Thunder Mountain Tribe!

Now, it has come under the rule of Daqingshan!


Although the rebels in the Leishan tribe have been suppressed by the powerful force of the Qingshan Divine Guards, they have not completely surrendered.

In their bones, they still have unruly and unruly...

at the same time!

The people of the Leishan tribe do not believe in the Great Demon God of Qingshan. In their hearts, the God of Thunder is the orthodox god of the tribe.

Naturally, High Priest Tu Shan Cang Yue could not tolerate this situation.

After reporting to Lin Wudao about the Leishan tribe, she led Tu Shannuo and other divine attendants to the Thunder Temple.

"High Priest, according to the information I learned from Wu Tianjue, the God of Thunder worshiped by the Leishan Tribe is an ancestor from tens of thousands of years ago."

"His name is Wu Qiong!"

"Wu Qiong also came from the Tushan clan 80,000 years ago. Later, the Tushan clan fell and lost its dominance over various tribes."

"Subsequently, Wu Qiong broke away from the Tushan clan and established his own tribe, establishing the Leishan tribe today."

"In addition, Wu Qiong also wants to become a god of incense and fire!"

"He used a secret method to place a ray of his true spirit on the statue of the god, and then after tens of thousands of years of worship by the Leishan tribe, a weak ray of divinity was finally born."

"So, he became the so-called God of Thunder!"

"Not long ago, a ray of Wu Qiong's divinity was revived. Under his will, the Leishan tribe collected treasures from everywhere and offered them as sacrifices."

"The killing formation in Wu Tianjue's hands was obtained from the God of Darkness after Wu Qiong's guidance..."

Just as Tushan Cangyue was staring at the Thunder Temple, Wu Huan, the messenger of the dark night, came in front of him and said respectfully.

Wu Qiong?

God of Thunder?

Hearing this, a hint of surprise flashed across Tushan Cangyue's cold eyes.

She didn't expect that this so-called God of Thunder actually came from the Tushan clan, and he even wanted to become the god of incense and fire.


In the end, he really succeeded...

at the same time!

When Wu Huan finished speaking, Wu Qiong, who was hidden in the statue, suddenly changed his expression.

There was intense shock in his eyes!

"Hey, who is this person? Why does he know my identity and origin?"

"This matter is extremely secretive!"

"I only mentioned Wu Xuan and Wu Tianjue a little bit. Did they betray me?"

Wu Qiong secretly hated it!

If he had known this, he should not have exposed himself so much that others knew the details today...

Think of this!

Wu Qiong restrained his aura to the extreme, fearing that his flaws would be revealed.

after all.

Now, although he has derived a ray of divinity from the incense god, it is still too weak and he has not mastered any divine power at all.


He, the God of Thunder, is just an illusion!

Once he suffered a devastating blow, all his hard work and efforts over the past tens of thousands of years would be in vain.


Even though Wu Qiong had restrained his aura to the extreme, it did not stop Tushan Cangyue and the others' actions.

"Someone, knock down the statue of the God of Thunder, take it outside the Leishan tribe's ancestral temple, and burn it in public."

"One tribe cannot accommodate two gods!"

"Now that we have the Great God Qingshan, there is no need for the God of Thunder to continue to exist."

"Toppling the statue of the God of Thunder and burning it destroyed the faith of the Thunder Mountain tribe."

"From today on, anyone who does not believe in the Great God Qingshan is a heretic; since they are heretics, they must be completely eliminated."

"Finally, build a statue of the Qingshan God and enshrine it here..."

Tushan Cangyue ordered indifferently.

"Yes, High Priest!"


Tu Shannuo and others bowed in response.

"Do it!"

"Push this evil god's statue to me..."


Following Tu Shanguo's order, the divine attendants who had been gearing up for a long time immediately stepped forward excitedly and entered the Thunder Temple with great momentum.

See this scene!

Wu Qiong in the statue was immediately frightened and turned pale...

The idol is the foundation for his survival!

If the idol is destroyed, his newly born divinity cannot be maintained.

By then!

What awaits him will be complete destruction!

Thinking of this.

Wu Qiong was extremely panicked...


In an instant, a faint ray of divine light bloomed, turning into a blurry shadow on the statue.

At a glance!

There is a touch of divine power permeating the air!

"Everyone, wait a minute!"

"I am willing to surrender to the Great God of Qingshan and become his slave for eternity and be driven by him. Please spare my life and don't destroy my statue..."

In divine light.

The blurry shadow of Wu Qiong knelt down in the air, and began to kowtow crazily towards Tu Shan Cang Yue and others below.

See it!

Tushan Cangyue narrowed her eyes.

"Sure enough, divinity was born!"

"It seems that I am even more embarrassed to leave you..."

Her eyes showed murderous intent.

Although Wu Qiong had knelt down to beg for mercy and was willing to become a vassal and slave of the God of Qingshan, Tushan Cangyue did not accept it.


As long as the God of Thunder is still there, the people of the Thunder Mountain Tribe will always believe in him, and then they will not be able to transform into the people of the God of Green Mountain.

There are no two days in the sky, and there are no two kings in the country!

Gods, too!

Faith and people are the foundation of the Incense God, and there is no room for sloppiness.

Only when the belief in the God of Thunder is completely cut off can the Leishan tribe believe in the God of Qingshan.


Wu Qiong must die!


At the moment, Wu Qiong has just derived a ray of divinity, and it is just when it is weak. If it is not eradicated at this time, when it becomes strong in the future, it will only cause trouble.

As the high priest of Qingshan Temple, Tushan Cangyue would naturally not tolerate this kind of thing happening...


I saw the Ten Thousand Magic Scepter in her hand pointing towards the statue. In an instant, a purple lightning rushed out, turned into a terrifying big hand, and landed on the statue.

This is the magical technique she just learned from the "Green Mountain Divine Code".

Hands of Thunder!


"Damn it! I'm already on my knees begging for mercy. Why don't you let me go?"

"Since you want me to die, then I will also hold you on your back..."


The words fell.

Wu Qiong's whole body turned into a ray of bright divine light, and he broke free from the shackles of the statue, rushing toward Tushan Cangyue with boundless resentment and hatred.

He's very fast.

Just in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of him!


Seeing that Wu Qiong wanted to burn both jade and stone, Tushan Cangyue's eyes suddenly showed a cold light.


She raised her hand and struck out with a palm, and the power of heaven and earth within ten directions surged in instantly, directly turning into a cage, forcibly imprisoning Wu Qiong.

"How can this be?"

"You can control the power of heaven and earth, this is not..."

Wu Qiong was horrified.


Tushan Cangyue didn't let him go!


Her big hands were held in the air, and the imprisoned Wu Qiong in front of her was instantly wiped out by the power of heaven and earth.

Even his newly born ray of divinity was completely wiped out...


Seeing this scene, Tu Shannuo on the side was greatly shocked.

He didn't expect that Tu Shan Cang Yue's power would have become so terrifying after not seeing her for a while.

He felt that even if he faced that blow, he would not be able to withstand it...

As for everyone else.

After seeing Tu Shan Cang Yue's powerful methods, everyone showed strong respect and awe.

This is the high priest of the temple!

"Tear down the idol, take it outside the ancestral temple of the Leishan tribe, and burn it in public, thus annihilating the belief in the God of Thunder."

"Follow the law!"

Everyone should be respectful.


As soon as he finished speaking, Tu Shanguo punched out, and the powerful force directly knocked down the statue of the God of Thunder.

Immediately afterwards.

With the help of a group of divine attendants, the statue was carried out of the temple...

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