Penglai Family’s building boat is very fast!

Half a day later.

They had reached the range of Shiwandashan...

At this time!

Lin Wudao's eyes swept across the void, and suddenly, he seemed to remember something.

"Clan Chief Xiao, I will go and catch up with an old friend first. You will go to Taicang Ancestral Land first. I will look for you in about half a day."

Say it.

Before Xiao Jinglun and others could react, Lin Wudao took a step forward and disappeared instantly.

After a while!

When he appeared again, he had arrived at Black Wind Mountain where the Black Mountain Old Demon was.

Just now.

The so-called old friend in his mouth is naturally the old demon Hu Shatian from Montenegro.

Previously, he was busy cutting leeks in the Dragon Burial Secret Realm and destroying the Shangqing Sword Palace. He almost forgot about the old demon from Black Mountain.


Now that I have arrived at Shiwandashan, it is time to finish what I promised.

after all.

He is a peerless expert who hides his secrets!

This kind of image cannot be ruined.

Black Wind Mountain!

In the main hall of the secret realm.

The old demon from Montenegro was leaning on the chair boredly. There were many wine bottles scattered on the ground under his feet, and the expression on his face looked a little haggard.

The whole person seems to have lost the majestic power of the demon king...

"Senior, where are you?"

"You said before that you would recommend me to go to the Zhenwu Palace to break through to the Divine Palace Realm. Why is there no one now?"

"The Divine Flower of the Other Shore has been lost, and now even your figure has disappeared. I have worked hard for thousands of years, but in the end it was all in vain, hahaha..."

In the empty hall, the old Black Mountain demon laughed sadly.



He drank the wine in one gulp and then smashed the glass to the ground.

To vent the anger in your heart...

See it!

Lin Wudao smiled faintly and immediately appeared in front of him as an expert.

"What, are you resenting me?"



The sudden majestic voice frightened the old Black Mountain demon and woke him up instantly.


When he saw Lin Wudao, his drunkenness disappeared instantly, replaced by boundless fear and surprise. He immediately knelt down on the ground and knelt down heavily.

"Hu Shatian pays homage to senior!"

"I didn't know that you are here, senior, so I hope you can forgive me..."

He kept kowtowing.

"Get up~"

His big sleeves waved, and a majestic force surged out, lifting the old Black Mountain demon up from the ground.

"Some time ago, I was delayed because of something!"

"Today happened to be like Shiwandashan, so I thought of you, so I came over to take a look."


Lin Wudao raised his hand and pointed, and a divine flower from the other side appeared in front of him instantly.

"I keep my word!"

"Since I said that I will help you break through to the Divine Palace realm, I will naturally not break my promise."

"You first swallow and refine this divine flower from the other side, and then I will help you break the shackles of the Divine Palace Realm and help you advance to the Divine Power Realm..."

"Yes! Thank you, senior!"

Dong Dong Dong~

As Lin Wudao's voice fell, the old Black Mountain demon became extremely excited, and the depression in his heart disappeared in an instant.


After taking a few deep breaths, he swallowed the Divine Flower of the Other Shore, then circulated the demonic power around his body, smelting it like crazy.




An hour later, with the help of the magical power of the Divine Flower from the Other Shore, the Black Mountain Old Demon's divine palace expanded tenfold, and he looked full of energy.

In a pair of eyes, the divine light shines!

See this.

Lin Wudao didn't care either.


He waved his big sleeves, and the Great Wilderness Cauldron appeared from mid-air in an instant, directly loading the old Black Mountain demon into it.

"Don't panic!"

"The place you are now is the inner space of the Jida weapon. Next, I will activate the power of the Jida weapon to forcibly break your shackles."

"Just keep your mind close, and leave the rest to me..."


Lin Wudao immediately activated the Great Desolate Cauldron, causing it to release waves of mighty Ji Dao aura, instantly engulfing the old Black Mountain demon.


The power of the extreme is a great terror for the old demon from Black Mountain.

If he relied on himself, he would definitely not be able to bear it!

The final outcome must be to be wiped out.


Now that Lin Wudao has completely controlled the Great Desolate Cauldron, the power he inspired will naturally not pose a threat or harm to the Black Mountain Old Demon.

On the contrary, it is of great benefit!


As the mighty aura of the Jida washed away, the muscles, bones, flesh and blood all over the Black Mountain Old Demon's body were undergoing qualitative transformation.


Finally, after half a day, he broke through the shackles of the Divine Palace Realm and successfully entered the Divine Power Realm.

All of a sudden.

The terrifying evil spirit rises into the sky!

"Thank you, senior, for your kindness!"

The old demon from Montenegro kowtowed crazily.

The words are full of infinite surprise and gratitude...

this day!

He has been waiting for thousands of years!


Finally, I got what I wanted!

"Get up~"

"This is all the result of your dedicated work. But I will not treat anyone who serves me faithfully."

"Next, I will give you a task. You must subdue all the other demon kings in Shiwan Mountain within ten days. Can you do it?"

"Senior, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter within three days!"

The old demon from Montenegro patted his chest and promised.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao nodded with satisfaction.

"I can rest assured of your ability to do things!"

"In this case, I will leave the Hundred Thousand Mountains to you. When I finish my work, I will come to find you..."

Say it.

Lin Wudao said a few more words and then disappeared.

Looking at his leaving figure, the old demon from Montenegro was filled with awe and reverence.

"I am so lucky to meet seniors in this life!"

"The Hundred Thousand Mountains have been doing their own thing for tens of thousands of years. Next, it will be my turn to live like a demon king, hahaha..."

He laughed loudly.

Until much later!

He just walked out of the secret realm, carrying a powerful force, carrying the Seven Killing Demon Sword, and headed to the territories of the other nine demon kings.

The journey to becoming the emperor of the Hundred Thousand Mountains began...

Lin Wudao didn't know much about the actions of the old demon from Black Mountain.

call out!

Since leaving Black Wind Mountain, he has followed the footsteps of many cultivators, all the way to the depths of Shiwan Mountain.


We successfully found Xiao Jinglun and others!

See you!

The place where they are now is the deepest part of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and at the foot is an ancient and huge lake.

The surface of the lake is as calm as a mirror, so it is called Mirror Lake...

At this moment.

With Jinghu Lake as the center, there were many cultivators in ten directions. Lin Wudao glanced at it and found that there were hundreds of thousands of them...

There are even some powerful beings among them!

With just a casual glance, Lin Wudao saw many practitioners in the Divine Palace, Divine Power, and even Divine Vein realms among the surrounding crowd.

They all stared closely at the Mirror Lake at their feet...

"What is so magical about this Taicang Ancestral Land that it can attract so many cultivators?"

Lin Wudao was puzzled.

Hear the words!

Xiao Jinglun, who was on the side, laughed.

"The city lord doesn't know something!"

"The real name of Tai Cang Ancestral Land is Shanling Realm. It was originally transformed and evolved from a collapsed small world, and eventually formed an independent large cave world."

"The true origin of the Mountain Realm has long been unverifiable."

"It is said that it can be traced back to the years before ancient times..."

"Due to the erosion of time, the changes of time and era, the once glorious Shanling Realm has completely declined and has become an ordinary blessed land."

"Later, there was the powerful presence of the Taicang clan, which eliminated all obstacles, unified the Shanling Realm, and finally opened up a country in the Shanling Realm."

"This is the ancient Taicang Kingdom of the past!"

"The ancient country of Taicang has experienced a total of twenty-two generations of monarchs, with a total of 19,652 years of inheritance. At its most glorious time, there was a true god sitting in the country."

"It's just that later, due to unknown reasons, the ancient Tai Cang Kingdom fell and all the strong men died."

"And without the suppression of the Taicang Ancient Kingdom, the Shanling Realm once again fell into pieces and fell into endless battles. In the end, everything returned to ruins..."

Xiao Jinglun slowly narrated.

Through him, Lin Wudao also learned about the Shanling Realm and the situation in the Taicang Ancient Kingdom.

"I heard that more than 80,000 years have passed since the founding of the ancient Taicang Kingdom, right?"


"After such a long time, is there still a chance in the mountain world?"

Lin Wudao was a little curious.

"Of course!"

"City Lord, the Shanling Realm is very large, and its mystery is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine. Even the ancient Taicang Kingdom in the past did not dare to say that it could fully understand the Shanling Realm."

"There are many places they dare not go to!"

"From the ancient Taicang Kingdom to the present, the Shanling Realm has been opened three times. Each time, many people will be successful, and many people will be buried in it forever."

"In short, the most indispensable thing in the mountain world is opportunity and good luck. As long as you have that ability, you can reach the sky in one step."

"On the contrary, it is to keep your life inside..."

Speaking of which.

Xiao Jinglun also had a gloomy look in his eyes.

He seemed to be thinking of the old ancestors of the Penglai family...


Just as Lin Wudao and the others were talking, suddenly, waves of powerful power came from the distant sky.

After a while.

I saw a huge spiritual boat exuding a wild atmosphere, breaking through the sky.

There are many majestic figures standing above...

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