Yuanzhou is very big, with thirty-six counties under its jurisdiction!

It is adjacent to the vast and ancient Shiwan Mountains in the east, faces the mysterious and vast North Sea in the north, and is in a desolate and lonely land in the west. Only the south is the best place for living creatures to gain a foothold.

The Demon Suppressing Division is a powerful force used by the Dali Dynasty to maintain order in the world and restrain cultivators in the world. It has huge resources and overwhelming authority.

Nowadays, the dynasty is declining and all the heroes in the world are rising together. It is the most chaotic era. If you are not careful, you will die without a burial place.

But at the same time.

It’s also the best of times!

Because as long as you are strong enough, you can make achievements and reach the pinnacle of life...

After leaving Qingyuan Ancient City, Lin Wudao and Han Qingshan headed toward the Demon Suppression Division at lightning speed. As the master of the Demon Hunting Palace, he had great power.

His identity and status are second only to the deputy governor and chief governor!


What the Demon Suppression Division pays attention to is to rule according to the territory!

The thirty-six counties in the Yuanzhou area are each controlled by the eight palace masters of the Demon Suppressing Division. As the master of one palace, he can manage all affairs in the counties under his jurisdiction.

In fact, as long as the strength of the palace master is strong enough, even the deputy governor of the Demon Suppression Division cannot control...

Because, the Demon-Suppressing Division is a place where the strong are respected!

As long as the fist is hard enough, the strength is strong enough, and it does not violate the rules of the game, then you can do whatever you want.

for this.

Lin Wudao likes it very much!

"Which counties are under the jurisdiction of the Demon Hunting Hall now?"

On the way.

Lin Wudao suddenly opened his eyes and asked lightly.

"Master, according to the information I have learned, the current Demon Hunting Hall is the weakest among the eight halls of the Demon Suppressing Division, and it also has the least resources."

"Currently, the Demon Hunting Hall has jurisdiction over three counties, namely: Shanhai County, Bahuang County, and Tianwu County."

"Shanhai County, because it is adjacent to the North Sea and Shiwanda Mountain, is often invaded by monsters and barbarians. Basically, most of the territory has been lost.

"Bahuang County is the most chaotic!"

"The people gathered there are the most vicious and evil people in the Dali Dynasty and the surrounding areas. They are all notorious murderers and are very difficult to mess with."

"They don't obey the orders of the Dali Dynasty at all, and they are so fierce and powerful that even the Demon Suppressing Division is helpless."

"As for Tianwu County, it is much better than Shanhai County and Bahuang County, but because it is located at the junction of the Chiyue Dynasty and the Daxuan Dynasty, there are constant wars."

"In short, the three counties under the jurisdiction of the Demon Hunting Hall are the most chaotic..."

Speaking of which.

Han Qingshan couldn't help but sigh, and looked at Lin Wudao with a look of sympathy and helplessness.

The Demon Hunting Hall is simply a hot potato!

Now that Lin Wudao has succeeded the palace master, he will naturally assume the responsibility of governing and managing the three major counties. However, these three places are all in extremely chaos.

If you don't do it right, you may die!

Even ten years ago, Lin Daoshan was cautious and treading on thin ice when facing the three major counties...

"Master, the Demon Hunting Hall may be a little difficult to manage, so you have to be mentally prepared."

After hesitating for a while, Han Qingshan said softly.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao glanced at him and nodded lightly.

"I have my own sense of proportion!"

Say it.

He learned some more information about the Demon Suppression Division and the Demon Hunting Hall, and then fell into cultivation.

Half a day later, they arrived at the Demon Suppressing Division.

Tianyuan Ancient City!

A large city with ancient history and rich heritage, because it is located in the very center of Yuanzhou, when viewed from a high position, it looks like it occupies the position of Tianyuan on a star-studded chessboard.

Therefore, it was named Tianyuan Ancient City!

at the same time.

This is also the headquarters of the Demon-Suppressing Division...


When Lin Wudao and Han Qingshan arrived at the Demon Suppression Division, Yun Jianfei had been waiting for a long time after receiving the news.

"Palace Master Lin, I have been ordered to greet you here!"

"Now, the four deputy governors and the seven palace masters of the Demon Suppressing Division have all gathered in Tianyuan Palace and are preparing to help you, Palace Master Lin."

"According to the intention of the Grand Governor, I want to familiarize you with the situation..."

Yun Jianfei said respectfully.


He led Lin Wudao straight towards Tianyuan Palace.

Along the way, many people cast surprised and curious looks at him. At the same time, there were also many comments, all of whom seemed to be extremely curious about Lin Wudao, the master of the Demon Hunting Palace who suddenly appeared.

To this!

Lin Wudao ignored it.

After a while.

Under the leadership of Yun Jianfei, he came to the magnificent and stern Tianyuan Palace...

Look up!

I saw that there were three levels in the ancient palace.

There is only one position at the top.

Needless to say, it belongs to the Grand Governor Zhao Xuanxiao!

Below him, there are four more tables placed. Behind each table, there is a figure sitting. These are the four deputy governors of the Demon Suppression Division.

Lin Wudao took a look at them calmly and found that they were all practitioners of the Great Perfection of the Dao Palace. Even the most powerful first deputy governor Li Bingtian was only half a step away from the other side.

Under the four deputy governors, there is the position of the eight hall masters...


Lin Wudao glanced at it and found that the position of one of the palace masters was vacant, and he seemed to be ranked last.

"Deputy Governor, this is Lin Wudao, the master of the Demon Hunting Hall appointed by the Grand Governor."

Yun Jianfei bowed and reported.

Hear the words!

Li Bingtian above the hall nodded.

"The Governor has always had a keen eye. Since he personally appointed him, Brother Lin is naturally a man of great ability."

"Please take a seat!"

He raised his hand and pointed to the empty seat beside him.


As his words fell, the eyes of everyone present invariably focused on Lin Wudao, and everyone looked at him with indifferent eyes.

Among them, Lin Wudao clearly felt ridicule, suspicion, disdain, and hatred...

All kinds of emotions, just to name a few!

To this.

Lin Wudao didn't say much, just sat quietly in his seat, dealing with all kinds of pleasantries.


After drinking for three rounds, Li Bingtian first stood up and introduced Lin Wudao to the situation of the Suppression Division, and then put down the wine glass in his hand.

"The Grand Governor is in seclusion to attack the realm. I will be in charge of the affairs of the Demon Suppression Department for the time being."

"Today, the reason why we are all gathered together is that in addition to welcoming our brother Lin from the Demon Hunting Hall, there is another important thing."

"That is, ask the old demon Chizhan!"

The majestic voice resounded throughout Tianyuan Palace.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present instantly became serious.

Red Moon Old Demon?

A strange color flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.

He remembered that he had seen information about the old demon Chiyue on the Tongtian Baojian before. It seemed that he was the old demon of the Huangquan Demon Sect. He was suppressed by the Governor Zhao Xuanxiao and ordered to be executed on the chosen day.

Is there anything else to discuss about this matter?

He was a little puzzled.

"As we all know, Old Demon Chiyue is the old demon of the Huangquan Demon Sect. He usually does a lot of evil. His actions aroused the anger of heaven and earth, and he was eventually suppressed by the Grand Governor."

"In order to deter those demons who do evil, the Grand Governor decided to kill the old demon Chiyue in public."

"Today, let's discuss who should be the supervisor..."

Li Bingtian's voice was low and dignified.


When he finished speaking, there was silence in the huge Tianyuan Palace. Neither the deputy governor present nor the powerful Palace Master of Yuanzhou spoke.


I don’t even want to take this job!

Seeing this scene, Li Bingtian couldn't help but frown.

"Why, no one wants to be the supervisor?"

He gradually became dissatisfied.

"Director Li, I suggest that Lin Wudao be the supervisor. After all, he is new here. He can get familiar with the Demon Suppressing Division by killing the old demon Chi Yue this time."

"At the same time, it can also better establish the majesty of the Lord of the Palace for him..."

When everyone was silent.


A gloomy voice sounded from beside Li Bingtian.

Everyone took a closer look!

The speaker is the fourth deputy governor Chen Taiji!

at the same time.

He is also Lin Wudao's immediate boss...

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