"Greetings to the great god!"

After entering the temple, Wu Huan immediately knelt down on the ground and worshiped with an extremely respectful and pious attitude.


Great God Qingshan is his biggest supporter!

"Wu Huan, how have you been in the Leishan tribe in the past seven days? Has anyone ever doubted your identity?"

Lin Wudao asked.

Hear the words!

Wu Huan shook his head.

"Reporting back to the Great God, everything was as I expected, and no one noticed the difference in my identity."

"Now, I have completely gained the trust of Wu Tianjue, the leader of the Leishan tribe. He did not doubt my identity at all, but instead gave me a rare divine item."

"That's a spiritual enlightenment fruit!"

"After swallowing it, there is a certain chance of deriving an unparalleled talent. Under the magical power of the spiritual enlightenment fruit, my subordinate successfully derived a talent."

"It's called: Eye of the Soul!"

"This kind of talent has a strange and magical ability, that is: the ability to read the memories in other people's souls..."

Speaking of which.

Wu Huan's eyes suddenly showed excitement.

at the same time!

After hearing Wu Huan's words, Lin Wudao was also surprised!


He checked Wu Huan's specific information with the eyes of the gods...

Name: Wu Huan

Identity: Son of the leader of Leishan tribe (disguise)

Cultivation: Peak of Divine Power Realm

Talent: Eye of the Soul

Introduction: This is a pair of magical eyes. With it, you can read the memories of all living beings in the world and understand all their secrets.

Note: The other party's cultivation level does not exceed one level of your own, and you can read the other party's soul memory when there is no defense!

A lot of information is presented in front of you!

After reading.

Even Lin Wudao couldn't help but be impressed.

This is indeed an unparalleled talent!

“Not bad~”

"I didn't expect that you would be able to gain such great fortune when you went back to the Thunder Mountain Tribe. With the help of this Divine Soul Eye, your future will be limitless."

Lin Wudao praised.

Hear this!

Wu Huan's face suddenly showed strong surprise and a bright smile...

He has been recognized by the Great God Qingshan!

For him, this was even more exciting than obtaining the unparalleled talent of the Eye of the Soul.

"This is all the grace of God!"

"Without you, the Great God, there would never be such good fortune among your subordinates..."

Wu Huan kowtowed devoutly.

Lin Wudao was very satisfied with his attitude!

"By the way, Great Master, this time I went back to the Leishan Tribe, and through the eyes of the soul, I was lucky enough to read the soul memory of the leader Wu Tianjue, and I discovered an extremely important thing."

"My subordinates feel that it is necessary to inform the master..."


Wu Huan's expression became solemn and serious.


Seeing this, Lin Wudao also aroused curiosity.

"What's the big deal?"

"Reporting back to the Great God, I learned from reading Wu Tianjue's memory that the Leishan Tribe is preparing for a major event recently. That is, the God of Thunder that they have believed in for generations seems to be showing signs of recovery."

Wu Huan respectfully reported.

God of Thunder?

Lin Wudao couldn't help but frowned when he suddenly heard this.

As far as he knew, the God of Thunder was the god of incense believed by the Leishan tribe for generations, and it seemed that it had never been interrupted since ancient times.

"Is it possible that after endless years of worship, the God of Thunder will also revive?"

He frowned in thought.

If the gods of the Leishan tribe really revive, it will not be good news for him...

after all!

Where there are gods, there will be competition!

Even a divine war broke out...

Once the God of Thunder of the Leishan Tribe really succeeds in resurrecting, he will inevitably encounter serious obstacles if he wants to conquer the Leishan Tribe.

Think of this!

Lin Wudao's brows tightened even more.

"Now, how far has the God of Thunder reached?"

"Reporting back to the Great God, according to Wu Tianjue's memory, the God of Thunder believed by the Leishan Tribe is not a pure god of incense and fire, but a monk who became a monk halfway."

"It seems that a long time ago, a powerful demigod ancestor of the Leishan tribe used a secret method to entrust his true spirit into the statue of the God of Thunder."

"Since then, I have been receiving incense offerings from the Thunder Mountain Tribe!"

"After a long period of accumulation, the true spirit of the former ancestor will finally transform into the god of incense and fire, and has gradually awakened."

"Recently, the Leishan tribe is holding a series of grand ceremonies to worship the God of Thunder."

"In addition, they also search for and plunder treasures everywhere, hoping to speed up the transformation of the God of Thunder. The spiritual enlightenment fruit that I swallowed before was found through the guidance of the God of Thunder."

Wu Huan respectfully reported.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao was thoughtful.

"So, the God of Thunder really has some abilities and capabilities?"

"Yes, God!"

"The former ancestor of the Thunder Mountain Tribe seems to have an extremely unusual identity and origin. I feel like he seems to know a lot of information about secret realms and treasures."

"Recently, the Leishan tribe's treasure hunting activities have become more and more frequent."

"Moreover, every time I return from an outing, I will gain a lot..."

Wu Huan continued.

Hearing this, Lin Wudao's eyes flashed with a flash of light.

This news is extremely important to him!

"If this is the case, this God of Thunder is actually a good leek. He can keep piling wool on it, and there will definitely be a big harvest by then."

The more I think about it!

Lin Wudao became even more excited!


If possible, he is prepared to engage in a black and white operation...

"Wu Huan, you did a great job!"

"This time, the information you provided is very important to me. Therefore, I decided to reward you..."

While talking.

Lin Wudao immediately performed the Baptism of God on Wu Huan, improving his qualifications and strength tenfold.


He once again performed a magical technique on Wu Huan alone: ​​the Great Initiation Technique, forcing him to instill a hundred years of cultivation into him.




Under the magical power of the Divine Art: Initiation, Wu Huan's cultivation level began to improve at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The great perfection of divine power!

Early stage of Divine Vein Realm!

Middle stage of Divine Vein Realm!

Realms are constantly being crossed.


After a while.

When the last ray of power was exhausted, Wu Huan's cultivation reached the peak of the divine vein realm, directly ascending to a greater realm and reaching the same level as Tu Shanyao.

"Thank you, God!"

Feeling the huge changes in himself, Wu Huan's eyes were filled with unprecedented surprise and excitement.

What is great creation?

This is!

At this moment, his gratitude and respect for the Great God Qingshan reached an unparalleled level...

"He is indeed a real god!"

"Only gods can possess such heaven-defying means..."

Wu Huan was filled with awe.

To this!

He has been looking forward to it for a long time!


Finally I got what I wanted!

"Wu Huan, after you return to the Thunder Mountain Tribe, continue to pay attention to the movements of the God of Thunder. If there is any important news, inform him in time."

"At that time, this god will give you more powerful power!"

The majestic and indifferent voice resounded through the temple.


Wu Huan responded respectfully.

Even if Lin Wudao doesn't confess, he will do this!

after all.

After tasting the sweetness, how could he let go of Lin Wudao, his great backer?

Lin Wudao ignored his thoughts.

call out!

After pondering for a while, he pointed out, and in an instant, a stack of divine summoning papers appeared in front of Wu Huan.

"This thing is called the God Summoning Paper!"

"In the future, you can use it to send messages to this god in time..."


Wu Huan carefully put away the paper for summoning the gods.

"Is there anything else you want?"

"That... Great God, Wu Zhan's wedding day will be in three days. At that time, he will marry the daughter of the leader of the Lieyang Tribe. I want to take the opportunity to collect some interest first."

he said carefully.

"What do you want to do?"

"Reporting back to the great master, my subordinate's idea is to disguise Wu Zhan as my original appearance and then return him to the Leishan tribe. He will definitely cause trouble by then."

"In that case, the Leishan tribe and Wu Tianjue will never let him go."

"If Wu Tianjue killed his son in a rage, the result would be... haha..."

Speaking of which.

An evil smile appeared on Wu Huan's lips.


"This matter will be handled by me!"

"Thank you, God!"

With Lin Wudao's support, Wu Huan was naturally overjoyed.


He bowed devoutly again, then respectfully exited the temple, and left the Qingshan tribe in his spirit boat.

the next day!

When Tushan Cangyue gathered all the people of the Qingshan tribe, Lin Wudao also began his scheduled performance as the Great Demon God of Qingshan...

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