"Hey, it's finally out~"

"Brother Ren, Qin Daofu and the others have taken away all the treasures, so I have no choice but to kill you, old Taoist."

"After all, life-seeking is my favorite..."

The entrance to the tomb!

Seeing Chen Zongtian, Yuan Daosheng and his entourage carefully walking out of the tomb on the third floor, the mad Taoist hiding in the darkness suddenly showed an evil smile.

He has been waiting for a long time!

"Tomb of the Void!"


The moment Chen Zongtian and others stepped out of the tomb door, the mad Taoist immediately pressed a mysterious seal.

All of a sudden!

The surrounding void suddenly set off unobservable ripples, and without Chen Zongtian noticing, it turned into a mysterious tomb.

Covering them all...

This Tomb of the Void is the magical tomb in the "Burial Book"!

It is based on void!

It can cover a void, turn it into a tomb, and then bury the body in it.

By then!

But forever!

As for the magic and heaven-defying power of "The Book of Burial", Lin Wudao had already experienced it personally in the Dragon Burial Secret Realm. It was definitely a power beyond the human world.

Even with his divine eyes, he couldn't see the clues!

As for Chen Zongtian and the others who were unaware, they were completely unaware of this formless tomb of the void.

at this time!

They were still walking cautiously under the leadership of Yuan Daosheng.

It wasn't until a long time later that Yuan Daosheng realized something was wrong. He stared at the surroundings with a pair of cold eyes, and his expression became serious.


Chen Zongtian also felt something strange at this moment...

According to their speed, it wouldn't take much time to get out of this big tomb.


They clearly remembered that they were fine when they came here before, but now they are still in the tomb after leaving for so long.

The surrounding environment has not changed at all!

This scene!

Chen Zongtian couldn't help but feel his heart sink...

"Sir, why do I feel like this tomb seems endless? It was not like this when we came here."

He said solemnly, with a hint of inexplicable worry in his eyes.

"We should be on the right track!"

"Before, when we entered this tomb, I paid special attention to it. It only took us a quarter of an hour to go from the first floor to the third floor."

"However, half an hour has passed now, but you still haven't walked out of this tomb. Is this possible?"

"Obviously, we have fallen into a trap set by others..."

Yuan Daosheng looked gloomy.


Is this a trap?

As soon as Yuan Daosheng said these words, Chen Zongtian's expression suddenly changed.

Although he had already suspected it, when Yuan Daosheng confirmed it, he couldn't help but feel an inexplicable panic.

"Uncle Thirteen, it must be those two damned thieves from Ren Woxing who are deliberately setting a trap to trap us..."

At this time!

Chen Changqing roared viciously.

The stern face was full of ferocity!

Regarding his suspicion, Chen Zongtian and Yuan Daosheng both nodded. In fact, they thought so in their hearts.

Except for Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu, there was no one else in this place.

If nothing else, it’s definitely them!


"What do these bastards want to do? The treasure has been given to them, so why do they continue to harm us?"

"Are the oaths they made to God all bullshit?"

"Aren't they afraid of being judged and punished by heaven?"

Chen Zongtian became angrier as he thought about it.

He was really driven out of his mind by Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu...

In fact!

All this has nothing to do with Lin Wudao and the others!

The one who really took action was the crazy Taoist.

"Hey, I never thought that a family of tomb robbers from Southern Xinjiang would be here today?"

"Today, you fell into my hands. I want to avenge you and take revenge."

"Let me do what they want. They only want money, not life; but I don't want your treasures, I only want your lives."

"So, enjoy the death package I created for you, hehe..."


There were bursts of weird and evil laughter in the surrounding void.

Contains monstrous murderous intent!


Anyone else?

Everyone was shocked when they heard this sudden sneer.


They thought that Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu were the only ones left in this big tomb besides them.

No idea.

They actually have other accomplices!

Does this come in waves?

Are you going to treat them as fat sheep and kill them?

Think of this!

Chen Zongtian was distraught and filled with hatred...

"What you dogs say..."


Just when he was about to curse harshly, suddenly, streams of white mist emerged from the surrounding void.

The speed of the mist surging was very fast!

In just a moment, the entire tomb was enveloped.

Being in the fog, both Chen Zongtian and Yuan Daosheng clearly felt that their vision and consciousness began to become blurred.

I can hardly even see the people around me clearly...

"Everyone, be careful!"

"This fog is weird~"

Chen Zongtian immediately yelled when he realized something was wrong.


As a descendant of Tianshi Mansion, Yuandaosheng has heavenly eyes and can get rid of confusion, so he is less affected.

However, I can only clearly see the scene within half a foot of the surrounding area...

"Everyone, get closer quickly and don't scatter!"

"Be aware of the danger in the fog~"

Chen Zongtian reminded.

this moment!

His mind was tense to the extreme, and he was on alert as never before.


Just when many members of the Chen clan were preparing to move closer to each other, the cold and evil laughter of the mad Taoist came from the void again.

"On my territory, I can't help you..."


As the words fell, a few strange beams of black light were seen passing through the void, and then everyone was shocked to find that they were divided.

Chen Changqing and other clan members were moved to one place; Chen Zongtian and Yuan Daosheng were also in a separate area.

That way!

It seems that the space in front of me has been cut off!


"What kind of ghostly trick is this?"

Everyone was shocked and inexplicable.

at this time!

Everything that happened in front of them subverted their cognition and imagination.

Even though they come from a family of tomb robbers in southern Xinjiang, and all of them are well-informed, they have never encountered such a strange sight.

All of a sudden!

Everyone seemed a little panicked and at a loss as to what to do...

It's not just them.

Even Chen Zongtian and Yuan Daosheng's expressions changed drastically, and their minds were tense to the extreme.

Looking at their appearance, the crazy Taoist outside the mist couldn't help but smile proudly, and his eyes showed a fierce light.

"Crazy Taoist, Qin Daofu and I both swore to God not to harm their lives."

"So, this time you have to do it yourself!"

Lin Wudao said lightly.

To this!

The crazy Taoist nodded.

"Don't worry, I will take care of them this time..."

Say it.

I saw the mad Taoist's body trembling slightly.


In the surprised eyes of Lin Wudao and Qin Daofu, a dark and great mysterious shadow suddenly appeared from behind the crazy Taoist.

For a time, the temperament around the crazy Taoist also underwent unprecedented changes...

The crazy Taoist from before was so crazy!


When the dark shadow behind him appeared, his previous temperament and image changed, becoming ancient and mysterious.

From his body, Lin Wudao even felt the aura of eternity and the majestic demeanor of indifference to the world.

That's not what the crazy Taoist people before could have...

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