Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 261 The incense of the gods, the secret method of opening mountains!

Thinking that there might be a large tomb hidden on Lei Ming Mountain, Lin Wudao secretly paid attention to the actions of Chen Changqing and others, and quietly took out the invitation letter given by the crazy Taoist.

He felt that it was necessary to know something about the family of tomb robbers in southern Xinjiang...

Just do it!


Lin Wudao began to use his spiritual power to write text on the invitation.

[Crazy Taoist, where are you now? In the Leishan tribe of Leize, I met people from the Nanjian tomb-robber family. The leader was the genius of the Chen family, named Chen Changqing. 】

[Do you know what is going on with this family of tomb robbers in southern Xinjiang? 】

After writing some words, Lin Wudao waited patiently.


Soon, the crazy Taoist's response appeared on the invitation.

[Brother Ren, are you sure you have met those bastards from the tomb-robber family in Southern Xinjiang? I am currently in Liangjie Mountain in the Mountain Realm, digging graves with Qin Daofu for salvation. 】

[When we’re done here, we’ll go find you! 】

[By the way, let me tell you, the tomb robber family in Southern Xinjiang is not a good thing. They are a group of hypocrites who are rich in wealth but corrupt in the world. 】

[The old Taoist has a grudge against them! ! 】

[If you really meet them, if possible, you must deal with them severely. It is best to kill them and vent my anger on my behalf. 】

[Before, when I first started out as a veteran, I was tricked by this bunch of bitches from the Southern Xinjiang tomb-robber family. 】

[The southern Xinjiang faction likes to dig graves and then secretly take away all the treasures and other valuables inside, leaving not even a hair behind. 】

[Then, they will leave an empty tomb for you to dig! 】

[What's even more disgusting is that after robbing the tomb, these dogs like to set up various traps and traps in the tomb, waiting for the people behind to suffer. 】

【Simply indifferent! 】

The crazy Taoist cursed endlessly on the invitation.

Through the words, Lin Wudao could clearly feel the anger and hatred revealed in the crazy Taoist's words, and he wished he could crush the other person to ashes.


Before, when Mad Taoist first debuted, he was really tricked by a family of tomb robbers from Southern Xinjiang...

Otherwise, there would not be such great hatred!

This scene!

But it made Lin Wudao laugh dumbly.

Through the family of tomb robbers in southern Xinjiang, he finally knew some dirty information about the crazy Taoist...


[Since you, old madman, have a grudge against the southern Xinjiang tomb-robber family, when we meet this time, I will help you vent your anger and deal with them severely. 】

[Thank you, Brother Ren! 】

[Brother Ren, we came to the mountain world and have dug some ancient tombs. We also obtained some powerful corpses, waiting for you to collect them. 】

[Oh, by the way, although those bastards from the tomb-robber family in Southern Xinjiang are all hypocrites, their vision and methods are still very powerful. 】

[Basically, wherever they appear, there will be a big tomb! 】

[Moreover, there are definitely good things in the tomb. Brother Ren, you have to pay attention, but you must not let those bullies succeed...]

The crazy Taoist warned solemnly.

Say it.

He cut off contact!

See this.

Lin Wudao put away the invitation letter in his hand, and then slipped behind Chen Changqing and others without anyone noticing.

at this time!

They are planning how to dig the big tomb on Lei Ming Mountain!

"Chang Qing, you said before that there is a big tomb on Lei Ming Mountain, but except for a temple, there is no trace of the big tomb at all."

In the crowd, a man in black with a sinister eyebrow said in a low voice.

While talking.

He also kept scanning the surroundings, as if trying to find the location of the big tomb...

Chen Jiuheng?

Lin Wudao glanced at the man.

This man is also a member of a family of tomb robbers in southern Xinjiang. He also has rich experience in tomb robbing and powerful means. He can be regarded as an old man in the tomb robbing world.

His hands-on ability is extremely strong!

Best at digging graves!

"Uncle Jiu, this Lei Ming Mountain is the holy land of the Lei Shan Tribe."

"According to the information passed down by the ancestors of the clan, this Leishan tribe originated from the ancient Tushan clan. About 80,000 years ago, a man named Wu Qiong broke away from the Tushan clan."

"Self-established is for the Leishan clan!"

"After his death, his descendants buried him on the top of Thunder Underworld, and built a Thunder Temple to worship him, in the hope that one day Wu Qiong could become a true god."

"Outsiders only know the ancestral temple of the Leishan tribe, but they don't know that the real burial place of Wu Qiong is actually on the top of Leiming."

"Moreover, through the insight of the tomb eyes, I can clearly feel that there is a rare treasure in Wu Qiong's tomb. As long as I can get it, it will be a great blessing."

Chen Changqing said in a deep voice.


Upon hearing this, the eyes of everyone present suddenly became intense.

"Chang Qing, where is Wu Qiong's tomb hidden?"

"Right under this temple!"

Under the temple?

As the words fell, Chen Jiuheng immediately took out a stick of black incense about the thickness of a finger and lit it carefully.


He activated his spiritual power and blew the mysterious fragrance to the temple guardians in the distance.


Through the eyes of the gods, Lin Wudao knew the origin and purpose of the black incense.

This incense is a strange incense made using ancient methods by a family of tomb robbers in southern Xinjiang. After it is ignited, its aroma can temporarily make living beings lose their minds.

Afterwards, forget all memories!

Very magical!

"The training of our family of tomb robbers in southern Xinjiang: rob and dig tombs, only take useful things, and do not harm the lives of the tomb owners' relatives; those who violate the rules will be punished by God! They will be buried in a big tomb!"

"Wait a minute, let's move slowly. It's best not to alert the people of the Leishan tribe, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

Chen Changqing warned seriously.

They must abide by the training of the Chen clan!

This is a rule passed down from our ancestors...

To this!

Everyone nodded in agreement, and no one dared to disobey!

"Let's do it~"

"I will first use the secret method of opening the mountain to open the passage to Wu Qiong's tomb. Uncle Jiu, you are responsible for detecting the traps in the tomb. If there is any abnormality, report it in time."

"Others, follow my orders!"

Chen Changqing quickly made arrangements.


Everyone responded in unison.

Say it.

After the incense had taken effect, Chen Changqing walked directly out of the thunderclouds and arrived at the square in front of the temple while the guards were temporarily unconscious.

at this time!

He used the Emperor's Qi-gazing Technique, and with the aid of the tomb eyes, he began to pace back and forth, carefully searching for the location of the tomb according to some mysterious and strange trajectory.

"Found it~"

After about ten breaths, Chen Changqing stopped.

"Secret method: open the mountain!"

He took a deep breath, stretched out his hands suddenly, and then slowly spread his palms to both sides.




In an instant.

Following waves of subtle vibrations, Lin Wudao's surprised gaze saw that there seemed to be a mysterious magic power between Chen Changqing's hands.

Under his movement, a gap suddenly opened in the ground.


A dark passage was revealed...

"Chen Changqing actually has such means?"

"It seems that these ancient families of tomb robbers should not be underestimated. When it comes to digging graves, they are the professionals..."

in the dark.

Lin Wudao secretly praised.

at the same time!

In addition to Lin Wudao, there was another person on top of the Lei Ming Peak who had a clear view of the actions of Chen Changqing and others.

That is, Wu Qiong, the God of Thunder!

When he saw someone digging his grave, Wu Qiong, who was hiding in the statue, immediately gritted his teeth with hatred...

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