Qingshan Temple!

Following Tushan Cangyue, Tushan Ruoruo came here full of anxiety. Although she had had contact with the God of Qingshan before, she was still very nervous.

A pair of small hands, holding the sub-god-level elixir tightly, followed Tushan Cangyue step by step...

"Tushan Ruoruo, pay your respects to the great god!"

Her weak body, with an extremely pious attitude, prostrated herself under the altar.

"Get up!"


As the majestic and majestic voice sounded, the originally silent statue began to shine with bright divine light.

Immediately afterwards, a great shadow appeared.

Supreme majesty!

After hearing the response from Lin Wudao, Tushan Ruoruo slowly stood up from the ground, and then carefully placed the elixir in his hand on the altar.

at the same time!

Lin Wudao's eyes also fell on her...

Name: Tushan Ruoruo

Identity: Goddess of Qingshan Temple

Cultivation: Early stage of Shenlun realm

Talent: Natural Ear (can listen to all sounds made by everything in the world)

Physique: Natural body

Kung Fu: "The Great Wilderness Sutra"

Destiny: Son of nature

Note: When you are born, you receive a ray of innate essence into your body, which contains boundless potential and creation, and is naturally compatible with all things.

Under the insight of the divine eye, all the information about Tushan Ruoruo was presented in front of him.

After reading this!

Lin Wudao couldn't help but reveal a strange look on his face.


He felt the wonder of fate. After three divine baptisms, Tushan Ruoruo seemed to have awakened and actually derived a natural body.

However, at this time, he collected the corpse and obtained a "Code of Nature" from Chi Jiuxiao's copper coffin.

It just corresponds to Tushan Ruoruo’s natural body!

all of these!

It seems that everything has been arranged long ago...

"This natural code seems to belong to her."

Lin Wudao sighed in his heart.

call out!

He raised his hand and pointed, and the natural code instantly turned into a ray of divine light and appeared in front of Tushan Ruoruo.

"Tushan Ruoruo, you have the most devout and firm belief in this god. As the goddess of the temple, you also need to become strong and share the worries of the high priest."

"You were born with a wisp of the essence of heaven and earth. You are born with huge potential, and now you have derived a natural body."

"This "Natural Code" is one of the nine supreme codes of Taoism evolution, and contains the supreme secret of nature."

"It has a total of twelve chapters. As long as you understand one of the chapters, you can become a true god in the world."

"If you understand the four chapters, you will become a saint in the world!"

"If you understand eight chapters, you can become an emperor!"

"If you understand all twelve chapters, you will be able to directly realize the Tao and reach the realm of the supreme true immortal."

"This natural code matches your destiny. Today, I will give it to you. I hope you will practice it well and never let down my expectations."

The majestic voice slowly came down.

Natural code?

One of the nine supreme codes of law?

Hearing this, Tushan Ruoruo had no clear understanding or concept, but a flash of shock flashed through Tushan Cangyue's eyes.

Although she didn't know the specific origin of the Natural Code, it was definitely extraordinary to be called the Nine Supreme Codes.

Things like this are probably not mundane things!

"Ruoruo, why don't you quickly thank the great god?"

Tushan Cangyue reminded.


At this moment, Tushan Ruoruo seemed not to have heard her words. Her eyes were fixed on the natural code in front of her.

That way!

It seems that I am attracted by something...

See this scene!

Tushan Cangyue raised her eyebrows. She did not disturb him, but stood aside and paid attention quietly.


I don't know how much time passed, but Tushan Ruoruo's body trembled slightly. Driven by a mysterious force, she couldn't help but grab the "Natural Code" in mid-air.


The moment her palm came into contact with the "Natural Code", the originally silent "Natural Code" instantly burst out with bright cyan light.

Immediately afterwards.

The mighty divine radiance enveloped Tushan Ruoruo's whole person...




The divine light of the natural code contains magical power. With the continuous erosion, Tushan Ruoruo is also undergoing unprecedented transformation and sublimation.

Through the eyes of the gods, Lin Wudao could clearly see that Tushan Ruoruo's body, soul, destiny, etc. were all undergoing transformation.

"He is indeed the chosen one!"

Lin Wudao sighed softly.

The presence of Tushan Cangyue next to him was already outrageous enough, but now there was another Tushan Ruoruo who mastered the "Natural Code".


There is also the crazy Taoist who masters the "Book of Burial", and the Yin Si Ming who masters the "Book of Fate"...

He is surrounded by people of great luck!

This lineup is truly luxurious!

One can imagine.

What will it look like one day when all of them grow up?

Lin Wudao didn't know.

However, he yearns for it very much!

"Cang Yue, Tu Shan Ruoruo is undergoing the sublimation of the "Natural Code". Once the transformation is completed, she will usher in a new life."

"It will take a few days for her situation to end!"

"Don't let anyone disturb her..."


Tushan Cangyue responded respectfully.

Say it.

She just sat cross-legged and guarded him quietly.

call out!

At the same time, after giving the "Natural Code" to Tushan Ruoruo, Lin Wudao glanced at the white deer lying not far away.

He raised his hand and pointed, and a ray of bright divine light immediately descended, carrying a hundred thousand incense, and entered the white deer's body.


As the incense entered the body, the white deer immediately neighed happily.


It bowed to the altar, then lay aside to refine and absorb...

"Next, it's time to find the crazy Taoist and the others."


With a thought in his mind, Lin Wudao appeared directly outside the divine domain, then put on his sky-shielding cloak, put on the mask of the heavens, and headed towards the ancient divine well in Lingxu.

Ancient divine well!

Located due east of Lingxu, it is ancient and mysterious.

With the location and mark provided by the crazy Taoist, and his powerful spiritual thoughts, Lin Wudao quickly found them.

at this time!

Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu were hiding on a mountain a hundred miles away from the ancient divine well, peeping secretly.

When they saw Lin Wudao's figure, the two of them suddenly showed bright smiles.

"Brother Ren, you are finally here!"

"Brother Ren, there are a lot of big fish here this time, hehe..."

The two of them were smiling like flowers.

Excitement and excitement floated in his eyes.


Qin Daofu was still rubbing his hands, as if he was ready for a big fight.

"What's the situation now?"

After looking around, Lin Wudao also raised his eyes towards the ancient divine well in the distance.

at this time!

With the ancient divine well as the center, a large number of cultivators have gathered, and the auras on each of them are very powerful.

Lin Wudao glanced at it and found that no one in the room was lower than the Shentai realm.

Basically, they are all monks above the divine wheel level!


There are many divine realms...

Seeing such a large lineup, Lin Wudao also became interested.

"It seems that the business this time is not small!"

A smile spread across his lips.

The more people, the better the performance!

In the eyes of the three of them, these people are all fat sheep...

"Brother Ren, there are many people coming in this wave, and there are also many strong people."

"We have to plan carefully and make a big one!"

The crazy Taoist's eyes showed excitement.

To this!

Lin Wudao also agreed!

The opportunity is rare and cannot be missed.

"Brother Ren, according to the information I learned from the old Taoist, this time the Taikoo Sacred Well will completely erupt at noon three days later."

"When the time comes, a large number of natural and earthly treasures and various resources will emerge."

"But these are not the most important things!"

"Every time the Ancient Divine Well erupts, what causes many strong men to scramble madly is the Ancient Talisman in the Ancient Divine Well."

The crazy Taoist said in a deep voice.

Ancient talisman?

Lin Wudao looked confused.

"Brother Ren, the ancient talisman is a unique product of the ancient divine well, and it is also a very magical thing."

"It can elevate the quality of demi-god-level treasures to a higher level!"

"For example, a high-quality pseudo-magical weapon can be transformed into a top-quality pseudo-magical weapon after being strengthened by ancient divine runes."

"Theoretically speaking, an Imperial Pseudo Divine Weapon, after being strengthened by an ancient divine talisman, has the opportunity to transform into an Extreme Pseudo Divine Weapon."

The crazy Taoist introduced it.

So magical?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao's eyes burst out with a bright light.

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