[You have received a sacrifice from a believer, and your life span is +100 years! 】

[You have received a sacrifice from a believer, and your life span is +90 years! 】

[You have received a sacrifice from a believer, and your life span is +100 years! 】

【You received it...】

Cold system prompts sounded one after another in Lin Wudao's mind.

It shook his nerves!

After a long time.

After everyone in the square completed their sacrifices, the notification sound from the system suddenly stopped.


Lin Wudao couldn't wait to check the status of his harvest this time.

The final result made him overjoyed!

Name: Lin Wudao

Identity: Sinful City Lord, Qingshan Great Demon God

Cultivation: Early stage of Divine Vein Realm

Incense: 335682

Luck value: 70365000

Lifespan: 12589364

A lot of information was presented in front of him in the form of a panel.

After reading this!

Lin Wudao's spirit was greatly boosted!

This time, we made a lot of money!

His lifespan alone was more than 12 million years. He never thought that one day he would have so much lifespan.

"This is also equivalent to immortality in disguise, right?"

"As long as I, the Great Demon God of Qingshan, am still on the throne and have enough people under my command, I will always maintain my firm faith."

"Then my life span will be endless!"

"Even the ancient emperors, the Heavenly Emperor, and even the powerful ones at the True Immortal level may not have as long a life as me."

Lin Wudao's eyes bloomed with a bright light.

As the divine domain expanded and the number of people increased, the Great Demon God Qingshan, the incense god, finally brought him huge benefits.

Compared to a lifespan of more than tens of millions of years, the billions of luck points previously invested in renewing the divine status are simply negligible.

"Next, it's time to accumulate incense."

"Then, wait to be promoted to the second level true god..."

While talking.

Lin Wudao passed the statue and looked at the people gathered in the square.

at this time!

Under Tushan Cangyue's instructions, after everyone sacrificed their lives, many divine attendants held many treasures and placed them on the altar.

Immediately afterwards.

They began to worship respectfully and devoutly...


As the sacrifice progressed, the incense value on Lin Wudao's panel began to increase crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.


It broke the one million mark!


[Congratulations, your incense has exceeded one million, and you have met the conditions for promotion to the second-level true god! 】

[Congratulations, the scope of the divine domain exceeds 1.2 million miles, and you have met the conditions for promotion to the second-level true god! 】

[Congratulations, the number of believers has exceeded 10,000, and you have met the conditions for promotion to the second-level true god! 】

[Ding, you have met all the conditions for promotion to the second-level true god. Do you want to be promoted to the second-level true god immediately? 】


A series of beeps sounded.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao was shocked!

He glanced at the panel, and after taking a deep breath, he did not choose to be promoted immediately, but would descend to the world with divine power.


At this moment, thousands of people on the square, led by Tu Shan Cang Yue, were worshiping devoutly.

But at this moment, the originally silent statue suddenly burst into brilliant light.


In the horrified and fanatical gazes of everyone, an extremely great shadow, exuding boundless majesty, appeared on the statue.




When the phantom appeared, waves of vast and boundless divine power suddenly surged like a flood, spreading in all directions.

Its power covers the entire divine domain!

See this scene!

Everyone was shocked!

"The Great God Qingshan has come to the world!"

"Is this the Great God Qingshan? It's too scary~"

"Welcome the Great God to the world!"

"Welcome to the Great God!"

Seeing the great phantom above the statue, Tushan Cangyue immediately led the Tushan clan's people to worship devoutly.


People from other tribes who were watching outside the square, as well as Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu, were all shocked when they saw the great phantom.

"Is this the god of incense and fire? He is indeed as powerful as hell!"

"Although there is no entity, this power is indeed much more powerful than the true god in the world..."

The mad Taoist took a deep breath and sighed.

This is the first time he has seen the incense god!

It is more majestic than the one in the legend!

Crazy Taoist? Qin Daofu?

Are they coming too?

As if he felt the two people's gazes, Lin Wudao immediately cast his gaze on them, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He did not expect that Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu would come to Daqingshan at this time.


Lin Wudao didn't care!


Promoting to the second level True God is the real thing!


With a single move of his big hand, the many treasures placed under the altar instantly poured into the mighty divine light.


Under Lin Wudao's control, they were all sacrificed to the system and turned into luck values.

After a while.

All the treasures have been sacrificed.

Lin Wudao's luck value also increased by 2.2 billion!

Name: Lin Wudao

Incense: 1805630

Lifespan: 12589364

Luck value: 2270365000

this moment!

The data on his panel has reached its highest peak ever!

See this.

Lin Wudao also felt excited.

"This time, the people have dedicated so much life and treasures, allowing me to gain an unprecedented harvest. As their god, I naturally have to give back to them."

"However, only for devout believers..."

Lin Wudao whispered softly.

Say it!

As soon as he thought, a large piece of divine light fell from the void like rain, turning into golden marks, suspended above the heads of the people.

These people don’t believe in him!

It must be eliminated!

"Come here, expel all those with marks on their heads from the square. They do not believe in the Great God Qingshan, so naturally they are not qualified to enjoy the God's grace."

Tushan Cangyue's cold voice suddenly sounded.


As the order fell, the divine attendants standing around the altar and the Qingshan Divine Guards rushed into the crowd one by one like wolves and tigers.

All those tribesmen who had no devout faith were expelled from the square...


Looking at this scene, Feng Zhentian and others were immediately overjoyed.


Their Tianfeng tribe would also be expelled, thereby missing out on a huge opportunity.

"Ancestor, next, if nothing unexpected happens, God Qingshan will perform the third divine baptism, so you should be prepared."

"By then, your cultivation will be able to rise to at least two minor realms..."

Feng Changqing smiled.


Improve two small realms?

Hearing this, Feng Qinglei and Feng Zhentian both showed expressions of great anticipation.


In the square, the remaining thousands of people were also filled with excitement.


The much-anticipated moment is finally here!


After a brief silence, a majestic and majestic voice suddenly came from the statue...

[Today, I am promoted to the status of god and will bless all living beings! 】

[As long as all the people of my Tushan clan enjoy the grace of this god...]

The words fell!

Lin Wudao immediately chose to be promoted to the second level True God.

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