"Great Protector, Ye Zhaitian?"

"Moreover, there are four identical ones..."

Looking at the powerful figure that suddenly appeared, Yin Siming immediately showed a look of surprise and astonishment.

His eyes were fixed on Lin Wudao's four clones.


What disappointed him was that no matter how he examined them, he could not get any information from these four figures.

However, based on the aura they exuded, Yin Siming could clearly feel that these were all Ye Zhaitian's clones.

Among them!

Three of them were of the strength of ordinary immortal kings, and the other was an ancient immortal king.

"The high priest is still powerful. He even knows who the great god will send to help. Hehe..."

Yin Siming said with a smile.

"I just happened to see him once!"

"Before, the third layer of the abyss invaded the Tianxiao world. The situation was critical. Fortunately, the great god sent Ye Zhatian to come in time to save the crisis."

"It was at that time that I knew that our mysterious guardian of the kingdom of God had extremely powerful cultivation and strength."

"What we see now is just his clone. As for the original body, I am afraid it is not in this world at all..."

Tushan Cangyue responded lightly.


Just as they were discussing, the Fiery Sun Saint of the Shangqing God System, as well as the Wanfa Immortal King and others, also noticed the existence of Lin Wudao.

"Kill him!"

"The Fiery Sun Saint, you lead a group of saints to deal with the clones of the three ordinary immortal kings, and leave this ancient immortal king to me."

"Those who offend the Shangqing God System will die!"

The Wanfa Immortal King said coldly, holding an ancient staff in his hand.

As soon as the words fell, the staff in his hand suddenly pointed at Lin Wudao, and in an instant, the world was shaken.


Under the gaze of Yin Siming and others, as well as many armies of the Kingdom of God, a huge fireball, wrapped in the world-destroying power, suddenly fell from the sky and bombarded Lin Wudao.

Each of these fireballs that fell from the sky was ten thousand feet in size.

Take a closer look!

Everyone found that they were meteorites, and they were also blessed with powerful immortal power...


As the Wanfa Immortal King's big move fell, the entire Beidou Immortal Domain was shaken by it.

As the target, Lin Wudao was the first to bear the brunt. Those terrifying meteorites enveloped him like a rain of fire.

Even if the Supreme Immortal King was hit by one, he would definitely die.


"You dare to show off your skills in front of an expert?"

Facing the meteor shower falling from the sky, although Lin Wudao was amazed at the means of the Wanfa Immortal King, he did not take it seriously.


When the meteorites fell, he raised his hand and used the Supreme Killing Method, which turned into a huge hand that covered the sky and the sun, and held all the meteorites in his hand.


In the shocked eyes of the Wanfa Immortal King and others, all the meteorites were crushed by Lin Wudao and turned into dust all over the sky.

Anything, under the attack of the Supreme Killing Method, will be ruthlessly wiped out and turned into ashes.

"The cultivation of the Eternal Immortal King, but has a powerful combat power comparable to the Extreme Immortal King?"

"How... is this possible?"

"Even the legendary Great Universe Eternal Immortal King can't have such a powerful force?"

Seeing the means and power displayed by Lin Wudao, the Wanfa Immortal King, who had originally disdained it, suddenly shrank his pupils.

The expression on his face suddenly became solemn.

At this moment!

He felt a strong threat from Lin Wudao...

"Stand tall and proud!"

With a loud shout, infinite immortal light bloomed behind the Wanfa Immortal King, and in an instant, a majestic Dharma image that reached the sky and the earth was evolved, as if it supported the entire world.

With the blessing of this Dharma image, the momentum of the Wanfa Immortal King rose a lot.

"The sky collapsed and the earth split!"

After the Dharma image appeared, the Wanfa Immortal King waved the staff in his hand again, and in an instant, the space where Lin Wudao was located began to shake, and then collapsed.

Like that.

It was as if the sky where he was and the earth where he stood were all shattered and collapsed...

"The means are not bad, and you can actually grasp a little bit of the power of space?"

"But that's all!"

Looking at the magical powers and means of the Wanfa Immortal King, a hint of admiration flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.

At this time

After the Wanfa Immortal King was blessed with the power of the Shangqing God, he was able to master a little bit of the power of space, which surprised Lin Wudao.

However, it was just a surprise.

The Wanfa Immortal King himself certainly did not have this ability; his magical powers and methods mostly came from the Shangqing God behind him.

"So, the Shangqing God may still have divine laws related to space, or even divine power?"

"Then is there any connection between him and the former Sky Devouring Demon God?"

A bold guess emerged in Lin Wudao's heart.

Through the Wanfa Immortal King, he got a glimpse of the details of the Shangqing God system...

While talking!

Facing the Wanfa Immortal King's powerful magical attack that shook the earth, he did not dodge, but stood where he was, allowing the surrounding void to collapse and the earth to collapse.

At this time, Lin Wudao had secretly performed the Great Dao of the Other Shore. After blessing the Supreme Will of the Lord of the Other Shore, he had an invincible defense within ten breaths.

Even the Immortal Emperor, the Ancient Immortal Emperor, and even the Emperor-level strongmen could not cause any harm to him within ten breaths.


The destruction and power displayed by the collapse of the void were indeed so terrifying that they could easily crush the Supreme Immortal King, but facing Lin Wudao's Golden Body of the Other Shore, it could not shake the slightest.

The power of space annihilation, applied to Lin Wudao, seemed to have no effect...

"How is this possible?"

Looking at this horrifying scene, both the Immortal King of All Laws and the other three extreme Immortal Kings around him all showed a look of shock.

They couldn't believe that Lin Wudao's body would be so powerful.

"I can only say that you know nothing about my methods and power."

Facing the shock of the Immortal King of All Laws and others, Lin Wudao acted very calm and calm.

The Dao of the Other Shore is worthy of being one of the three most powerful Daos. The power of the Dao it displays is indeed terrifying.

Within this ten-breath range, he can ignore all attacks and damage...


Taking advantage of the moment when the Immortal King of All Laws was shocked and lost his mind, Lin Wudao flashed in front of him, raised his hand and punched out, not giving him any chance to resist, and smashed his neck with one punch.

In an instant, a huge head flew a hundred thousand miles.

The extremely powerful force directly annihilated the immortal spirit of the Immortal King of All Laws, leaving only a fragile immortal body, which was collected by Lin Wudao into the system space.



"Retreat quickly!!"

Everything happened in an instant.

Seeing that the Immortal King of All Laws had no power to resist in front of Lin Wudao, and was crushed to death with a raise of his hand, the other three extreme immortal kings were immediately scared to death.


At that moment, the three of them roared in fear, and then fled madly in three different directions.

At the same time.

They were still praying madly to the God of Shangqing in their hearts, hoping that he could lend a hand and help them out of danger.

In fact!

The God of Shangqing, who had been paying attention secretly, was indeed ready to take action after seeing Lin Wudao's powerful fighting power.


Several fairy realms apart, the God of Shangqing, relying on his powerful divine power and divine might, condensed a huge hand that reached the sky and grabbed the three extreme fairy kings.

However, his speed was still half a beat slower...


Just when the three extreme fairy kings just moved their bodies, suddenly, a terrifying big palm, wrapped in the world's fairy power and great power, directly encompassed the entire Beidou fairy realm.


The three extreme fairy kings of the Shangqing God system were tightly grasped in Lin Wudao's big hand.


Three shrill screams rang out, and the extreme fairy kings who were high above in the outside world had their fairy bones broken and their fairy spirits wiped out.

The ultimate immortal kings of the Tianzui universe are simply the floor tiles of the immortal king realm. Lin Wudao kills them like killing chickens.

It doesn't take any effort at all... (End of this chapter)

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