"Great God, is this sacrifice... okay?"

Seeing no response.

Wu Huan immediately summoned up the courage and asked cautiously.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao nodded slightly.

"Well, not bad~"

"This thing should be the most valuable treasure in your body, and it is extremely valuable. You can take it out as a sacrifice and offer it to this god."

"It shows your piety!"

"In this case, this god will accept you as a subject, and later go to the high priest to enter the divine book. From now on, you will enjoy the grace and protection of this god like the people of the Qingshan Tribe."

Lin Wudao said lightly.

Upon hearing this, Wu Huan was overjoyed!

"Thank you so much, God!"

"Wu Huan wishes to live forever, serve the great gods, and never betray..."




As he spoke, Wu Huan started knocking the door full of surprise and excitement.

To this.

Lin Wudao looked indifferent.

"By the way, I have always been clear about grudges and grudges in my work. Since you offer the treasure sincerely, according to the rules of the temple, I will grant you a wish."

"With your pious heart, do you have any wishes or difficult things that you need my help to solve?"

The majestic voice sounded again.

Hear this!

The excitement in Wu Huan's eyes became more intense.

"Thank you, God, for your mercy!"

"I have an unfinished business at the moment. If the great god can make the decision for me, Wu Huan will be extremely grateful..."

Lin Wudao's words gave Wu Huan great courage.


"Let's talk and listen!"

"Reporting to the great god, I come from the Leishan tribe outside Daqing Mountain. I was seriously injured and on the verge of death due to the pursuit of Wu Zhan, the son of the tribe leader."

"Thanks to the treatment given by Tu Shannuo of the Qingshan tribe, I was able to save my life."

"Because Wu Zhan coveted the treasures in my family, he used conspiracy and tricks to kill my father and brother, and wiped out more than a hundred members of my family. This hatred and hatred are irreconcilable."

"I once swore that in this life I would let Wu Zhan and his son pay for their debt with blood."

"Therefore, I beg God to help me take revenge..."

Wu Huan kowtowed heavily.

When he talked about the witchcraft battle, his eyes showed extremely strong hatred and overwhelming murderous intent.

Witch war?

Hearing this name, Lin Wudao muttered it softly.

at this time!

As the Great Demon God of Qingshan, he controls everything within a radius of 8,000 miles of Qingshan. Through his ‘divine sense’, he clearly saw that a group of people were driving spiritual boats towards the Qingshan tribe.

Among them, there was a majestic man named Wu Zhan...

"The enemy is coming to your door?"

A hint of amusement flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.

"Is your family's treasure the statue of the Ice God?"


"Great God, this statue of the True God of Ice was passed down from the ancestors of my family. Wu Zhan has been coveting this statue for a long time. In order to obtain the inheritance of this statue, he killed his entire family."

"Now, I also want to let him have a taste of what it feels like to have a family destroyed..."

Wu Huan growled viciously.

His eyes were full of hatred!

See it!

Lin Wudao smiled.

Whatever comes to mind, come!

"What a coincidence~"

"According to my perception, your enemies have now come to your door. In about a quarter of an hour, they will arrive at the Qingshan Tribe."

"At that time, I will make the decision for you!"

"How can you die if you want to fight with witches?"


The witch war is about to arrive at Qingshan Tribe?

Upon hearing the news, Wu Huan first felt panic and worry, but then, he felt an unprecedented sense of confidence in his heart.

The corner of his mouth revealed a ferocious look...

With the support of the Great God Qingshan, at this time, he is not afraid of witchcraft at all.

"Great God, Wu Zhan, this beast killed my father, brother, and clan members, and robbed me of my treasures. I want him to see with his own eyes the end of his family and his family, and then he will die in humiliation."


"Do you have any ideas?"

Lin Wudao looked curious.

According to the feedback from the eyes of the gods, Wu Huan is not a good person, let alone a good person.

His heart is actually dark...

It is similar to Zhao Zichen from the Panlong family before, with gold and jade on the outside but failure on the inside.


Compared with Zhao Zichen, who was extremely conscientious and committed all kinds of evil, Wu Huan was much better.


He still has humanity!

Zhao Zichen, for his own benefit, has completely annihilated conscience and humanity. As long as he can increase his cultivation and strength, he can do any bad thing.

There are still differences between the two...


Lin Wudao was very curious about what methods and means Wu Huan would use to deal with Wu Zhan next.

"Master, is there a way for me to disguise myself as a wizard?"


Disguised as a witch war?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao's heart moved.

at this time!

He already knew what Wu Huan was planning...


"This god masters a great disguise technique, which can disguise one person's body shape, appearance, temperament, voice, etc. into another person."

"Only people who have surpassed the three realms of themselves can detect it!"

"When the time comes, I can cast a spell to help you disguise yourself as a witch..."

Lin Wudao said lightly.

"Thank you, God!"

"Great God, my idea is to treat others in their own way."

"Next, I plan to return to the Thunder Mountain Tribe as a wizard, to receive and enjoy everything from him, and then wait for an opportunity to retaliate."

"In a few days, it will be Wu Zhan's wedding day. As long as I return to the Leishan Tribe as him, everything about him will belong to me."

"Then, let the witch war return!"

"When the time comes, if he sees that I have accepted everything from him, he will definitely be angry to death..."

Wu Huan's eyes were full of evil.


Can you think of all these destructive tricks?

You are really a talent...

Lin Wudao sighed secretly.

Know people, know faces, but don’t know hearts!

Although Wu Huan looks like a handsome young man and a gentle man on the outside, when he turns evil, he is simply not a human being.


After hearing his plan, Lin Wudao couldn't help but begin to sympathize with Wu Zhan.

If everything goes as he said, Wu Zhan will definitely die in humiliation; even the entire Leishan tribe will suffer...

Think of this!

Lin Wudao couldn't help but look forward to Wu Huan's next performance.

"Where is Tu Shanguo?"

He called out.

Hear the words!

Tu Shannuo, who had been waiting outside the temple, immediately arrived in front of him as quickly as possible.

"Tushanjie pays homage to the great god!"


"In about a quarter of an hour, a spirit boat from the Leishan Tribe will descend to the Qingshan Tribe. The person on board is Wu Huan's enemy."

"When those people arrive, you suppress them all and bring them to the temple to see me..."

Lin Wudao ordered.

Thunder Mountain Tribe?

Hearing this name, Tu Shannuo's heart trembled slightly.

As far as he knew, it was a medium-sized tribe with 5,000 tribesmen outside Daqingshan. In terms of strength and foundation, it was far beyond what the Qingshan tribe could compare with.


Now, under the baptism and creation of the Great God Qingshan, the strength of their Qingshan Tribe has improved to several levels.

Even the Thunder Mountain Tribe is not afraid of them!

Now that they are here, they will all be suppressed.

Thinking about this!

Tu Shanguo immediately bowed devoutly and then followed the order and walked out of the Qingshan Temple.

Accompanying him was Wu Huan...

After a while.

When they returned to the tribal square, they only waited for a while before they saw a huge spiritual boat coming through the sky with great power.

Just blink of an eye and you're right in front of you!

on it.

There were dozens of powerful figures standing, each of them with strength above the level of divine power.


A young man standing at the front of the spirit boat has reached the perfection of divine power.

Behind him, there was an old man in gray clothes with sinister eyes.

He is clearly a master of the divine vein realm!

"Is this a member of the Thunder Mountain Tribe?"

Tu Shannuo's eyes were cold.


He thought that as a powerful tribe of 5,000 people, the strength of the Leishan tribe was terrifying, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that.

After some comparison, a hint of contempt appeared in Tu Shannuo's eyes...


For his contempt, the wizard on the spirit boat ignored him.


The moment he arrived at the Qingshan tribe, his cold eyes swept across the entire place, and finally fixed firmly on Wu Huan.

All of a sudden!

There is murderous intent in his eyes!

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