"Galaxy Immortal King, Jiang Huanzhen actually came from the Galaxy Universe Alliance?"

Under the insight of the Eye of the Great Dao, Lin Wudao easily glimpsed Jiang Huanzhen's identity and origin.

According to the display!

Jiang Huanzhen came from a place called Moko World under the command of the Galaxy Universe Alliance, and has obtained the title of the universe where he is located.

Now, he is preparing to impact the origin universe title of the Honghuang Immortal King.

"The foundation and background of the Shangqing God System are indeed extremely strong. In an instant, it can summon a universe-level ultimate immortal king."

"The status of a god who can control Jiang Huanzhen's level is definitely not lower than the level of the emperor god."

"That Moko World is definitely an origin world."

"Maybe there is another Moko God..."

Looking at Jiang Huanzhen who was killing from a distance, Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes secretly.

At this time!

Through Jiang Huanzhen, he finally got a glimpse of the situation behind the Shangqing God.

Following Jiang Huanzhen's line, he can easily find the Moko World. At that time, the details of the Shangqing God will be revealed.

Thinking of this.

Lin Wudao felt that if there was a chance, he must go to the Moko World to take a look. If possible, he might be able to give the Shangqing God a painful blow through the Moko World.

If an origin world is lost, even the ancient emperor god will be injured...

Jiang Huanzhen didn't know Lin Wudao's thoughts and plans. His mission was to kill all the heretics who invaded the Shangqing God system.


When he came to Lin Wudao from the distant void, Jiang Huanzhen didn't say anything extra. He raised his hand and slashed his head with a sword.

The power and combat power displayed by the cosmic-level ultimate fairy king are definitely not comparable to the garbage of Wanfa Fairy King.

The gap between the two is no different from heaven and earth!

As Jiang Huanzhen slashed down with his sword, in an instant, the sharp sword energy seemed to cut off the entire world, the void was shattered and annihilated, and the entire Jade Emperor World was shaking violently.

That way!

It seemed that it could not bear the terrifying power of Jiang Huanzhen...

At the same time.

Feeling the powerful power displayed by Jiang Huanzhen, Lin Wudao's face also became slightly more solemn.

Before, he had already tested the ultimate combat power of this ancient fairy king clone, which was about the same as the supreme fairy king of the great universe.

With such combat power, he is not afraid of ordinary extreme fairy kings; but if it is a universe-level extreme fairy king, it is not a concept.

What's more!

Jiang Huanzhen is not an ordinary universe-level extreme fairy king. He is about to impact the title of prehistoric fairy king.

In terms of background and strength, it must be far beyond the ordinary universe-level extreme fairy king.


Facing an opponent of this level, Lin Wudao did not dare to take it lightly...

"Sword of the Great Dao!"

When Jiang Huanzhen slashed down with a fierce sword, Lin Wudao did not hesitate, raised his hand and stimulated a great sword energy, and wiped out the fierce Moke sword energy.

"Nine Steps on the Sky!"

"Moke Supreme Method!"

Seeing that Lin Wudao's sword energy wiped out his powerful universe-level attack, Jiang Huanzhen's eyes also condensed slightly.

He understood that Lin Wudao's strength was definitely not inferior to his.

At this moment.

He put away his contempt, directly used the Moke Supreme Method, and took nine steps forward in succession.

Boom, boom, boom!

The Moke Supreme Method has boundless power and great strength.

After Jiang Huanzhen used this method, his momentum and strength began to surge wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Through the observation of the Eye of the Great Dao, Lin Wudao was surprised to find that after performing the Moko Supreme Method, Jiang Huanzhen's body and his own combat power were temporarily raised to a higher level.

Reached the level of the universe!

In addition.

The Nine Steps of Heaven that he performed, every step forward, it was like ascending to the next level of heaven. With the blessing of both, Jiang Huanzhen's combat power has been infinitely close to the level of the title of the universe.

It can be said that Jiang Huanzhen now has everything except the title of the universe.

"Moko Supreme Method?"

"Is it derived from the supreme method created by the Moko Emperor God, which is blessed with some of the divine power and divine power of the Moko Emperor God, and can actually improve the body and combat power at the same time."

"This supreme method seems to be very powerful..."

Lin Wudao showed a thoughtful look.

At this time

Although the Moko Supreme Method that Jiang Huanzhen used was a human method, he was blessed with the power of the Moko Emperor God, so his combat power level was greatly increased.

From the universe level to the great universe level, being able to cross such a huge gap is definitely not something that ordinary methods can do.

At the same time!

This kind of extremely powerful method is not something that ordinary creatures can practice and control.

It can be seen that Jiang Huanzhen's qualifications and background are indeed extraordinary.


Jiang Huanzhen is far more powerful than the average universe extreme fairy king, but Lin Wudao is not afraid of him.

"The Great Dao Method of the Other Shore!"


With a low roar from Lin Wudao, infinite fairy light suddenly bloomed from behind, and instantly evolved into ten great Dharma bodies of the other shore.

Each of the other shore Dharma bodies has the same level of combat power as Lin Wudao, the clone of the ancient immortal king.

Not only that!

After the ten other shore Dharma bodies, at the same time, the supreme will of the Lord of the other shore also descended on the human world and blessed him.

Gives Lin Wudao the attribute of invincible defense within ten breaths...

"Taiqing Dao Fa!"

"Thirty-three Heavens!"

"Supreme Killing Fa!"

As Lin Wudao displayed various supreme methods, his momentum and strength were also pushed to the extreme.


Take a step forward, he crossed many spaces in an instant and came to Jiang Huanzhen. With the help of the ten other shore Dharma bodies, he raised his hand and suppressed it fiercely.

Bang bang bang!

At this moment, after seeing Lin Wudao's ten other shore Dharma bodies, Jiang Huanzhen's expression became extremely serious and solemn.

He used his most powerful force and hit Lin Wudao madly, but to his disappointment, these seemingly fierce and powerful attacks could not cause any harm to Lin Wudao.

Instead, Lin Wudao and the Supreme Killing Law of the Ten Great Dharma Bodies of the Other Shores, after obliterating some of his attacks, fell heavily on him.


Suffering from the attack of the Supreme Killing Law, Jiang Huanzhen let out a painful groan in his throat, and his body began to tremble violently and uncontrollably.

At this moment!

Under the obliteration of the Supreme Killing Law, his flesh, immortal bones, immortal spirit, bloodline, qualifications and other aspects were all severely damaged.

The great universe flesh and great universe combat power that were originally achieved under the blessing of the Moko Supreme Law also collapsed at this moment.


Even his own foundation was greatly damaged by the attack of the Supreme Killing Law.

“Hiss, what a terrible method, it can actually cause a devastating blow to my body, soul, bloodline and other aspects.”

“If this person is not eliminated, he will become a big trouble in the future!”

Feeling the almost collapsed body, even with Jiang Huanzhen’s calm and steady mind, he was also greatly shocked.


He thought he had paid enough attention to Lin Wudao, and he showed the most powerful strength right away, wanting to suppress him.

Who knew that Lin Wudao was even more terrible than he imagined, whether it was the method or the combat power, he felt invincible.

At the moment.

His body and immortal spirit suffered a very serious blow, and he was no longer able to fight.

If he wanted to recover, it would take at least millions of years.

After all!

Once the foundation and soul are damaged, it is too difficult to repair them.


Seeing that he was no match for Lin Wudao, Jiang Huanzhen did not continue to resist. Taking advantage of the moment of flying backwards, he turned into a beam of fairy light and rushed into the Shangqing Divine Kingdom.

Seeing this!

Lin Wudao was just about to chase him.


However, at this moment, a huge finger with vast divine power suddenly pierced through the void and rushed towards him.

The aura emitted caused the entire Jade Emperor World to begin to collapse...

"Quasi-Immortal Emperor!"

Feeling the terrifying momentum and power, Lin Wudao's pupils shrank slightly.

It happened in a flash.

Almost at the moment when the finger fell, he moved out of this fairyland with a flash, narrowly avoiding the terrifying finger. (End of this chapter)

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