon hearing Qin Daofu's inquiry, Lin Wudao did not speak, but the crazy Taoist beside him revealed an evil smile.

"Leave the second floor of the God's Tomb to me!"

call out!

call out!

call out!

As he spoke, the mad Taoist waved his hand, and along with bright golden light, twelve ancient golden figures nearly ten feet tall appeared on the ground.

Each one exudes a murderous aura that soars into the sky!

Twelve golden people?

Looking at what the crazy Taoist took out, Lin Wudao immediately glanced at it with his divine eyes. After a moment, a strong surprise appeared in his eyes.

That way!

It seems that I saw something incredible...

Name: The Buried

Level: Demigod level

Introduction: A magical item refined by a crazy Taoist using many treasures and the supreme secret technique in the "Burial Book".

Functions: 1. Each Buried One has the combat power of the late stage of the Divine Light Realm and can act according to the owner's will.

2. The Buried One can self-destruct!

3. Detonating the buried person outside the grave can cause more than a hundred times the damage to the living beings; detonating the explosion in the grave can cause more than 10,000 times the damage to the living beings.

Note: The higher the specification of the tomb, the greater the damage caused after the Buried One detonates it.


The Buried One?

This is actually something refined by a crazy Taoist?

Looking at the introduction about the Buried Person, even Lin Wudao showed an incredulous look.

This thing can both fight and self-destruct!

"Isn't this a bomb?"

"It's just that this power is too terrifying. Even if it is placed in the outside world, it can cause at least a hundred times the damage."

"Anyone with the cultivation level of Shenzhao Realm will be blown to death!"

"If the buried person is detonated in a tomb, it will cause more than 10,000 times the damage. The scene will be simply..."

Lin Wudao couldn't even imagine it!


After seeing the horror of the Buried Man, he had to admire the crazy Taoist.

This kind of hands-on ability is simply incredible!

"Old madman, what are you bringing out? It looks pretty powerful?"

Qin Daofu asked curiously.

Talking time!

He kept looking back and forth around the twelve buried people.

See this.

The crazy Taoist also showed a very proud smile.

"These twelve golden figures are great treasures that I refined with many treasures and combined with the supreme secret method."

"I call it: The Buried One!"

"The implication is to bury all living things in the world!"

"These twelve buried ones all possess the combat power of the late stage of the Divine Light Realm. In addition, its greatest function is to self-destruct."


Qin Daofu didn't know why.

"The so-called self-destruction means that as long as the enemy's strength exceeds that of the Buried One, the Buried One can use secret methods to cause the Buried One to self-destruct."

"After many improvements by me, the twelve Buried Ones in front of me, when used outside the tomb, can cause more than a hundred times the damage after self-destruction."

"If it self-destructs in the tomb, it can cause ten thousand times more damage!"

"At that time, even the monks who are in the Great Perfection of Divine Illumination Realm will be blown to death alive, hehe..."

The mad Taoist laughed evilly.


Ten thousand times the damage?

The monk who blew up the Dzogchen Realm of Death?

Upon hearing these words, Qin Daofu's eyes suddenly widened, and he kept gasping for air with a look of shock.


He thought that his undead army was brutal enough, but he didn't know that the crazy Taoist had prepared an even more terrifying weapon.

If these twelve buried people are as terrifying as he said, you can imagine what kind of tragic scene it will be after they explode themselves.

That must be the Shura Field!

"too strong!"

"Old madman, you really deserve to be a madman. Can you make such a terrifying mass murder weapon?"

"If these buried people were thrown out, wouldn't a large number of them be killed?"

Qin Daofu said in horror.

To this!

The crazy Taoist smiled and nodded.


"This is what I want, old man!"

The smile on his face became even brighter.


"It's a pity that refining the Buried One requires a lot of treasures, and it also requires extremely high levels of strength."

"Currently, the most I can do is make a Buried One who is in the late stage of the Divine Light Realm. When my cultivation reaches the Divine Wheel Realm, I may be able to make a perfect Buried One who is in the Divine Light Realm."

"At that time, if it self-destructs in the tomb, even a strong person in the supernatural realm will be blown to death under the impact of 10,000 times the damage."

The crazy Taoist became more and more excited as he talked.

His eyes were full of yearning!


Not only him, but also Qin Daofu and Lin Wudao were extremely excited.

This thing is simply a deceptive artifact!

at this time!

Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu were already looking forward to the tragic scene in their hearts of those people entering the second floor of the God's Tomb and being blown up by the buried ones.


Both of them had smiles on their faces...

"How's it going? I'm a buryer, am I okay?"

"That's great!"

"Tsk, tsk, 10,000 times the damage, I'm sure those powerful people in the Divine Illumination Realm will die in large numbers."

Qin Daofu was amazed again and again.

Even Lin Wudao is like this!

"Well, in that case, let me guard the second floor of the God's Tomb."

"As long as those people dare to come in, I will definitely give them a gift they will never forget, hehe..."

He looked treacherous.

Say it!

The crazy Taoist turned his hand over and took out another simple jade box.


The moment he opened it, bursts of mighty divine light immediately surged out like a tidal wave.

In an instant, it illuminates the second space of the God’s Tomb!

"Magic medicine?"

Qin Daofu exclaimed in surprise.

"Old madman, are you going to put this magical medicine on the second floor of the God's Tomb as bait?"


"If you want to do it, then do it bigger!"

"Our secret realm is called the Tomb of the Gods. Naturally, the true gods must be buried in it. If there are no god-level items, how can it live up to its name?"

The crazy Taoist responded with a smile.

When he mentioned the magic medicine, he thought of the scene when he was robbed in Chi Jiuxiao's tomb.

A flash of strong resentment flashed across his eyes!

That was a humiliation that he could never wash away for the rest of his life...

"Old madman, that's really a big deal. Aren't you afraid that those people will steal your magic medicine?"

At this time.

Lin Wudao said jokingly.

Hear the words!

The crazy Taoist's face darkened.


"Anyone who dares to steal my things has not yet been born!"

"If you are not afraid of death, go ahead. Come one, I will kill one..."

He growled viciously.

"But you have to take precautions, right? Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens!"

"The magic medicine is very rare. If it is really taken away, the gain will outweigh the loss and the loss will be huge."

"For the sake of safety, we still have to find a way to prevent the treasures we took out from being taken away by those people."

Qin Daofu said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the mad Taoist smiled mysteriously.

"Don't worry, I've already thought of a countermeasure!"

"Old Taoist, I dug out a semi-god-level heaven-capturing formation from a tomb before. As long as it is erected in the ancient divine well, no one can enter or leave it within thousands of miles around."

"When the time comes, no one can leave!"

The prison formation?

Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu looked at each other, secretly shocked.

The crazy Taoist is worthy of being the ancestor who dug graves. There are so many good things in his hands...

"In addition to the Heaven-Prisoning Formation, we have to make other preparations."

"After all, there are also strange people in the Mountain World, and there are also people from the outside who will come here."

"It's better to be careful!"

"For this, we have to find a helper..."


Looking for help?

Upon hearing this, both Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu looked confused.

"Who are you looking for?"

they asked in unison.

"of course……"

The crazy Taoist pointed in a direction with a smile.

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