"Qingshan Divine Code" was compiled by Qingshan Great Demon God!


It records various events that have happened to the Tushan clan over the endless years, including every sacrifice; in addition, there are many anecdotes.


What really interested Lin Wudao was the various magical magic spells recorded in it...


Turning to the first page of "Qingshan Divine Code", many magical arts came into view.

1. Baptism of God

Level: True Divine Magic

Introduction: Washing all living beings and all things in the world with divine power can strengthen their qualifications and qualities tenfold!

2.Resurrection from the dead

Level: True Divine Magic

Introduction: As long as you have a breath, you can be healed in an instant!

3. Break the situation

Level: True Divine Magic

Introduction: After being used, it can help practitioners in the world break through their original realm!


Level: True Divine Magic

Introduction: In the blink of an eye, it spans thousands of miles!

5. Hercules Fist

Level: True Divine Magic

Introduction: With one punch, all bets are off!

The first page of the "Qingshan Divine Canon" records five divine arts at the true god level.


After browsing for a while, Lin Wudao fixed his sights on the 'Magic: Resurrection from the Dead'. This was his confidence in treating Tu Shannuo.

"Do you want to understand the magic of resurrecting the dead?"


"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have reached the 'Entry' level in the cultivation of resurrection from the dead."


Following the system prompts, many insights came to mind, allowing Lin Wudao to master this magical technique.

Raising the Dead: Getting Started

Level: True Divine Magic

Effect: After being used, creatures below the divine vein level can be instantly healed.


"With it, I can cure Tu Shanguo..."

Gu Xuan was determined.


He continued to study the remaining four magical arts. Although it was extremely difficult to comprehend without the help of incense, Lin Wudao enjoyed it.

Qingshan tribe!


In the tribal square, a large group of people, including men, women, old and young, formed a circle.

They looked sad, with inexplicable sighs in their eyes, and everyone focused their gaze on the open space in front of them...

I saw a majestic young man lying on a huge blue stone.

His face was pale and his breath was weak!

A trace of scarlet blood flowed out from under the clothes, dyeing the bluestone red. Through the torn clothes, you can vaguely see the marks of claws tearing on the man's chest...

"What's wrong, clan elder?"

"Ah, he..."

At this time.

A woman in white with a cold temperament and peerless appearance came to the crowd. She first looked at the man on the bluestone, and then looked at a slightly sloppy old man in gray.

There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes...

However, what she responded to was a helpless sigh.

"It's hopeless~"

"Ah Guo was pierced through the chest by the sharp claws of the wild tiger. His internal organs were shattered and all his bones were broken. Coupled with excessive blood loss, he has reached the point where he has run out of fuel."

"Even if you go through a major cultivation in the human world in the Divine Light Realm, you won't be able to recover from it, alas..."

The old man in gray clothes shook his head.

A deep sadness appeared on the old face.

Is there no hope?

As the old man finished speaking, the woman in white bit her lip and trembled slightly.

Originally, she still had a glimmer of hope!

But now, it is ruthlessly shattered...

She couldn't accept this result.

"Cang Yue, don't be too sad."

"Ah Gu is the number one warrior in our tribe. He has cultivated to the perfection of the Divine Palace at a young age. He originally had a great future, but now..."

“I can only say that God’s will plays tricks on people!”

The gray-clothed clan elder comforted him.

The words were filled with a lot of helplessness and sighs.

But after hearing his words, Tushan Cangyue on the side remained silent, just staring at Tushanjuo on the bluestone with a pair of cold eyes.

"Elder of the clan, can he... enter the ancestral land?"

After a long time, Tushan Cangyue turned her head and looked at the old man in gray.


"Ah Gu is the number one warrior of the Qingshan tribe. His achievements and contributions to the tribe are obvious to all, and he is naturally qualified to enter the ancestral land to worship."

The clan elder gave an affirmative answer.

"That's good!"

"This can be regarded as fulfilling his last wish..."

Tushan Cangyue murmured in a low voice.


She knelt down and gently wiped Tu Shantuo's body.

That way, it seemed as if he was preparing to send him off for the last journey...

"By the way, where is Ruoruo?"

"Hey, she's always around Ah Gu. Why can't she see anyone today? Isn't this supposed to be the case?"

"Are you going somewhere to play? You are a kid after all..."

"Impossible, Ruoruo wouldn't be so ignorant!"

"Well, I seemed to have seen her heading towards the temple just now..."


Did she go to Qingshan Temple?

Everyone around them looked surprised.

But then they were all relieved!

Who among the entire Qingshan tribe doesn’t know that Tushan Ruoruo is a firm believer in gods? On weekdays, she spent most of her time in the temple.

For ten years, she has been unswervingly cleaning the Qingshan Temple, and no one can persuade her to do so.

No one was surprised that she went to the temple...

"Ruoruo is still too young. How can any gods exist in this world? Those so-called legends are just made up by our ancestors for spiritual sustenance."

"Isn't that right? If there really is a God, why would there be suffering in the world?"

"Huh, in my opinion, we should have smashed that ruined temple in the first place, so as not to leave it here to confuse people..."

"Ruoruo went to beg the God of Qingshan again. It's been ten years, why doesn't she give up? What's the use of such useless persistence?"

"If the gods have spirits, let him come to life. In this way, I will serve the gods!"

Various sounds came from the crowd.

And as everyone was talking, Tushan Cangyue, who was not far away, also frowned slightly.

"I'll bring her back!"

With that said, she was about to get up and leave.


At this moment, a childish cry suddenly came from the distance. At the same time, under the gaze of everyone, a little girl staggered over.

His expression was full of surprise and excitement...

"Sister, sister, big brother is saved."

"Brother, he doesn't have to die..."

Tushan Ruoruo shouted loudly while running.


Is Ah Gu saved?

Hearing these words suddenly, whether it was Tushan Cangyue, the gray-clothed elder on the side, or the tribesmen who were watching, all showed surprised expressions.

They couldn't figure out how a little girl could save the dying Tu Shannuo...

"Ruoruo, what did you just say? There's no need for Ah Gu to die?"

The old man in gray clothes looked in disbelief.


"Elder of the clan, I just went to the Qingshan Temple. Guess what I met? I met the Qingshan God. He has promised me that as long as I bring my eldest brother to the temple, I will personally save his life."

"So, eldest brother doesn't have to die this time, haha..."

Facing everyone's surprised looks, Tushan Ruoruo said with a smile on his face.


She still came to Tu Shantuo as quickly as possible...

"Sister, carry your eldest brother to the temple quickly, otherwise it will be too late..."

Tushan Ruoruo shouted anxiously.

However, in response to her words, everyone present looked at each other in confusion, with weird expressions in everyone's eyes.

Obviously, they don't believe it!

Is there really a god in the world?

And, is it still manifesting itself now?

Tushan Ruoruo must be stupid to believe such nonsense.

"Ruoruo, there are no gods in this world. I tell you, gods are all lies. There is no god in this world, and it is impossible for gods to appear."

"You are not allowed to go to places like temples anymore!"

The old man in gray clothes said with a sullen face.

"Yes Ruoruo, the elder is right, gods cannot exist. You must be so sad that you are hallucinating..."

"Cang Yue, take Ruoruo to have a good rest."

"Hmph, I'm going to smash that ruined temple right away so that it won't continue to confuse people..."

Everyone was talking about it.

While they were talking, someone really picked up tools and was about to smash the Qingshan Temple.

See this.

Tushan Ruoruo suddenly became anxious.

"No, don't go, don't destroy the temple..."

Her frail body stood in front of everyone.

The little face was full of panic.

"Elder, sister, you must believe me. The Great God Qingshan really exists, and this time he really appeared. Only the Great God can save my brother now. Please help me send him to the temple."

"If you go too late, brother will be hopeless..."

Tushan Ruoruo said anxiously with a cry in her voice.

After saying that, she still looked pleadingly at the gray-clothed clan elder and Tushan Cangyue.

"Ruoruo, why are you so stubborn..."

The old man in gray clothes wanted to say something more.

However, when she saw that no one believed her words and no one was willing to help carry Tu Shannuo to the temple, Tu Shan Ruoruo snorted coldly.

Then, she came to Tu Shannuo alone.

"Brother, I will definitely save you!"

"They don't believe it, but I believe that God Qingshan will not lie to me..."

While talking.

Tushan Ruoruo bent her legs, preparing to use her weak body to carry Tushannuo to the temple.

But, as a child, how could she carry it on her back?

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't pull Tu Shanyao...

"Uuuu, you are all bad people. I really saw the Great God Qingshan. Why don't you believe me? Why don't you help me save my brother..."

"I hate you, I hate you, woo woo..."

Seeing that Tu Shanruo's aura was getting weaker and weaker, but he could not bring him to Qingshan Temple, Tushan Ruoruo cried loudly and anxiously.


Facing her crying, everyone couldn't bear it.

"Stop crying. If you continue to cry, your brother will really be hopeless."

"Let's go, I'll go to the temple with you..."

Suddenly, a gentle voice suddenly sounded.

Looking up, Tushan Ruoruo was stunned.

Because, in front of her was Tushan Cangyue!

"Sister, you..."

"Why are you still standing there, aren't you going to the temple?"

Tushan Cangyue smiled.

As she spoke, she bent down and carried Tu Shannuo on her back.

"Yes, yes, go to the temple, it will be too late..."

Tushan Ruoruo didn't think much about anything else.

At the moment, he followed Tushan Cangyue and quickly headed towards the Qingshan Temple.

See this scene!

The people who were surprised and uncertain also followed behind...

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