"What did you bring me here for?"

Within the temple.

Under the control of Tushan Cangyue, Yuan Daosheng was forcibly suppressed by a divine attendant and knelt down in front of the altar, his eyes full of humiliation and unwillingness.

I thought that he, a descendant of the Great Wilderness Tianshi Mansion, was able to dominate the entire twelve realms of the Great Wilderness, and his reputation was extremely great, but today he had fallen to this end.

This is simply intolerable!


Tushan Cangyue didn't care how intense his humiliation was and how strong the resentment in his heart was, and directly locked his body and soul with the lock of heaven and earth.

As long as it is within the scope of the divine domain, Yuan Daosheng is a mortal with no power to restrain a chicken, and he can't even think of causing the slightest disturbance.


She doesn't care about Yuan Daosheng at all!

"The reason why I brought you to the temple is naturally to allow you to accept the treatment of the Great God Qingshan."

"It is a heinous crime to dig up the temple of our Qingshan tribe. Do you think you can just let it go?"

A cold and ruthless voice slowly sounded.

Hear the words!

Yuan Daosheng felt awe-inspiring.


At this moment, the originally silent statue on the altar suddenly burst into misty divine light, and waves of mighty divine power surged out like a tidal wave.

Sweeping the entire temple!


In Yuan Daosheng's shocked gaze, an indescribable great shadow slowly appeared from the divine light.

At a glance!

It's like sitting in the ninth heaven, looking down at the mortal world!

Don't look up to him, don't blaspheme...

"Welcome the Great God to the world!"

"Welcome to the Great God!"

Seeing the phantom appear, Tushan Cangyue and all the divine attendants in the temple immediately knelt down on the ground and started to worship devoutly.


Is this the God of Qingshan?

Seeing the actions of Tushan Cangyue and others, Yuan Daosheng was also shocked at this moment. Under the shroud of the mighty divine power, an uncontrollable awe arose spontaneously.


Getting stronger and stronger!

The pressure made his soul tremble crazily...

Gods, look down at the world!

It's not something a mortal like him can look up to.

Although he had already known that there was a living incense god enshrined in the Qingshan tribe, seeing it with his own eyes still shocked De Yuandaosheng.

at this time!

Infinite humility and insignificance arose in his heart. Facing the God of the Green Mountain in front of him, he was like an ant.

"Reporting to the Great God, Yuandao Sheng intends to dig up my temple. Now he has been suppressed and captured by me. Please forgive me, the Great God."

Tushan Cangyue said respectfully.

"Well, good job!"

"This person intends to dig up my temple and destroy my foundation. It is indeed a heinous crime. However, I have mercy on him and he has some abilities. He may be able to bring benefits to the tribe in the future."

"Therefore, let's spare his life for now!"

"Yuan Daosheng, everything about your identity and origin cannot escape the eyes of this god. You were originally a descendant of the Tianshi Mansion in the outside world, and now you are helping a family of tomb robbers in southern Xinjiang to rob tombs and hunt for treasures?"

"It just so happens that I need treasures as sacrifices, so you can lurk in the family of tomb robbers in southern Xinjiang and serve as my ears."

"This god has appointed you as the Qingshan Messenger of the temple. You will be responsible for finding sacrifices for this god. You will also be responsible for the planning of the Qingshan Tribe."

"If your performance is approved by this god, then this god will send me grace and grant you great fortune..."

The majestic and majestic voice shook Yuan Daosheng's mind.


Do you want to accept me as the messenger of Qingshan?

Hearing this suddenly, Yuan Daosheng couldn't help but be startled.

He didn't arrive first. The God of Qingshan was so clear about his identity and origin, and even asked him to go undercover for a family of tomb robbers in southern Xinjiang.

This is obviously an idea to attack the Chen family!

"for this I……"

"Yuan Daosheng, the Great God Qingshan took pity on your talent and made you the Qingshan Messenger of the temple. Are you still not satisfied?"

"For a foreigner like you to be favored by a great god, it is a blessing to have cultivated for eight lifetimes."

"You have to know that now our Qingshan Tribe, including you, has only three messengers of God in total."

"Don't be ignorant of praise!"

At this time.

Tu Shannuo on the side said viciously.

He is not cold to Yuan Daosheng!

"I do!"

"From now on, I would like to serve the Great God Qingshan forever."

Yuan Daosheng kowtowed.

Although he was extremely reluctant, he had no other choice.

he knows!

As long as he refuses, he will immediately suffer a devastating blow, and when the time comes, he will die without a burial place.

In order to survive, he had to choose to surrender!

Lin Wudao was also very satisfied with Yuan Daosheng's knowledge of current affairs.


He had placed two undercover agents in a family of tomb robbers in southern Xinjiang. Even if Chen Zongtian was exposed, there would still be Yuan Daosheng who could be used.

It is conceivable that with these two undercover agents, they will definitely bring great benefits to themselves in the future...

Think of this!

Lin Wudao raised his hand and pointed, and saw a ray of divine light descending, turning into a pile of mysterious yellow paper, and landed in front of Yuan Daosheng.

"This thing is called God Summoning Paper!"

"From now on, whenever the Chen family makes any major moves, or if you have any important things or news, you can contact me and the high priest through this god-summoning paper."


Lin Wudao took out another stack of divine summoning papers and gave them to Tushan Cangyue.


And taught them how to use it...

"Okay, if there's nothing else, please leave."


After keeping the god-calling paper on the ground, Yuan Daosheng followed Tu Shannuo and others and respectfully exited the temple.

Only Tushan Cangyue stayed!

"Master Qi, I just discovered that there are three mysterious people of unknown origin in the tribe. Who are they?"

A little silence.

Tushan Cangyue asked carefully.

Hearing this, Lin Wudao immediately understood what she was thinking.


This is asking about the relationship between the crazy Taoist and the Great God Qingshan...

"It seems that she was aware of the use of the power of the Great Demon God Qingshan before."

Lin Wudao whispered secretly.

In charge of the Seal of the Great World and as the high priest of the temple, Tushan Cangyue is very sensitive to things within the divine domain.


She can sense things that others cannot!

To this.

Lin Wudao also thought of an explanation.

"Those people have some connection with this god. They are my incarnated friends outside the realm of the mountains and mausoleums."

"They like to dig graves, rescue the souls of the dead, and collect corpses. If you meet them in the future, you can give them some help."

"After seeing your methods and strength, they are all very afraid of you. I'm afraid they won't dare to come to the Qingshan Tribe in the future."

Lin Wudao said lightly.

Taking this opportunity, he revealed a little information to Tushan Cangyue to prepare and pave the way for his future identity as the evil city lord.

By the time!

Once the Shanling Realm is connected to the outside world, the identities of Qingshan Great Demon God and Sinful City Lord can be seamlessly connected.

This is something Lin Wudao has been thinking about for a long time...

after all!

The Great Demon God of Qingshan cannot be limited to a mountain world. The Great World of Gods and even the wider world is his stage.


It was necessary for him to reveal some information to Tushan Cangyue so that she could be mentally prepared.


After hearing Lin Wudao's words, Tushan Cangyue was slightly shaken in her heart, and a strange light flashed across her eyes.

"Great God, do you still have an incarnation outside the realm of mountains and mausoleums?"


"When the Shanling Realm is connected to the outside world, you will know the identity of this god's incarnation."

"The reason why I tell you this is to prepare you mentally."

"As long as you know this matter alone, don't tell other people for the time being..."


Tushan Cangyue bowed in response.

"Well, if there's nothing else, just step back!"


Lin Wudao restrained all his divine power, and then began to count the huge harvest...

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