Collect the body for the Emperor, and my cultivation will skyrocket for ten thousand years!

Chapter 219 Kunlun Emperor Monument, the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor!

[System, my consumption in the City of All Heavens can be settled based on my lifespan? 】

He pondered for a while.

Lin Wudao suddenly asked.

【Can! 】

Surprisingly, the system agreed.

This made Lin Wudao overjoyed!

[Does the host want to enable the currency exchange function? 】

【How to redeem? 】

[The host is now at the mortal level. If the currency exchange function is turned on, one year of life can be exchanged for a top-quality divine stone! 】


How could it still be like this?

Lin Wudao was greatly surprised when he heard this.

After two trips to the City of All Heavens, he also had a certain understanding of the currencies used in transactions there.

In the City of the Heavens, the lowest currency used is the best divine stone.

Above, there are divine crystals and divine sources!


The divine objects and treasures inside are often billions of divine stones, divine crystals, or divine sources...

High-end things may not be accessible to him currently.

There is no way, I am too poor!


The system has opened the service of exchanging lifespan for divine stones, which makes it convenient for Lin Wudao to go to the City of All Heavens for consumption.

"For the City of All Heavens, things like the ancient spiritual weapons of the Jida are probably not on the table at all. Even on the Ninth Avenue, they are not worth mentioning."

"Therefore, if you use divine blood to transform it, you probably won't need many divine stones..."

Lin Wudao made secret calculations.


After making a decision in his heart, he immediately took out the Supreme Taoist Talisman and entered the City of All Heavens.

It's been a while since the last time.

"Meet the Supreme One!"

call out!

Just when Lin Wudao had just appeared, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

Take a closer look!

But it’s Ji Ruyue from Jiutian Tower!

In addition to her, there was also a middle-aged man with a temperament as deep as Tianyuan, whose cultivation had reached the level of the Ancient Immortal King.

He is a little giant!

This person is clearly the guardian of the second level Heavenly Immortal Tower, Ji Wuya.

"Ji Wuya pays homage to the Supreme Being!"

He bowed his head with great respect.

There is boundless excitement and awe in my heart...

To be favored by the Eastern Supreme is not only their supreme glory, but also the supreme glory of the entire Immortal Tower and the entire Ji family.

"Everyone, get up~"

"By the way, where is Mu Jiutian?"

After scanning around, Lin Wudao didn't find Mu Jiutian's figure, so he asked lightly.

"Reporting to the Supreme Being, Mu Jiutian is still in the Xuanhuang World and may be delayed for a few more days..."


"Have all the matters in the Xuanhuang World been dealt with?"


Ji Ruyue bowed in response.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's go~"

"Go to your Jiutian Tower and find a skilled weapon refiner. I plan to refine something small..."


After hearing the order, Ji Ruyue raised her hand and shot out a ray of fairy light, and escaped into the void.


She drove the Shenzhou and carried Lin Wudao to Jiutian Tower.

call out!

A moment later, when Lin Wudao arrived at the most noble ninth floor of the Jiutian Tower, he saw an old man in red who had cultivated at the level of Ancient Immortal Dzogchen. He had been waiting for a long time.

"Bi Xuan, meet the Supreme Being!"

He prostrated himself on the ground with an extremely respectful and pious attitude.

The old body was trembling constantly...

His eyes were filled with both infinite fear and endless excitement.

This is the Supreme before you!

Being able to personally serve the Supreme Being is a blessing he has received in several lifetimes. If he is favored by the Supreme Being, his future destiny will reach the sky in one step.


Bi Xuan, as the chief weapon refiner of Xiandao Pavilion, felt flattered at this moment.

"Your Majesty, Master Bi Xun is the number one weapon trainer in our Immortal Tower. Although he only has the cultivation level of the Ancient Immortal Dzogchen, he can use the Immortal Weapons used by the Immortal King."

"About three epochs ago, Master Bi Xun also gave an immortal weapon the power of the era, making it the exclusive weapon of the ancient immortal king, the epochal immortal weapon."

"Looking at the first and second heavens of the City of All Heavens, Master Bi Xun's weapon refining skills are unparalleled..."

Ji Ruyue introduced carefully.

Bi Xuan?

Can you refine the Era Immortal Weapon?

A flash of shock flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.

This is definitely a real boss!

The Immortal Weapons of the Era are the Immortal Weapons used by giants above the level of the Ancient Immortal King.

If you want to intercept the power of the era and then give it to the immortal weapons, there are extremely strict requirements for the skills and strength of the weapon refiner.

If you are not careful, you will fall short!


Anyone who can refine the immortal weapons of the era is the top master of weapon refining. No matter which world they are in, they are highly sought after by the powerful.

"Actually, when I came to the City of All Heavens this time, I just wanted to give some magical power to a mortal weapon. It does not require any superb skills."


Lin Wudao waved his hand and took out the Great Wild Cauldron.


The ancient spiritual weapon of Ji Dao?

Looking at the Great Desolate Cauldron in front of them, Ji Ruyue and the other two people looked surprised.

In the past, they wouldn't even take a second look at a weapon of this level...


The ancient spiritual weapons of Jida are just mortal weapons!

Can't get on the stage at all.


Neither Ji Ruyue, Ji Wuya, nor Bi Xuan dared to show any disdain or dissatisfaction after seeing the Great Desolate Cauldron.

The Supreme Being must have his reasons for doing this!

As for why?

They can't ask, and they don't dare to ask!

"Supreme Lord, is this cauldron of yours going to be upgraded?"

Bi Xuan asked respectfully.

"Well, that's right!"

"This Great Desolate Cauldron is now just the lowest level ancient spiritual weapon of the extreme path. It is far from reaching its limit. I want to add divine power to it. Is it feasible?"

He looked at Bi Xuan.

Hear the words!

Bi Xuan nodded.

"Supreme, it's okay!"

"The Ji Dao ancient spiritual weapon is a weapon used by the creatures in the minor god realm in the ten directions. It is of the lowest quality and can bless the power of a true god."

"The best ancient spiritual weapons of the extreme path can bless the five divine powers!"

"Once this limit is exceeded, it falls into the category of divine weapons..."

Bi Xuan replied.


"I am here this time to upgrade the Great Wilderness Cauldron. How long will it take to upgrade it to the highest quality and then imbue it with five divine powers?"

"Just one hour!"

Bi Xuan thought for a moment and replied carefully.


With his cultivation and weapon refining skills, he could transform a mortal-level Ji Dao weapon with just a lift of his hands.


It is not difficult to directly upgrade it into a Jida Imperial Weapon!


After all, the Great Wild Cauldron is a supreme object, so he naturally has to treat it with caution and make sure to satisfy the Supreme Being.


He only wanted it for an hour!

"Well, I'll leave the Great Wilderness Cauldron to you."


Bi Xun carefully took the Great Wild Cauldron and exited the room.

"Supreme, the villain went to the remote areas of the universe two eras ago, and found a strange object there, and wanted to dedicate it to the Supreme."


While speaking, Ji Wuya turned over his hand and took out a jade box one foot square, and presented it to Lin Wudao with great respect.

A strange object at the edge of the universe?

Hearing this, Lin Wudao couldn't help but become interested.

Open it and take a look!

I saw an ancient and vast stone tablet lying in the jade box...

The stone tablet is about the size of a palm.

The aura above is extremely ancient and majestic. Although it has gone through endless years of erosion, it is still well preserved.


When facing this stone tablet, both Ji Ruyue and Ji Wuya's bodies began to tremble involuntarily.

I wouldn’t even dare to take a mere glance at it!

See this.

Lin Wudao immediately scanned it with his divine eyes. After a moment, he couldn't help but widen his eyes and looked at Ji Wuya's expression, which was also somewhat meaningful.

"This thing is useless to me!"

"However, for you, it is great luck and good fortune..."

Lin Wudao said.


Great luck? Great fortune?

Ji Wuya was both excited and surprised at the same time!


This stone tablet has been hidden in the Ji family for several epochs, and they have never understood its mystery.


Only then did Ji Wuya dare to take it out, hoping to let Lin Wudao clarify his doubts.

Lin Wudao had already seen through his thoughts.


It didn’t break it!

"While I have nothing to do now, I will briefly tell you about the origin of this stone tablet and its purpose."

"This object is called the Kunlun Emperor Stele!"

"It was left behind by the Kunlun Immortal Emperor in the first era of the Mythical Age."

"In the past, after Immortal Emperor Kunlun became the Immortal Emperor, he recorded the Immortal Sutra of Time and the Nine Supreme Immortal Techniques he created on nine emperor tablets."

"Finally, knock down the nine emperor tablets from the universe!"

"As long as you get one of the imperial tablets, you can get one-ninth of the Immortal Sutra of Time, as well as a supreme immortal technique."

"If you can collect all nine emperor tablets, you can obtain the complete "Eternal Immortal Sutra" and the nine supreme immortal arts, thus having the potential to become an immortal emperor."

"You're lucky. The imperial tablet in front of you happens to be the first volume of the Immortal Sutra, and it also records a very powerful method."

"It's called: Kunlun Supreme Dharma!"

Lin Wudao narrated lightly.


It’s actually the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor?

Hearing this, Ji Wuya and Ji Ruyue's eyes widened, and their hearts filled with infinite excitement and surprise.

If it weren't for Lin Wudao, I'm afraid they would never be able to unravel the ancient secrets of the Kunlun Emperor Monument...

"The words on the Kunlun Emperor's stele are Taoist inscriptions. Only those who have become Immortal Emperor can barely come into contact with them. With your cultivation and realm, you naturally cannot understand them."

"The first volume of the Immortal Sutra on this stele, as well as the Kunlun Supreme Dharma, require a level above that of a true immortal to be practiced."

"You barely have this qualification..."

Lin Wudao said lightly.

Hear the words!

Ji Wuya and Ji Ruyue are in great spirits!

They feel that a great opportunity is about to fall on their heads.


After some browsing, Lin Wudao's voice continued to sound.

"The Immortal Emperor's method should not be taught lightly!"

"Next, I will translate the first volume of the Immortal Sutra on the Kunlun Emperor's stele and the Kunlun Supreme Dharma in oral form for you."

"As for how much you can comprehend, it depends on each person's destiny..."


Lin Wudao immediately began to translate the Immortal Sutra and Immortal Techniques on the Kunlun Emperor's stele in the form of oral instructions through the insight of the eyes of the gods.

The Immortal Emperor's method is supreme!

Such methods cannot be recorded on ordinary matter at all. Only the treasure of the Immortal Emperor can carry them.

Lin Wudao naturally does not have the treasure of the Immortal Emperor!


Let him only choose dictation!

at the same time.

When Lin Wudao finished speaking, Ji Wuya and Ji Ruyue were also alert and attentive, listening to the mysteries of the Immortal Scriptures and Immortal Techniques.

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