Three days later!

Because it was the 500th birthday of Lu Cangmang, the ancestor of the Lu family, most of Tianyuan Ancient City was filled with a festive atmosphere, and many guests came in droves.

The Demon-Suppressing Division!

At this time, Lin Wudao was also ready and planned to go to the Lu family to congratulate Zhao Xuanxiao. When he just walked out of the Star Reaching Villa, he saw Li Bingtian and three others coming hand in hand.

"Congratulations, brother Lin!"

"Brother Lin, congratulations~"

As soon as they met, the three people clasped their fists in congratulations.

A bright smile bloomed on everyone's face.

See this scene.

Lin Wudao couldn't help but be a little confused.

"Where does joy come from?"

"Brother Lin, don't you know yet? King Li Yang and I, the Yuanzhou Demon Suppressing Division, have already reported your killing of demons and suppressing the remnants of the Demon Sect to the capital of Dali."

"I heard that His Majesty appreciates you very much!"

"With the strong recommendation of King Li Yang, I am going to promote you to the position of Deputy Governor. This matter is basically certain. In half a month at most, His Majesty's decree will be sent to the capital."

"You are our Yuanzhou Demon-Suppressing Division, and you have been promoted the fastest in history..."

Li Bingtian and others talked nonstop.


Deputy Governor of the Demon Suppression Department?

Upon hearing the news, Lin Wudao nodded calmly.

It seems that King Liyang did not lie. He was indeed able to speak in the Dali Dynasty...

"Thank you to the three governors for taking care of me!"

Lin Wudao was polite.

"Brother Lin, we are all working together for the Dali Dynasty. We are a family behind closed doors. Your achievements can be truly seen."

"Besides, that guy Chen Taiji is indeed unworthy of his position!"


"One's own people help one's own people, that's what we should do..."

Several people agreed one after another.

Lin Wudao is very powerful, and it is necessary to have a good relationship with him.

from now on.

Maybe you still need to rely on him!

"By the way, brother Lin, are you planning to go to the Lu family to celebrate your birthday?"


"The Governor asked me to go on his behalf before, so I have to go anyway..."

Lin Wudao nodded slightly.

"In that case, let's go together!"


Together with Zhao Mang and Han Qingshan, the group of six people left the Demon Suppression Division talking and laughing.

The Lu family is not far from the Demon Suppression Division!

Half an hour later.

Lin Wudao and others came here.

Looking up, I saw that the Lu family today was already decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, the sound of drums and music was endless, and there was an endless stream of guests coming and going.

Everyone has a faint smile on their face...

This scene filled the surrounding air with a festive atmosphere.

"Hey, Governor Li, Governor Yan, Governor Dugu, and Palace Master Lin, how many of you are here? The Lu family is very prosperous, please come in quickly..."

An old man who looked like a butler greeted him respectfully.


He personally led a few people into the Lu family's main hall.

at this time!

There were already many guests gathered here. When they saw Li Bingtian and others arriving, they all stood up to say hello and looked at Lin Wudao who was standing aside a few more times.

The newly appointed master of the Demon Hunting Hall is in great demand!


His reputation has already resounded throughout Tianyuan Ancient City and even reached the capital of Dali. He has long been regarded as a demon-suppressing hero by countless cultivators.

at the same time!

His cruel and cruel methods also make many people fear...

They all stayed away from such a cold-faced murderer!

To this.

Lin Wudao ignored them and followed Li Bingtian and others directly to sit in the main hall.

He raised his eyes and looked around, and found that Lu Qinghou was greeting the arriving guests outside the hall. There was an ancient chair at the top of the hall.

Apparently, it was prepared for Lu Cangmang.


The Lu family has extensive connections, and Lin Wudao saw many Taoist practitioners at the scene.


Even in the realm of the other side, there are a few!


Just as Lin Wudao was looking around, suddenly, there was a burst of noise from the crowd outside the hall, and then he saw an energetic old man in brocade clothes striding over.

Although he looked a bit old, his whole body exuded a powerful aura, which attracted many guests to look in awe.

Great Perfection in Taoist Palace!

Lin Wudao glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze.

This ancestor of the Lu family is only a little weaker than Zhao Xuanxiao of the Demon Suppression Division.

In this Tianyuan Ancient City, he can be considered a top expert!

"Isn't Yunxiao back yet?"

Sitting at the head of the hall, Lu Cangmang asked Lu Qinghou beside him without looking back.

"Uh, on the way."

"It should be there soon, ancestor, please wait..."

Hear this.

Lu Cangmang looked calm and didn't say much.

Taking advantage of the gap, he also looked at the people present calmly. His deep eyes swept over Li Bingtian and others in turn. When he saw Lin Wudao, he paused for a few seconds.

"Old Ancestor, this is Lin Wudao, the Demon Hunting Palace Master who has just been succeeded by the Demon Suppressing Division. Not long ago, it was he who killed the demons and suppressed the remnants of the Huangquan Demon Sect."

"It is said that he will be promoted to the position of deputy governor soon..."

Lu Qinghou introduced in a low voice.

Hear the words!

Lu Cangmang nodded.

"Palace Master Lin is young and promising, and his future will be limitless."

He praised.

To this.

Lin Wudao took a look, his expression remained calm.

"Being famous at a young age is indeed a powerful thing~"

Lu Cangmang chuckled and then ignored Lin Wudao.

In his opinion, Lin Wudao was just a junior with some strength who happened to kill a demon and suppressed a few insignificant remnants of the Demon Sect.

Once you become famous, you will get carried away!

Such people cannot go far at all.

Future achievements are destined to be limited!


He did not continue to pay attention to Lin Wudao.

call out!

Coincidentally, at this moment, a bright stream of light pierced the sky, and finally turned into a simple spiritual boat, staying above the Lu family.

On it, stood a young man in brocade clothes with extraordinary temperament.

"Lu Yunxiao is back!"

"It is said that he is the most outstanding descendant of the Lu family in the past thousand years. He has already reached the realm of Taoist palace at a young age. He can definitely be regarded as a peerless genius."

"In addition, he also became a disciple of an expert from the Xuantian Sect..."

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd.


At this time, Lin Wudao also passed by.


Because he has the eyes of the gods, what he sees is naturally different from what others see.


When Lin Wudao glanced over, he immediately saw a powerful demonic energy rising into the sky, and turned into a demonic ape with nine heads behind him.

The face is extremely ferocious!

This demon is even more powerful than the previous Princess Li Yang, Leng Qingyue.

It has reached the seventh level!

"Lu Yunxiao is indeed feeding the devil with his body..."

A cold and fierce light appeared in Lin Wudao's eyes.

at the same time!

He also remembered the note sent by the mysterious man before, as well as the demon water. Now he was very suspicious of the other party's intentions and motives.

Is it to deal with Lu Yunxiao? Or are you plotting against him secretly?

all of these.

Lin Wudao doesn’t know yet!


Next, the answer should be revealed...

Lu Yunxiao was not clear about Lin Wudao's murderous intention.

at this time.

Surrounded by everyone, he went straight to the main hall.

"My grandson pays homage to his ancestors, and wishes them eternal youth and prosperity!"

Lu Yunxiao bowed respectfully.

See it!

A bright smile suddenly bloomed on Lu Cangmang's old face.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

"I, the Qilin son of the Lu family, am back, let's have a dinner..."

The loud voice spread throughout the Lu family.

this moment!

Everyone clearly felt Lu Cangmang's happiness and joy.


What they didn't know was that at this time, two uninvited guests had quietly blended into the crowd.

Seeing the festive and peaceful scene in the hall, Li Longxiang had a cold smile on his lips.

"Now that the banquet is open, let's get started~"

He took out the Tongtian Baojian.

at this time.

There is already a message displayed above.

[Breaking news: Lu Yunxiao, an inner disciple of Xuantian Sect and the eldest son of Lu in Tianyuan Ancient City, uses himself as a furnace to raise a seventh-level high-ranking demon - the nine-headed demon ape! 】

A wonderful show is about to take place...

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