Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 33: A loving father and a filial son, twenty years of hatred!


The moment he walked into the Lu family's house, a loud voice suddenly sounded. When he looked back, he saw that the door was closed by two majestic guards.

At the same time, surrounded by a group of clan elders, Lu Qinghou rushed out of the hall with a simple sword in his hand.

The majestic face was filled with cold murderous intent!

See this scene.

Lu Yunsheng couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in his heart!

"What are you doing with such a big battle? Is it possible that they discovered that I was digging the Lu family's ancestral graves?"


A thought arises from the bottom of my heart.

However, he quickly denied it!


"I'm wearing a ghost cloak and a mask that can hide my aura. I've never revealed anything. It's impossible for anyone to know my identity."

"Moreover, Chao Zhen was also beaten to death!"

"In that case, why does Lu Qinghou have such terrifying murderous intent?"

Lu Yunsheng was puzzled.


He had no idea that he was being plotted by Lin Wudao!

The matter of digging ancestral graves has long been exposed...

at the same time.

Lu Qinghou didn't have a good look on Lu Yunsheng, the evildoer. When he saw that he dared to come back, the murderous aura in his eyes became even stronger.

"What did you do just now?"

"I...I just...just went out for a walk..."

as usual.

Lu Yunsheng did not show his strength, and still looked worried on the surface.

It seems that he is afraid of Lu Qinghou's majesty!


After hearing his words, Lu Qinghou's eyes suddenly turned fierce and fierce. He didn't allow him any explanation at all, so he raised his hand and slashed at him with a knife.


With this strike, Lu Qinghou used all his strength.

The fierce sword light rushed directly towards Lu Yunsheng's face...

"Damn it, the old guy is going to kill me!"


At the critical moment, Lu Yunsheng no longer cared about hiding his strength. Seeing that the fierce sword light was about to fall on him, he punched out directly due to conditioned reflex.

A powerful burst of power directly shattered the sword that was struck.

"The Great Perfection of the Taoist Palace?"

"Nie Zhan, it was you who dug the grave of our ancestors!"

Seeing the power displayed by Lu Yunsheng, Lu Qinghou was extremely shocked, but he was more angry, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more intense.

at the same time!

Lu Yunsheng's expression also changed drastically!

"No, this old guy knows..."


He was about to run away.

However, the surrounding tribesmen had been waiting for a long time. When he tried to escape, they all immediately surrounded him and launched their most powerful attacks to suppress him.

"The demon is disintegrated!"

Looking at the many powerful clan elders, Lu Yunsheng felt that his life was threatened.


He wanted to repeat his old tricks and quickly escape from this place using the supreme secret method taught by the Fallen Demon Lord...

However, it backfired!


Not only people from the Lu family want his life, there is also Lin Wudao hiding in the darkness.

"The Heaven-fixing Spell!"

Just when Lu Yunsheng used the secret method of disintegrating the demon, an invisible force suddenly fell from the sky and directly imprisoned his body and soul.

I can't move at all!

"Damn it!"

"Which dog is hurting me?"

Lu Yunsheng roared crazily in his heart.

this moment.

His eyes were filled with extremely intense panic and fear...

"You evildoer, go to hell!"

call out!

At the moment when Lu Yunsheng was imprisoned, Lu Qinghou attacked him fiercely again, directly piercing his body with a knife, and blood gurgled out like spring water.


Endless pain swept through his body.

Lu Yunsheng's stern face instantly became ferocious...

His eyes were full of hatred!


"Why do you want to dig up ancestral graves? Where did your Tao Palace Dzogchen cultivation come from?"

Ignoring Lu Yunsheng's hateful eyes, Lu Qinghou pressed the cold blade to his face and asked.


Hearing this, Lu Yunsheng couldn't help but sneered coldly.

"Why should I dig my ancestral grave? Don't you, Lu Qinghou, know the reason?"

"Since I was born, have I ever enjoyed the treatment of a young master of the Lu family? Just because I am a commoner and have ordinary talents, you want to let me die?"

"Since Lu Yunxiao is your eldest son and has outstanding talents, in order to prevent me from affecting him and bringing shame to the Lu family, you cut off all possibilities for me to practice."

"In order to become Lu Yunxiao, you not only cut off my meridians with your own hands, but also destroyed my Dantian, making me a complete useless person."

"I am your son too, why do you do this to me?"

Lu Yunsheng roared loudly.

this moment!

The anger and hatred that had accumulated in his heart for twenty years finally exploded.

Hearing this, Lu Qinghou's body trembled slightly.


He soon calmed down.

His eyes returned to their previous coldness...

"I gave you your life, and I have the right to take it back!"

"Lu Yunxiao is the most outstanding descendant of our Lu family in the past thousand years. He has now reached the late stage of Dao Palace. Given time, he will definitely be able to revitalize our Lu family."

"Compared with him, you are like a firefly and a bright moon!"

"Although you were also born to me, if I had to choose, I would naturally choose the right one. Is it possible that I still rely on you, a loser, to support the entire Lu family?"

Lu Qinghou sneered.

Hear the words!

Lu Yunsheng couldn't help but clenched his fists, his face was filled with sadness.

"I also have the power of Dao Palace Dzogchen now, and I can revitalize the Lu family in the future. Why do you still want to kill me?"

"Because you are born rebellious and too ambitious!"

"With the pain and humiliation you have suffered for so many years, once you gain power, how can you let Lu Yunxiao go? By then, they will definitely fight with each other and the family will collapse."

"To avoid that situation, I have to kill you!"

"Only if you die can the Lu family be stable..."

Lu Qinghou spoke without any emotion.

"It turns out that you have never regarded me as your son, and you have never believed in me for a moment, hahaha..."


Lu Yunsheng laughed crazily.


He is completely desperate and has given up!


Just as he was laughing sadly, Lu Qinghou didn't care so much, a fierce light burst out in his eyes, and he held a big knife in his hand and slashed towards Lu Yunsheng's neck.

He must never leave any trouble for the family!

Seeing Lu Qinghou coming to kill, Lu Yunsheng seemed to have lost hope in life. He did not escape, but closed his eyes and allowed the murderous knife to be chopped down.


At the critical moment, a strange black light suddenly burst out from the center of his eyebrows, directly destroying the sword in Lu Qinghou's hand.

Immediately afterwards.

A storm appeared out of thin air and was about to take Lu Yunsheng away.

See it!

Lin Wudao, who had been watching the show in secret, opened the bronze coffin without any hesitation.


With a loud noise, Lu Yunsheng and the storm were all absorbed into it.


"Damn, what is this..."


Lin Wudao heard a shrill roar in his ears!


The sound only lasted for a moment and then disappeared completely.

Instead, the familiar prompt tone of the system...


[You collected Lu Yunsheng’s body and obtained 100 luck points. After strengthening the system ten times, you obtained 1,000 luck points! 】

[You collected a remnant soul of the Fallen Demon Lord and obtained a doomsday sword talisman. After strengthening the system ten times, you obtained a great annihilation sword talisman! 】

[The Great Nirvana Sword Talisman, after being crushed, can release the Great Nirvana Sword Qi, which is as powerful as a Saint's strike! 】

A series of beeps sounded continuously.

"nice one!"

Lin Wudao praised.


He controlled the clone and left the Lu family without anyone noticing.

Only Lu Qinghou and others were left with dull faces, standing there stupidly...

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