The mythical upper lord in the abyss is equivalent to a powerful existence at the level of the Supreme Immortal King of the universe in the human world.

"How dare you! Dare to kill my dog!"

"Go to hell~"

Seeing the abyss demon dog being brutally twisted off by Lin Wudao, Lord Wu Tian was furious.

"The abyss collapses!"


As he raised his hand and pointed out, in an instant, under the powerful abyss magic and abyss will, the space where Lin Wudao was located was instantly infiltrated and eroded.


That piece of space suddenly collapsed, forming a terrifying void black hole...

At the same time!

The space storm caused by the collapse of the void also swept Lin Wudao in, and the fierce and unparalleled space force began to surge wildly.

Looking at Lord Wu Tian's attack method, Lin Wudao's expression became extremely solemn.


He backhanded a supreme killing method, and a huge hand covering the sky and the sun appeared out of thin air, suppressing the space storm that swept around with one palm.

Then, with the help of the Great Dao of Taiqing and the power of the Thirty-three Heavens, he jumped out of the black hole and came to Lord Wu Tian.

Without any extra nonsense, the Dao Gu Sword slashed fiercely...

"Abyss Annihilation Technique!"

Seeing the fierce sword energy of the Great Dao coming, Lord Wu Tian did not dare to take it lightly.


As he pinched the magic formula, the vast power of the abyss formed a black hole, which directly swallowed the sword energy of the Great Dao that Lin Wu Dao slashed.

Then, under the supreme will of the abyss, the sword energy of the Great Dao was forcibly wiped out.


Taking this opportunity, Lord Wu Tian's body was divided into three, and he continuously shot out three layers of the abyss cage, imprisoning Lin Wu Dao inside.

"Abyss Fire!"

The moment Lord Wu Tian's voice fell, the black abyss fire bloomed in the abyss cage, frantically wiping out Lin Wu Dao's clone.

At the same time

Lord Wu Tian suddenly put his five fingers together, and the abyss cage that had just condensed into shape collapsed in an instant.

The strange and evil power of the abyss surged out like a big river and hit Lin Wu Dao.


Lin Wu Dao's body trembled fiercely after being attacked by Lord Wu Tian continuously.

At this moment.

He clearly felt that the clone of the ancient fairy king condensed by the system showed signs of collapse.



"The clone of the ancient fairy king is still too weak and can't bear the powerful power of the mythical upper lord at all."

"If I had such a cultivation, the mere Lord Wu Tian could kill him with a raise of his hand..."

Feeling the changes coming from the clone, Lin Wu Dao frowned tightly.

The power of the abyss is inherently stronger than that of the human world!

At this time.

With the blessing of the power of the abyss, the strength displayed by Lord Wu Tian is even more powerful than the great universe supreme fairy king in the human world.

His clone was simply unable to resist.

The only advantage was the Dao Gu Sword in his hand...


Seeing that the clone of the Ancient Immortal King was severely eroded by the power of the abyss and would soon collapse, Lin Wudao raised his hand and slashed with a sword, using the unparalleled edge of the Dao Gu Sword to forcibly break the abyss cage.


"Hmph, you really have some skills!"

"But the sword in your hand alone can't make any waves in front of me."

"The long river of the abyss!"

The power and strength displayed by the Dao Gu Sword in Lin Wudao's hand really made Lord Wu Tian very afraid.

However, he was not without a way to deal with it.

Just when Lin Wudao cut off the abyss cage with the sword energy of the Dao, suddenly, a huge black river, wrapped in boundless cruelty and evil, came out from the gate of the abyss.

Just a face-to-face, it dispersed the sword energy of the Dao Gu Sword...


Lin Wudao also used the Dao Gu Sword to forcibly cut off the long river of the abyss.


The power of the abyss is endless. The long river of the abyss that had just been cut off, under the control of Lord Wu Tian, ​​condensed again and rushed towards Lin Wudao with great momentum.

Looking at this scene!

Lin Wudao frowned even more tightly.

He seemed to have sensed Lord Wu Tian's intention. The other party could not wipe him out for a while, and Lin Wudao could not suppress him.


Lord Wu Tian wanted to pester him like this!

In this way.

Lin Wudao would not be able to take care of other people...

At that time, under the attack of the abyss army, even 50,000 ancient immortals would be wiped out.

Thinking of this, Lin Wudao frowned and pondered for a while, and then raised his hand to shoot out a strange black light, rushing towards Lord Wu Tian in the distance.

In just a moment, the black light arrived in front of him.


Transformed into an ancient and mysterious black copper coffin...

At this moment, Lin Wudao planned to use the power of the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin to corrode and pollute Lord Wu Tian.

"What is this?"

Looking at the black copper coffin that suddenly appeared in front of him, Lord Wu Tian's mind and attention were attracted to it.

That look!

It was as if he had seen something incredible.

At the same time, when the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin appeared, the abyss demon seed in Lord Wu Tian's body trembled involuntarily.


Streams of majestic abyssal power were uncontrollably pulled out of Lord Wutian and integrated into the bronze coffin.

However, after a moment, the lost power of the abyss returned to Lord Wutian's body.

Compared with before, although this returning power is only a trace, the quality is outrageously high.


After coming into contact with the power of the abyss in the Heavenly Burying Bronze Coffin, Lord Wutian felt that his strength suddenly increased a lot.

This discovery shocked him greatly!


Not only Lord Wutian was shocked, but also Lin Wudao...

"The sky-burial copper coffin can actually purify the power of the abyss?"

Seeing the changes in Lord Wutian's aura, Lin Wudao couldn't help but widen his eyes.

This is the first time he has seen this situation!

"Could it be that...the sky-burial copper coffin has something to do with the abyss?"


A terrifying guess emerged from Lin Wudao's heart.


Just when he was shocked, suddenly, a shrill scream came from Lord Wutian in the distance.

Take a closer look!

Lin Wudao discovered that although the power of the abyss in Lord Wutian had become purer, his soul of the abyss was constantly melting.


His own abyssal power seemed to be affected by some terror, and began to riot, impacting his body crazily.

"His soul and body simply cannot withstand the purified power of the Burial Sky Bronze Coffin..."

Looking at this scene, Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes.

Tonics, if taken too much, will turn into poison.

This is exactly the situation for Lord Wutian right now!

"What the hell is this?"

Feeling the constantly dying soul and the almost collapsed body, Lord Wutian was extremely frightened.

"Abyss Sword!"

Without any hesitation, he immediately gathered the supreme will of the abyss and forcibly cut off half of his own abyss soul.


He gave Lin Wudao an extremely vicious look, and then took the remaining half of the abyss soul and headed towards the door of the abyss in the distance.

"Want to leave?"

"Leave me alone!"

Seeing Lord Wutian abandoning half of his abyssal soul and wanting to escape into the third abyss, Lin Wudao moved the thread of cause and effect between him and Lord Wutian as quickly as possible.


Under the pull of cause and effect, the thread of cause and effect connecting each other instantly turned into a sword of cause and effect, slashing at Lord Wutian without any warning.

After a while.

Accompanied by a shrill scream, Lord Wutian was about to escape into the gate of the abyss, and his abyssal soul was directly destroyed.

All of a sudden!

All traces of his cause and effect in the world were completely erased.


After killing Lord Wutian, Lin Wudao also suffered a backlash from the power of cause and effect because he exceeded the limit of his own ability.

His true form of the Great Dao opened up cracks... (End of this chapter)

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