"How many undead knights do you have on hand now?"

"Well, due to limited materials, if I add this, I made a total of ten..."

Feng Jiuyou replied with surprise in his eyes.

This shows that Lin Wudao already has the intention to buy!


After he finished speaking, Lin Wudao nodded with satisfaction.

"I want all the undead knights you made!"

"How many years of life do I need to pay in total?"

"Distinguished guest, plus this undead knight in the divine power realm, the total life span is 10,500 years. I will erase the fraction for you, just 10,000 years."

Feng Jiuyou said respectfully.

a thousand years?

For this price, Lin Wudao can still afford it!

The Supreme Dao Talisman enjoys a 10% discount. If he has a life span of 10,000 years, he only needs to pay for 1,000 years...

“Let’s get a discount~”


He turned over his hand and took out the supreme Taoist talisman.


When he saw the purple supreme Taoist talisman in Lin Wudao's hand, Feng Jiuyou took a breath of air, and unprecedented shock appeared in his eyes.

"Feng Jiuyou pays homage to the Supreme Being and welcomes the Supreme Being!"


He knelt down on the ground with great respect and kowtowed heavily.

His eyes were filled with infinite awe!

Although he has never seen the Supreme in the City of All Heavens, he has seen with his own eyes the tenth Supreme Taoist Talisman released by the City Lord's Mansion.

It's the piece in front of me!

This shows that the other party is the tenth supreme being born in the City of All Heavens since ancient times.

This status simply overturned Feng Jiuyou's imagination...


He just thought that Lin Wudao was an unparalleled power above the true immortals. Little did he know that the other party turned out to be the Supreme One.

This sudden change made Feng Jiuyou tremble with fear!

"Boss Feng, get up."

"I'm just here to buy things in the City of All Heavens, you don't have to be so formal..."

Lin Wudao smiled lightly.


Although he said this, Feng Jiuyou still knelt on the ground, terrified.

"Feng Jiuyou, if the Supreme asks you to get up, just get up quickly. Do you still want the Supreme to help you up?"

At this time.

Ji Ruyue's voice rang out.

Hear the words!

Feng Jiuyou's soul trembled, and after taking a deep breath, he stood up tremblingly.

“How to pay for life?”

"This... Your Majesty, it is a great honor for me to have you come to the Puppet God Pavilion. With a lifespan of only ten thousand years, how dare I..."

"Business is business, how can it be confused with identity?"

"You must accept what I want to give; no one can force you to give me what I don't want to give. Since I come to your store to buy things, I must follow the rules."

"According to the 10% discount, ten undead knights are worth a thousand years of life?"

"Yes yes~"

Feng Jiuyou naturally did not dare to disobey Lin Wudao's words.


He turned over his hands and took out a life contract and carefully wrote it...

"Supreme, this is the life contract used in the Puppet God Pavilion transaction. As long as you sign your name, you can complete the life span transaction."

"Please take a look at it, Your Majesty~"

Feng Jiuyou held the life contract in front of Lin Wudao with both hands.

See it!

Lin Wudao glanced at it, and a flash of light flashed across his eyes.

"Will you sell this life contract?"


De Feng Jiuyou was stunned by these sudden words.

"Feng Jiuyou, what are you doing standing there in a daze? The Supreme One is asking you something?"

"Reporting to the Supreme Being, this life contract... is worthless. If you want it, I still have twenty in my hands..."


"Let's do this. I will pay you a life span of 1,200 years and buy the ten undead knights and twenty life contracts in your hands."

"Oh, okay~"

Feng Jiuyou was naturally happy.

It is his supreme honor to be able to come to the Puppet God Pavilion.

As long as this news spreads, it is conceivable that his business will be extremely popular in the future.

Everyone comes to buy it!

Can the things in Puppet God Pavilion be bad?

No matter what the reason, there will be many people taking care of his business...

This is invisible advertising!

For specific details, you can refer to the Wanbao Building next door.

That is a true portrayal!

Think of this.

Feng Jiuyou's heart was full of excitement and excitement, and he immediately carefully revised the life contract.

at the same time!

Lin Wudao also signed his name on the life contract.


[You have spent 1,200 years of life in the City of All Heavens, and the system has allocated the corresponding life span from the host to Feng Jiuyou. 】

Lin Wudao glanced at the system panel and found that the lifespan on it had indeed been reduced by 1,200 years.

at the same time!

Just when Lin Wudao was checking the life span of the panel, he saw that Feng Jiuyou had respectfully handed a spiritual ring to him, which contained ten undead knights and twenty blank life contracts.

These things are of great use to him!

"Let's go!"

After collecting everything into the system space, Lin Wudao immediately turned around and walked out of the Puppet God Pavilion.

"Congratulations to your Majesty!"

Feng Jiuyou behaved extremely respectfully.

To this.

Lin Wudao just nodded and said nothing more.


Not long after he left the Puppet God Pavilion, he saw a large number of cultivators rushing in crazily from behind, almost breaking through the threshold...


The Puppet God Pavilion ushered in an unprecedented hot scene.

Lin Wudao didn't know anything about all this!

call out!

After leaving the Puppet God Pavilion, Mu Jiutian drove the Shenzhou and flew aimlessly. Lin Wudao did not speak, so naturally he did not dare to speak.

"Mu Jiutian, is there an office of the City Lord's Mansion in the first level of the City of All Heavens?"


"Well, let's go there. I want to know some things..."


After receiving the order, Mu Jiutian immediately drove the Shenzhou and flew away through the air at the fastest speed.

Just a moment.

An ancient and magnificent temple came into view!

On the plaque in the center, three majestic characters are engraved.

Haotian Mansion!

"Supreme Lord, there is a city lord's mansion in each heaven of the City of All Heavens. The mansion in the first heaven is Haotian Mansion. It is responsible for handling various affairs of the first heaven."

Mu Jiutian introduced him respectfully.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao nodded lightly.

After looking at it for a few times, he walked over...


When Lin Wudao arrived outside the gate of Haotian Mansion, two majestic guards suddenly stopped in front of him, their sharp eyes constantly coming back to inspect him.

"The Supreme Lord has arrived at Haotian Mansion. Why don't you hurry up and inform Lu Huantian, the master of Haotian Mansion, to come and pick him up?"

Mu Jiutian raised his voice.


The arrival of the Supreme?

After hearing this, the two guards' eyes fell on the Supreme Taoist Talisman hanging around Lin Wudao's waist, and their expressions suddenly changed.

"Meet the Supreme One!"

"The villain didn't know that the Supreme One is coming, so please forgive me!"

The two of them knelt down in fear.

"Get up."

"Today, I came to Haotian Mansion and wanted to know something..."

"Please come inside, Supreme~"

The two guards did not dare to hesitate and respectfully invited Lin Wudao into the main hall of Haotian Mansion.

at the same time!

They also used secret methods to notify Lu Huantian, the master of Haotian Palace.

call out!

call out!

call out!

As the bright immortal lights descended, a group of true immortals appeared. These were the staff of Haotian Mansion.

The leader is a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi.

The cultivation of the True Immortal Dzogchen!

"Lu Huantian pays homage to the Supreme Being!"

"Get up~"

Lin Wudao was sitting at the head of Haotian Mansion, his eyes sweeping over Lu Huantian and others in turn.

"I came to Haotian Mansion today mainly because I want to understand the rules of the City of All Heavens and the treatment enjoyed by the Supreme Taoist Talisman..."

He said straight to the point.

Hear this.

Lu Huantian immediately breathed a sigh of relief, then turned over his hand and took out an ancient jade book, and respectfully presented it to Lin Wudao.

"Supreme Lord, this is the "Introduction to the Heavens", which records in detail everything about the City of the Heavens, as well as the authority of various Taoist talismans."

"Please take a look at it, Your Majesty!"


Lin Wudao gave a faint hum and then started browsing.

The first page of "Introduction to the Heavens" mainly introduces the creation and development process of the City of the Heavens, while the second page records various rules and precautions.

The third page records the ten patterns of the Supreme Taoist Talisman so far.

The fourth page records the treatment and permissions enjoyed by various Taoist symbols in the City of All Heavens...

After browsing for a while, Lin Wudao set his sights on the authority of the Supreme Taoist Talisman.

【1. Purchase all items in the City of All Heavens and enjoy a 10% discount! 】

【2. Identity and status are supreme! 】

【3. Open the door to the world and go to other big worlds without any hindrance! 】

【4. You can recruit followers to serve you! 】

【5. Cause and effect do not apply to you! 】

【6. Enjoy the final interpretation of the rules! 】

[7. All creatures in the City of Heaven must obey the orders issued by the Supreme Being unconditionally! 】

Many permissions came into view.

After reading this!

Even Lin Wudao couldn't help but sigh, the Supreme Taoist Talisman was indeed awesome.

In this city of the heavens, you have a transcendent status!

In general.

The City of All Heavens is more like a platform serving the Supreme...

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