"Ji Tianque, King of Northern Liang, has met the Great God of Taiyin!"

After entering the Taiyin Temple, Ji Tianque looked around calmly, and then bowed to Lin Wudao.

Even though he was a king with a different surname from the Great Zhou Dynasty and was an extremely powerful being of the Eternal Immortal King, he still acted very respectfully in front of Lin Wudao at this moment.


He is related to Ji Ruchen's life, death and destiny!

If the Great Demon God of Taiyin can really complete Ji Ruchen's foundation, then he should be treated with respect and respect.

But if the Great Demon God of Taiyin was just talking nonsense, that would be another matter.

In the Northern Liang Palace, anyone can be deceived...

Lin Wudao was naturally quite clear about the thoughts of the Northern Liang King.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to be polite!"

The majestic and plain voice slowly spread from the void.

"Great God, according to what High God Xuanyin said, do you have a way to complete the foundation of my son Ji Ruchen?"

"If this is really the case, the Great God will be the benefactor of my Beiliang Prince's Mansion. By then, I can share the Beiliang fiefdom with the Great God."

Ji Tianque said with an extremely sincere attitude.

Hear this!

Lin Wudao also showed a satisfied look.

It can be seen that Ji Tianque really loves and values ​​his son very much.

In order to replenish his foundation, he did not hesitate to give up half of the fiefdom of the Northern Liang Palace, and almost regarded Ji Ruchen as his own life.

"Your Majesty, you're welcome!"

"This time the prince comes from afar, I will do my best to complete the foundation of the prince."

"What's more, the prince has the blood of the Tushan Ji family in his body. Seriously speaking, we are still a family."

"The crown prince can be considered a descendant of this god..."


Tushan Jishi?

Suddenly hearing Lin Wudao's words, Ji Tianque was suddenly shocked. He stared at Lin Wudao above the statue with incredible eyes.

All the time!

The bloodline of the Northern Liang royal family is the top secret among their clan, and only the successive Northern Liang kings know about it.

He didn't even tell Ji Ruchen.


What Ji Tianque didn't expect was that the mysterious Great Demon God of Taiyin could actually see their bloodlines at a glance.

They even said they were a family...

"Could it be said that the Taiyin Great Demon God is also derived from the Tushan clan's deity?"

Ji Tianque secretly speculated on Lin Wudao's identity and origin.

Lin Wudao saw his reaction.


He didn't say much.

After the words fell, he continued to observe and examine Ji Ruchen with the eyes of the avenue.

However, what disappointed him was that no matter how much he observed, he could not detect any clues about Ji Ruchen.

There is no bad condition in his body, his aptitude and foundation, and he has not been eroded or contaminated by the forbidden power.

Everything is very normal!

"Since there is no problem with the physical body, the crux must be in Ji Ruchen's numerology."

Lin Wudao thought secretly in his heart.

the other side!

Ji Tianque was also paying close attention to the changes in Lin Wudao's expression. Seeing his expression gradually becoming serious, a strong worry arose in his heart.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"What exactly is wrong with Ji Ruchen? Is there any way to remedy it?"

Ji Tianque couldn't help but ask.

"Well, according to my observation, there is nothing serious about the prince's body. He is just like a normal person."

"However, since the prince was born in the Northern Liang Palace, it is definitely abnormal for him to only have the qualifications of a great saint."

"Therefore, I guess that there should be something wrong with the prince's numerology..."

Have a problem with numerology?

Hearing this result, Ji Tianque couldn't help but be startled.

Although he had doubted it, there was no expert in Xianlin who was proficient in numerology. He didn't know whether Ji Ruchen had something wrong with his numerology.


Hearing Lin Wudao mention this topic undoubtedly confirmed his suspicion.

"Great God, is there a way to save my fortune?"

he asked hurriedly.

To this.

Lin Wudao nodded calmly.

"Of course numerology can complete it!"

"It's just that this involves the fate and fate of living beings, and requires professionals to diagnose."

"My lord, don't worry, wait until I find someone to come and take a look..."


Lin Wudao first comforted Ji Tianque, and then through the line of faith, he contacted Yin Siming who was far away in the Jade Emperor's world.

Professional people do professional things!

When it comes to things like destiny and destiny, it's better to leave it to Yin Si Ming.

after all.

This is what he does specifically...

At this moment!

In the Dayan Immortal Kingdom in the Jade Emperor's Great World, Yin Si Ming was discussing something with Zhao Yuanshu, the god of the Immortal Kingdom, and a group of ancient immortals.


He seemed to sense something, and his whole body instantly fell to the ground respectfully.


At the same time, a magnificent door to the world appeared in front of him out of thin air.

"Yin Si Ming, please put aside what you are doing for a while and come to the Xianlin Land."

A majestic and majestic voice suddenly sounded.


After hearing Lin Wudao's oracle, Yin Siming did not hesitate at all. After a few words with Zhao Yuanshu and others, he stepped straight into the gate of the world.


He went from the Jade Emperor World to the Taiyin Temple in Xianlin Land...

"Immortal King?"

As soon as he stepped into the Taiyin Temple, Yin Siming felt a wave of vast immortal power sweeping over him.

When his eyes swept across Ji Tianque and others, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, and there was a look of surprise and surprise in his eyes.

"The bloodline of the Tushan Ji family?"

He murmured softly.

Although he was just whispering to himself, Ji Tianque heard him clearly.

All of a sudden!

The eyes of Ji Tianque and others looking at Yin Siming also changed slightly.

"This person must be an expert!"

Ji Tianque felt awe-inspiring in his heart.

Because, he couldn't see any information or clues from Yin Siming at all.

This shows that the other party is far more mysterious than he imagined...

"Yin Si Ming, the person in front of you is Ji Tianque, the Northern Liang King of the Great Zhou Dynasty. He is also a member of the Tushan Ji clan."

"This time, he found me and wanted to complete the foundation for his young master Ji Ruchen."

"According to my observation, Ji Ruchen should have a problem with his numerology. You are well versed in fate and destiny. Take a good look at what's going on with Ji Ruchen."

Just as the two of them were sizing each other up, Lin Wudao's voice suddenly rang out.

"Yes, Great God!"

Upon hearing this, Yin Siming immediately laid his eyes on Ji Ruchen.


Seeing this, he frowned...

"King Beiliang, you must have offended some powerful enemy, right?"

"Master Ling, it's not that there's something wrong with his foundation, it's that there's a big problem with his destiny."

"His fate was forcibly cut off!"

Yin Siming just glanced at Ji Ruchen and realized the nature of the problem.


Was your destiny cut off?

Hearing these words suddenly, Ji Tianque was suddenly shocked and his fists clenched tightly.

"According to my observation, Master Ling's destiny was originally very grand, at least that of an Immortal Emperor."

"However, when he was born, someone forcibly cut off the Immortal Emperor's destiny through the channels of numerology."

"Now, Ji Ruchen only has the fate of the Great Sage!"

"Naturally, his qualifications, roots, bloodline, and soul are only at the level of a great saint."

"Moreover, once his destiny is cut off, he can only reach the level of the Great Sage in this life. No matter what kind of skills he practices or what kind of elixir he takes, it cannot be changed."

"This is his innate destiny, and it cannot be changed by external things."

"According to Ji Ruchen's condition, he still has 186 years to live..."

Yin Siming said bluntly.

Upon hearing this, both Ji Tianque and Ji Ruchen frowned tightly, their faces full of fear and worry.

at the same time!

Lin Wudao also frowned secretly.

A person who can cut off a person's fate should not be underestimated... (End of this chapter)

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