
"What a terrifying method!"

Seeing Tu Shan Cang Yue freeze Chi Hunzi and the others, as well as the 10,000 Chi Yue army, with a wave of his hand, and then forcefully kill them.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Feng Zhentian took a breath of air-conditioning, and boundless shock and panic appeared in their eyes.

If they had insisted on disobeying just now, they would probably end up with the same fate as the Chiyue tribe now.

Everyone shudders when they think of that scene...

at this time!

They felt a strong awe in their hearts towards Tushan Cangyue!

"Fortunately, I had the foresight, otherwise, the entire Tianfeng Tribe would have made the same mistake as the Chiyue Tribe."

"At that time, the whole family will be destroyed!"

Feng Zhentian's heart was numb.

An uncontrollable fear swept through his body instantly, making him tremble.

Tushan Cangyue saw their panic and fear, but didn't say much...

She is indeed killing the chicken to scare the monkeys!


The effect is also very significant!

"Tu Shantuo! Feng Zhentian!"

"My subordinate is here~"

The two men stepped forward in unison.

"Tu Shanjie, you immediately lead the Qingshan Divine Guard Army, and then join the warriors of the Tianfeng Tribe to conquer the Chiyue Tribe in the name of God."

"We must capture it in the shortest possible time!"

"Anyone who refuses to obey will be destroyed!"

A cold voice came from Tushan Cangyue's mouth.


"I will obey the decree of the high priest!"

The two of them bowed in response.


Afterwards, Tu Shanguo led the Qingshan Divine Guards under his command and drove away in the spirit boat.

See this.

Feng Zhentian did not dare to neglect, summoned the warriors of the whole clan as quickly as possible, and left Tianfeng City in a mighty manner.

"Jie Wuyou, I order you to immediately take stock of the resources of the Tianfeng tribe and select some precious items to be used as sacrifices to worship the great god Qingshan."


"Wu Huan, you are responsible for going to inquire about the other large tribes within Leize. If there is any movement, please report it in time."


Jie Wuyou and Wu Huan bowed and paid homage.

Say it.

Then they went their separate ways.

"As for the rest of the Tianfeng tribe, they immediately started to build a statue of the great god Qingshan, and at the same time, they selected a site and built a temple."

"From today on, there is no Tianfeng Tribe in the world, only the Qingshan Tribe."

"You are all members of my Tushan clan!"

"Everyone, please prepare. The God Sacrifice Ceremony will be held in three days. At that time, the Great God Qingshan may come to the world..."

The majestic and indifferent voice resounded in all directions.

Say it!

Tu Shan Cangyue waved and took out a drawing of the statue and temple, then stepped out and disappeared from the spot.

See this scene!

After everyone came back to their senses after going through ups and downs, they immediately began to build the statue according to the patterns recorded on the drawings.


In order to be able to worship Qingshan Great God within three days, they also temporarily moved the ancestor tablets enshrined in the ancestral temple to another place.

The ancestral hall has become a temporary temple!

the other side!

Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu, who had withdrawn from the Tianfeng tribe before, did not go far.

When he saw Tu Shanruo, Feng Zhentian and others heading towards the Chiyue tribe with great momentum, and even Tu Shan Cang Yue was following behind them, Lin Wudao suddenly felt bad.

"Brother Ren, that woman is going to the Chiyue Tribe? Now, the crazy Taoist is still digging graves there?"

"If we bumped into each other, would the crazy Taoist still be stripped of his skin?"

Qin Daofu's expression changed and he whispered.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao nodded.

"Something is definitely wrong."

"Let's go to the Chiyue Tribe first. This woman, Tushan Cangyue, is not easy to mess with. If the crazy Taoist falls into her hands, it will be very bad."

"Calculating time, the crazy Taoist must have dug up many ancestral graves. It's time to stop..."

call out!

As he spoke, Lin Wudao rolled up Qin Daofu and Feng Changqing with his big hands, and immediately disappeared from the spot.

He's very fast!

One step can take you thousands of miles away.


It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at the Chiyue Tribe...

at this time.

The Scarlet Moon tribe did not notice anything strange. The lives of the clan members were still peaceful and harmonious. After looking at it for a few times, Lin Wudao took Qin Daofu and the others to the top of the Scarlet Moon.




When they arrived at the top of the Red Moon, they saw the crazy Taoist man waving his hoe crazily and digging the ancestral graves of the Red Moon tribe.

At a glance, there were at least hundreds of graves that had been dug out by him.

at the same time!

Lin Wudao also discovered that at this time, the crazy Taoist's cultivation level had also increased greatly, and he had actually reached the middle stage of the Divine Wheel Realm.


There was also a bright smile on his face.


This time, his gains were huge!

"Old madman, why did your cultivation level increase so much all of a sudden? This is far beyond me..."

Qin Daofu exclaimed.

His eyes were filled with strong shock and envy.

As soon as I heard this!

The crazy Taoist who was frantically digging graves immediately raised his head. When he saw Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu, the smile on his face became even stronger.

"Hey, Brother Ren, are you here so soon? Could it be that the Tianfeng tribe has already settled the matter?"

The crazy Taoist said in surprise.


"Things with the Tianfeng Tribe have come to an end for the time being. All the troops sent by the Chiyue Tribe are dead."

"By the way, from the look of you, you seem to have gained a very good harvest?"

Lin Wudao joked.

Hear the words!

The smile on the crazy Taoist's face became even wider.

"Hey, the ancestral graves of the Chiyue Tribe are very rich. I have been digging for a while, and my cultivation level has reached the middle stage of the Divine Wheel Realm."

"If we dig out all the graves at the top of the Red Moon, we can break through to the late stage of the Divine Wheel Realm at least."

"Even reaching the peak is possible..."

"Why don't you wait and I dig a few more graves?"


The crazy Taoist was ready to continue digging the grave.


Lin Wudao stopped him.

"Crazy Taoist, stop digging graves now. The Qingshan Tribe has already suppressed the Tianfeng Tribe and the Chiyue Tribe."

"Now, Tushan Cangyue, the high priest of the Qingshan tribe, is leading people towards the Chiyue tribe. It won't be long before they arrive."

"We must leave quickly..."


High Priest Qingshan is here?

As soon as he heard the name Tushan Cangyue, the crazy Taoist's expression suddenly changed, and he jumped out of the grave as fast as possible.

Having seen Tu Shan Cang Yue's methods and strength before, he was quite afraid of this woman.

If you can avoid provoking it, it’s better not to provoke it!

"Brother Ren, let's leave quickly!"

"Well, you go ahead. There should be no one from the Tianfeng tribe guarding the tomb at this time. You can go to Qingfengling to have a look."

"how about you?"

"Me, I'm going to the River of Forgetfulness to do something..."

"Then where should we meet then?"

"Well, let's talk about it then. You can go to other tribes besides the Chiyue tribe for a while."

"When I finish my work, I will go find you."

Lin Wudao said lightly.


"Brother Ren, take care of yourself!"

The crazy Taoist was also a cheerful person, and he didn't get to the bottom of it.


After saying that, he and Qin Daofu immediately left the top of the Scarlet Moon...

"Soul Searching Technique!"

After they left, Lin Wudao immediately placed his magic palm on Feng Changqing's head and began to read the memory in his soul.

After a while!

He learned everything about Feng Changqing, and also learned about the existence of Wangchuan Water Mansion.

“If we can’t continue to collect wool, we have no choice but to kill the sheep!”

"For the sake of your poor fate, I will give you a chance to choose. I hope you can understand the current affairs."

"Otherwise, I can only say sorry..."


Lin Wudao grabbed Feng Changqing's body, threw him onto the street at the entrance of the Chiyue Tribe city, and then headed straight towards the River of Forgetfulness.

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