A speechless night!

Because I had enough magic stones, I finally spent the rest of the night safely...

Early the next morning, under the leadership of Lu Chentian, Lin Wudao and his party walked into the City of Sin. In the past, Lu Chentian would never have dared to go in.


With Lin Wudao's presence, his confidence has greatly increased!

The impression that the City of Sin gave Lin Wudao was that it was dilapidated and deserted.

At first glance, it looks lifeless!

Although there are all kinds of exiles on the streets of the city, everyone exudes a fierce and evil aura, and their eyes are filled with bloodthirsty light.

In short, no one looks like a good person!

"This city of sin is even more chaotic than my previous city of sin..."

After looking at it for a long time.

Lin Wudao shook his head and sighed.

"It is indeed very unbearable!"

"However, this is a place of exile. We fight against death almost every day. Unless someone can dominate the place of sin, this situation cannot be changed."

Xiao Jinglun said in a deep voice.


They walked all the way and quickly arrived at the center of the City of Sin.

See you!

It’s very lively here!

In the central square, there is a huge arena...


With the arena as the center, the exiles were surrounded from all directions. They all stared closely at the arena, and from time to time, shocking noises broke out from the crowd.

All of them looked very excited, and their eyes were full of ferocity and bloodthirsty...


You can also clearly hear the sound of fierce fighting coming from the arena.

"What is this doing?"

Lin Wudao asked curiously.

"Fight in the ring!"

"In the City of Sin, on the last day of every month, the three giants will hold an arena competition. They will randomly select two people from among the many exiles and go to the arena to start a life-or-death battle."

"Whichever side wins will get the magic stone that the other party bet on..."

"This is Sin City, the only entertainment."

Lu Chentian introduced.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao suddenly became interested.

"Let's go and have a look~"

While talking.

The group of people immediately arrived at the edge of the arena.

Looking up, I saw that at the east and west ends of the arena, there was a camp on each side, each with a ferocious look and a lot of yelling.

"The force to the east is the Black Demon Palace, and the leader is the palace master Qin Shura; the force to the west is the Kuangren Pavilion, and the leader is the Pavilion Master Yan Shan."

"They are all powerful men in the Shentai realm!"

"As usual, their bet starts with 10,000 magic stones..."

Lu Chentian said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Lin Wudao's dull eyes swept over Qin Shura and Yan Shan, and finally gathered in the center of the arena.

I saw two majestic figures there, fighting crazily.




One after another, ferocious attacks bloomed in the arena, violent and bloodthirsty.

The two competitors tried their best to kill each other...


About a quarter of an hour later, as a scream rang out, one of the strong men was cut in half with a knife, and he was completely dead.

"Hahaha, okay!"

"Yan Shan, you lost..."


Qin Xiuluo, the master of the Black Demon Palace, stood up from his seat, with a arrogant smile on his ferocious face.


While talking, someone under his command moved the ten thousand magic stones in front of Yan Shan and placed them at Qin Shura's feet...

"Huh, what a bunch of trash!"

"You are also in the middle stage of the divine power realm, but you can't even hold on for half an hour. This loser deserves to die."

Lost the magic stone.

Yan Shan cursed loudly.

He was very unhappy with this result!


So far, he has lost eight games in a row...

"Brother Yan, your luck is not very good today. You have picked a loser eight times in a row. Do you want me to give you another chance?"

"Shall we play again?"

Qin Shura laughed proudly.

"Have fun!"

"I have lost eight games in a row, so I will not accompany you today. After I prepare enough magic stones next month, I will come to you for a decisive battle..."

Say it.

Yan Shan led people directly out of the arena.



Looking at Yan Shan's leaving figure, Qin Xiuluo sneered disdainfully.

In this city of sin, who doesn’t know his name as the God of Gamblers?

His luck has always been very good!

"Is there anyone else who wants to play?"

"I am in a good mood today. You can place any bet, no matter how much, even if it is only one magic stone. As long as you can win, you can take away all the magic stones in front of me."


Qin Shura's arrogant persona affected everyone inside and outside the arena.

Hear this!

Lin Wudao couldn't help but feel a hint of interest in his eyes.

The pile of magic stones in front of Qin Xiuluo was at least 30,000. If he won, he would be like a wolf with nothing.

"Lu Chentian, what are the rules of this arena?"

"Brother Lin, you...are you going to bet with Qin Shuluo?"

"Yeah, I have this idea."

Lin Wudao smiled lightly.


"Brother Lin, I advise you to think twice before you act. As the master of the Black Demon Palace, Qin Shura is not a good person. Even if you win, you may not be able to take away the magic stone in his hand."

"If you have a life to win, you have no life to spend!"

"Furthermore, Qin Shuluo has always been very vengeful. If he wins, he will never let you go..."

Lu Chentian reminded in a low voice.

To this!

Lin Wudao didn't take it seriously.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen!"

"Oh well."

"Actually, the rules of this arena are very simple. The two parties to the bet randomly select an exile to take the stage. In the end, whoever chooses the exile to survive will be the winner."

"The person who wins can get all the magic stones that the other party bet on..."

Lu Chentian introduced the rules of the arena.


After he finished speaking, Lin Wudao immediately dodged and came to the arena.

"Let me try my luck~"

He sat in Yan Shan's previous seat.


He threw fifty magic stones on the ground at his feet.


Here comes another one who is not afraid of death?


As Lin Wudao came on stage, in an instant, the eyes of everyone present were focused on him.

There was surprise and suspicion in each of their eyes...

"Hey, where did this stupid young man come from?"

"I don't know, I've never seen it before!"

"This man... seems to have never appeared in the City of Sin. Could he be a new exile?"

"should be!"

Various comments came from the crowd.

at this time!

They are all guessing about Lin Wudao's identity and origin...

Even Qin Xiuluo, the master of the Black Demon Palace, looked at Lin Wudao with a strange look.

"Are you new here?"

"What, the new guy can't play?"

Lin Wudao looked amused.

"of course not!"

"You've just arrived, little brother, so I'll give you a chance. As long as you win, all my 30,000 magic stones will be yours..."


Qin Xiuluo waved, and then a burly man walked onto the arena holding a dark wooden box.

"According to the rules of the arena, let's draw lots!"

"In this wooden box, there are many names of exiles. They are all slaves in the land of sin, and their cultivation levels are also different. Whoever is drawn will be on the field."

"Winning or losing depends on luck!"

Qin Xiuluo kindly introduced the rules.


At his signal, the strong man came to Lin Wudao holding the wooden box.

See it!

Lin Wudao glanced at it with his divine eyes and found nothing wrong with the wooden box.


He reached inside and grabbed a note.

When I opened it, I saw two words written on it.

Bai Zhen!

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