"Hmph, you actually let that dog escape again?"

Looking at the bloodstains that had completely disappeared on the ground, the mad Taoist's face became extremely gloomy, and his eyes were filled with a fierce and fierce light.

This time!

Although he was on guard and successfully cut off the thief's left arm, he also robbed him of a copper coffin.

This loss is not small!

Who knows, what kind of good things are hidden in that copper coffin...

"This person must be found!"

"His whereabouts are so secretive and sneaky that even my discerning eyes can hardly detect him. He must have a valuable treasure that hides his whereabouts."

"If this person is allowed to continue to lurk around me in the future, it will be very detrimental to me, the old Taoist, who digs graves to retrieve treasures."

"In this way, I don't know how many treasures will be lost in the future!"

"Moreover, I cut off this person's left arm today. That person will definitely hold a grudge against me. Once I meet him in the future, he will definitely do bad things to me."

"We have to find a way to get rid of it..."

The crazy Taoist is secretly furious!

He didn't want to leave himself with a huge hidden danger in the process of digging graves in the future.


The thief was so sneaky that even with his methods and abilities, he could not trace his traces.


It's not easy to find him!


Crazy Taoists are not helpless.


After being silent for a while, he immediately returned to the tomb as quickly as possible and picked up Jie Wuyou's chopped off left arm.

Looking at this left arm, a strange smile flashed across the eyes of the mad Taoist...

"Hmph, with this thing, where can you escape to?"

"After finishing the business at hand, I will go to Qin Daofu and ask him to use secret methods to trace the origin and find out the identity of this arm."

"When the time comes, even if the thief escapes to the ends of the earth, I will definitely let him die without a burial place."

The mad Taoist thought viciously.

Say it!

He found a black ice jade box, sealed Jie Wuyou's left arm in ice, and then focused on the only remaining copper coffin.


After using the God of Destruction hoe to pry open the coffin lid, the crazy Taoist discovered that lying inside was actually a beautiful woman.

In his mouth, he held a piece of ice soul that was bred from ten thousand years of black ice chalcedony, so the body was kept intact.


In the woman's copper coffin, the crazy Taoist also found an ancient and mysterious blue palace lantern, which did not look like an extraordinary object.

"The lamp that destroys delusion?"

A flash of light flashed across the crazy Taoist's eyes.

Through the insight of Dharma Eye, he learned the origin and purpose of this mysterious ancient lamp.

This thing is called the Lamp of Destruction of Illusion!

Its greatest use is to break away the confusion in the world, dispel darkness, and bring harmony and light to the world.

It can be said!

This lamp that destroys delusion is the nemesis of darkness and evil!

As long as it is ignited, no evil or darkness will be able to escape, and it will be forcibly purified by the light of the Destroying Lamp.

And that’s it!

This lamp that destroys delusion is also a rare spiritual treasure!

"What a baby~"

After understanding the miraculous power of the Lamp of Destruction, a bright smile suddenly broke out on the mad Taoist's gloomy face.

This delusion-breaking lamp is much more precious than the magical medicine he lost before...


When he thought of the magical medicine that had been robbed before, as well as the copper coffin containing Chi Jiuxiao's body, the mad Taoist was filled with hatred.

Chi Jiuxiao's wife's coffin contained such good things as the Lamp of Destruction of Delusion, so what kind of treasures did he have in his own coffin?

Although it is not clear, it can be predicted that it is definitely not weaker than the delusion-breaking lamp in his hand.


These things that originally belonged to him were forcibly taken away by an extremely hateful thief.

This makes the crazy Taoist feel extremely humiliated!

"I must find this place back one day..."

He cursed.


The crazy Taoist focused his attention on the woman in the copper coffin, then carefully opened her mouth and took out the ten thousand year ice soul from inside.

This is a good thing too!


When the ice soul was taken away, the woman's body suddenly withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not long!

It turned into a pile of powder...

Seeing this scene, the mad Taoist frowned.

"It's actually completely rotten?"

"If I had known this, I shouldn't have taken out this ice soul. Now, my brother has one less corpse to bury."

"Oh, I can't help him..."

The mad Taoist shook his head and sighed.

The words fell!

He put away the woman's copper coffin with a wave of his hand, then searched it carefully before turning around and walking out of the tomb.




Just after the mad Taoist finished digging Chi Jiuxiao's grave, suddenly, strange powers began to be drawn from the grave and integrated into his body.


Driven by that mysterious force, the crazy Taoist's cultivation level began to improve at a speed visible to the naked eye.


After a while, his cultivation level was directly upgraded from the original early stage of Shentai realm to the late stage of Shentai realm...

There is only one step left to break through to the peak of the Shentai realm!

This scene!

The crazy Taoist was overjoyed!

"Just by digging Chi Jiuxiao's grave, his cultivation level increased so much?"

"It seems that Chi Jiuxiao's cultivation and strength during his lifetime must have been very powerful. He was at least a demigod."

The crazy Taoist secretly speculated in his heart.

"By the way, since Chi Jiuxiao might have been a demigod during his lifetime, then his followers must not be ordinary people."

"I remember that there are nine tombs around Chi Jiuxiao's tomb. They seem to be of high standard."

"If we dig them up too, we will definitely have a big harvest!"

Think of this.

The mad Taoist could no longer suppress the excitement in his heart, and immediately rushed out of the tomb with the God of Destruction hoe.


He just waved his hoe and started digging frantically at the nine graves next to him...


As time goes by, every time the mad Taoist digs a grave, his cultivation level will increase by one point.

at the same time!

I also gained a lot of treasures and resources!

The crazy Taoist was frantically digging graves at the top of the Red Moon, but Jie Wuyou, who escaped from the top of the Red Moon, was still frightened.

at this time!

On a large mountain thousands of miles away from the Chiyue tribe, Jie Wuyou stopped and gritted his teeth as he looked at his severed left arm.

In his eyes, there was both panic and fear, as well as anger and sighs...

"That person is not easy to mess with!"

"Even though I was careful, he still noticed the clues and lost an arm."

"But fortunately I saved my life!"

"Moreover, the rewards this time are also great. Even if it is a risk, it is worth it."

Looking at the copper coffin in the storage bag, Jie Wuyou let out a sigh of relief.

As long as the treasure is there, that's fine!

"Although my left arm was cut off, I heard that the high priest is proficient in the magical arts and magical methods of continuation. I wonder if I can be reborn after my severed limb?"

"If it doesn't work, then we can only ask God Qingshan for help..."

He sighed secretly.

Say it!

Jie Wuyou did not stay where he was, and immediately headed towards Lei Ming Mountain as quickly as possible.

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