Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 294: The exposed incident, please listen to my sophistry!


Seeing the leaving Chiyue Tribe, everyone in the ancient Tianfeng City, whether it was the ancestors Feng Qinglei and Feng Qingming, the leader Feng Zhentian, or the tribesmen, all breathed a sigh of relief.

at this time!

They all have a kind of joy of surviving the disaster!

Especially Feng Qinglei.

In the old eyes, there was a touch of deep happiness and fear...

Just now, Chi Hunzi's butcher's knife was just a hair away from falling on his head. Fortunately, at the last moment, he got help from a mysterious expert.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!

By then!

Not only him, but also the entire Tianfeng tribe will suffer disaster...

The thought of this.

Regardless of the serious injuries on his body, Feng Qinglei immediately struggled and knelt down on the ground.

"Thank you, Master, for saving your life!"

"I also invite the master to show up. In the years to come, our Tianfeng tribe will definitely place a statue of the master on the altar and worship him devoutly day and night to express our feelings..."




Under the leadership of Feng Qinglei, many members of the Tianfeng tribe knelt down on the ground at this moment, and knelt down respectfully with infinite gratitude.

See this scene!

Lin Wudao, hiding in the darkness, looked indifferent.

"You don't have to be like this!"

"The reason why I helped the Tianfeng Tribe was because I was entrusted by others. Now that the Tianfeng Tribe's crisis has been safely passed, it's time for me to leave."

"If you really want to worship, then worship the God of Daqingshan..."

Say it.

Lin Wudao left a meaningful word and then disappeared in a flash.

The God of Daqingshan?

Suddenly hearing this, Feng Qinglei and many tribesmen in the tribe opened their eyes wide with surprised expressions.

"Ancestor, isn't the God of the Great Qingshan Mountain the god worshiped by the Tushan clan in the past? Could it be that the one who just helped us is a believer of the Great Demon God of the Green Mountain?"

"Or maybe it's the Tushan clan?"

At this time.

The leader, Feng Zhentian, came to the front with a war spear in hand and said doubtfully.

Hear the words!

Feng Qinglei frowned and shook his head.

"This is unknown~"

"Since ancient times, in this huge mountain world, the only ones who believe in the Great Demon God of Qingshan are the Tushan clan in the past and the Qingshan tribe today."

"Right now, we don't know the specific identity and origin of that master, so we can't conclude that he must be from the Tushan clan."

"Perhaps he is just a believer of the Great Demon God Qingshan..."

Feng Qinglei sighed and replied.

He couldn't guess the purpose of that mysterious master at all.

"Then... Ancestor, do we really want to worship the God of Da Qingshan? As far as I know, although that person is a god, he is also a demon god."

"To believe in it, you need to offer your life and soul as a sacrifice."

"Moreover, I received news that not long ago, it was reported from the Qingshan Tribe that the Great Demon God of Qingshan has resurrected and has given the Qingshan Tribe powerful power."

"Now, the Qingshan Tribe has unified Daqingshan and annexed the Leishan Tribe and Lieyang Tribe..."

Feng Zhentian said with surprise and solemnity.

between words.

Revealing a trace of fear!

Although the Tianfeng tribe did not have a clear belief, if they really believed in and worshiped a demon god, Feng Zhentian would still be in awe.

after all!

The Demon God is more terrifying than the Evil God!

God knows what will happen once you believe in the Great Demon God Qingshan...

regarding this matter.

Feng Qinglei also has his own ideas.

"I have just expressed my attitude. I want to worship the statue of that mysterious master. The object of our gratitude is him, not the so-called God of Daqingshan."

"However, this Great Demon God of Qingshan was the god enshrined by the Tushan clan 80,000 years ago, and led the Tushan clan to an era of infinite glory."

"It can be seen that he is definitely not a simple character!"

"Zhentian, please go to the Qingshan Tribe of Daqingshan in person later to see if the Qingshan Great Demon God has really revived."

"If the shocking changes in the Qingshan Tribe are all caused by it, then our Tianfeng Tribe should have made plans early."

"In this cruel world, only strong strength is the foundation for a life..."

Feng Qinglei said meaningfully.

Hearing this, Feng Zhentian's heart moved.

at this time.

He seemed to have guessed some of Feng Qinglei's thoughts and plans...

"Ancestor, I will go to Daqing Mountain in person later to find out what's going on!"

"By the way, ancestor, your injury..."

"Can't die!"

"However, because I forcibly performed the Forbidden Technique: The Heavenly Demon's Disintegration Technique to enhance my combat power, I didn't have much left to live due to the backlash from the Forbidden Technique."

"I only have one year left at most..."


One year at most?

As soon as these words came out, Feng Zhentian and others were trembling.

A moment!

The tribesmen present took a breath of air-conditioning in unison, and many people had tears glistening in their eyes...

Ancestor Qinglei has paid so much for the tribe!

"Ancestor, you..."

"Okay, life and death are fateful, everything is God's will!"

"Next, let's bury these men who died fighting for the tribe alive. They are all good people. I am proud of them..."

Feng Qinglei said softly with sorrow in his eyes.


With Feng Qingming's support, he arrived at the ancestral temple step by step.

"Ancestor, are you...are you okay?"

The moment Feng Qinglei stepped into the ancestral temple, Feng Changqing immediately stepped forward and asked with concern.

"I'm fine."

"Chang Qing, open the coffin of Patriarch Qingyun. I want to see his last face..."

Feng Qinglei looked at the coffin in front of him quietly and said.


Ancestor, do you want to open the coffin?

When he suddenly heard this, Feng Changqing was suddenly startled, and his whole heart was in his throat.

"Ancestor, Patriarch Qingyun has passed away, I think it's better not to..."

"What don't you want?"

"I...don't want to disturb the ancestor's spirit in heaven?"

Feng Changqing replied tremblingly.

In his eyes, there was a strong sense of fear and uneasiness...

Although he hid it well, Feng Qinglei still noticed it, and his brows instantly wrinkled.

"Chang Qing, is there something you're hiding from me?"

"This... ancestor, what can I dare to deceive you..."

Facing Feng Qinglei's sharp gaze, Feng Changqing pretended to be calm and shook his head repeatedly.


Feng Qinglei is an experienced person, and his behavior cannot be fooled at all.

"Zhentian, open the coffin of Patriarch Qingyun."

He ordered towards Feng Zhentian beside him.


Feng Zhentian glanced at Feng Changqing in surprise, and without thinking too much, he immediately came to Feng Qingyun's coffin, used his arms to push the coffin open.

Seeing this scene, Feng Changqing was extremely frightened, and her body kept shaking...

at the same time!

Feng Zhentian, who was in front of the coffin, also let out a cry of surprise.

"This... Ancestor Qingyun's body is missing?"


The body is missing?

After hearing this, Feng Qinglei and Feng Qingming immediately stepped forward. They looked into the coffin at the same time, and saw that there was nothing in the huge coffin.

There is no body of Feng Qingyun at all!

"Feng Changqing, where has the ancestor's body gone?"


In an instant, everyone's sharp eyes fell firmly on Feng Changqing.


Facing the questioning from everyone, Feng Changqing was extremely frightened.

"Reporting to the ancestor, the body of the ancestor Qingyun... his body was... snatched away by the people of the Chiyue tribe..."


Feng Changqing did not tell the truth of the matter, but summoned up the courage to tell the excuse that he had already made.


His words could not be believed by Feng Qinglei and the others.


"Why are the Scarlet Moon Tribe robbing a corpse? Moreover, we have been guarding Tianfeng City tightly and have not let anyone from the Scarlet Moon Tribe approach the ancestral temple."

"Feng Changqing, tell me the truth, where is the body of Patriarch Qingyun?"

Feng Zhentian roared loudly.

Bad eyes!

See this.

Feng Changqing was so frightened that he fell to his knees, his body trembling...

"Chief, I...I don't know..."

"The body of Patriarch Qingyun was indeed snatched away by people from the Chiyue tribe..."

"That's nonsense!"


Feng Changqing wanted to continue to quibble, but Feng Zhentian, who was furious, did not believe his lies.

With the waving of his big sleeves, a powerful force suddenly surged out like a celestial river, directly blasting Feng Changqing's body away.

Lying on the ground outside the ancestral temple, vomiting blood...

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