The ultimate spiritual weapon?

Lin Wudao perked up!

In the great world of Shenhuang, the weapons used by cultivators are also strictly classified into different levels. Although spiritual weapons are at the lowest level, they also have considerable power.

For example, the Xuantian Ancient Sword obtained by killing Jiang Qingxue was a spiritual weapon smelted with the seventy-two Imperial Dao Restrictions and Imperial Dao materials.

Under the Extreme Dao, the Imperial Dao rules the roost!

An ordinary imperial spiritual weapon is enough to become a sect-suppressing treasure for forces like Taixuan Sect, let alone an extreme spiritual weapon above the imperial path.

That is the legendary ultimate weapon!

Although it is just a fragment, its value is better than that of a tenth-level spiritual weapon...

"Chen Taiji still has such good things in his hands?"


With a thought, the fragment of the ultimate spiritual weapon appeared in his hand. From the outside, it seemed to be a section of the spire of an ancient pagoda.


When Lin Wudao held it in his hand, waves of ancient and vast breath of time began to surge out like a mighty river.

at the same time!

Even Lin Wudao's cultivation in the late stages of becoming a god could not withstand the terrifying power of the extreme realm.


Under the impact of the Jidao power, the ancient spire fell directly to the ground, and the terrifying Jidao power exploded, directly obliterating the ground.

Just in the blink of an eye, a large pit ten feet in size appeared...

Even, it continues to expand!

"The ultimate weapon is so terrifying!"

"The system sacrificed it..."

Seeing that this ancient spire was getting more and more terrifying, Lin Wudao immediately grabbed it from the ground and sacrificed it directly.


[You sacrificed a fragment of the Ji Dao Spirit Weapon and gained 18,000 luck points! 】

A reminder sounded in my mind.


so much?

A hint of surprise flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.

The spire in front of me is only about the size of a palm, but it is actually worth 18,000 points of luck. If it were a complete Ji Dao spiritual weapon, how much would it be worth?

Lin Wudao couldn't guess!

However, it must be more than 100,000...

"The power of the Jida is indeed powerful!"

"The power erupted from that spire cannot be endured even by those in the Heavenly Realm. Even if one obtains a weapon of this level, he or she may not be able to control it without sufficient strength."

"On the contrary, it will come back to bite you!"

Lin Wudao frowned.

Through this incident, he gained a personal experience and understanding of the power of the ultimate spiritual weapons in this world.

In the hands of the strong, it is a weapon that suppresses all directions; in the hands of the weak, it is a huge disaster...

As for the top of the tower just now, if Lin Wudao hadn't been physically invincible, he might have been obliterated by the burst of extreme power.

Think of this!

He couldn't help but feel a sense of joy in his heart...


The harvest this time is also huge!

Name: Lin Wudao

Cultivation: late stage of becoming a god

Luck value: 25100

"Suddenly rich!"

Lin Wudao sighed secretly.

Say it.

He pondered for a while, intending to improve his own strength.

At present, it seems that the Barbarian Dragon Mahamudra is the best choice!

This ancient method is extremely powerful.

Nowadays, Lin Wudao can only cultivate it to the small level, and he can hit the power of three ancient wild dragons with one palm. If he cultivates to the Dacheng level, the power will definitely be stronger.


[Do you want to spend 10,000 luck points to practice the Wild Dragon Mahamudra to the level of ‘Dacheng’? 】

【yes! 】

[Congratulations, you have mastered the Great Dragon Hand Seal to great perfection. You can strike out with the power of ten ancient wild dragons with one palm. The power of your palm penetrates hundreds of feet and can split mountains. 】




As the system prompt sounded, many insights about the Wild Dragon Mahamudra suddenly came to my mind. In an instant, it seemed as if I had been practicing for a hundred years.


In order to verify the power of the Savage Dragon Hand Seal, Lin Wudao struck out with a palm. The majestic palm power came out from his body and directly shattered a ten-foot-long boulder in the distance with one palm.

"With my cultivation in the late stage of becoming a god, combined with the great hand seal of the wild dragon, even a monk at the peak of becoming a god can be killed with one palm..."

A smile appeared on Lin Wudao's lips.

His strength has increased a lot!

[System, how much luck is needed to practice the Savage Dragon Mahamudra to its peak level? 】

【Thirty thousand! 】

so many?

Lin Wudao looked at his remaining 15,100 luck points and shook his head.

"It seems we have to work harder..."

He sighed and turned back to the Demon Suppression Department.


Lin Wudao had just returned to Zhaixing Villa when he saw Han Qingshan holding a mysterious wooden box and handing it to him.

"What's this?"

"Well, this old slave doesn't know either."

"Just now, I heard from the guards of the Suppression Division that a mysterious person with unknown identity and origin placed this wooden box outside the gate of the Suppression Division."

"I will give it to you, Master, to name and name..."


For me?

A trace of doubt flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.


He opened the wooden box and saw a note and a palm-sized jade bottle inside.

[Lu Yunxiao from Tianyuan Ancient City feeds the devil with his body! 】

[This bottle of demon-transforming water can reveal the true form of the demon...]

Lu Yunxiao?

Feeding the devil with your body?

Looking at the contents on the note and picking up the bottle of demon-transforming water, Lin Wudao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

"Who is Lu Yunxiao?"

He looked at Han Qingshan standing aside.

"Young Master, Lu Yunxiao is the eldest son of the Lu family in Tianyuan Ancient City. He is also the most outstanding heir of the Lu family. I heard that he has already reached the Taoist palace at a young age."

"Now, he has become a high disciple of Xuantian Sect!"

"In three days, it will be the 500th birthday of Lu Cangmang, the ancestor of the Lu family. I heard that Lu Yunxiao will also come back to celebrate his birthday..."

Han Qingshan thought for a while and said.

Is that so?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao frowned slightly, and then a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"This is very interesting!"

"It seems that this person is uneasy and well-intentioned..."


A sharp flash of light flashed, and the note in his hand instantly turned into powder.

Three days later.

On behalf of the Governor Zhao Xuanxiao, he will go to the Lu family to celebrate his birthday. What will happen if he collides with Lu Yunxiao, who feeds demons with his body?

Is that person plotting against Lu Yunxiao? Or is he plotting against him?

Lin Wudao is a little unpredictable!


He firmly believed that the fox's tail would soon be revealed...

Think of this.

Lin Wudao cast his gaze on the demon-transforming water in his hand.

Name: Demonic Water

Introduction: The Demon’s Nemesis

Effect: Sprinkling the demon-transforming water can reveal the true colors of demons below the eighth level.

"It's a good thing!"

"Maybe it will come in handy in the future..."


He took the demon-transforming water into the system space.

"Master, I went out to Tianyuan Ancient City before and met a follower of the master during his lifetime, his name is Zhao Mang."

"This person is loyal and has the strength of the Other Side Realm!"

"Would you like to go take a look?"

At this time.

Han Qingshan hesitated for a while and then spoke cautiously.

Zhao Mang?

Lin Wudao glanced at him.


"Right now, I'm short of manpower. It would be nice if I had someone from the other side of the world to call me..."

"Where is that man?"

"Well, ten years ago, after the master passed away for some reason, Zhao Mang left the Demon Suppression Division, and then stayed in Tianyuan Ancient City and opened a Huangquan Tower, specializing in the business of dead people."

"Dead man's business?"


"Mainly including: collecting corpses, selling coffins, handling funerals, robbing tombs, and occasionally taking orders for bodyguards. He is an honest person..."

The two talked as they walked and left the Demon Suppression Division.


Listening to Han Qingshan's introduction, Lin Wudao became somewhat interested in Zhao Mang.

There is a lot of overlap between their two businesses...

A natural along the way!

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