
[Unfortunately, you got nothing! 】

A long-lost voice sounded in Lin Wudao's mind.

He had already expected this result, so there was no big surprise or surprise.

after all!

Li Yuancang's divine level is still too low, he is just a third-level god. According to the rules of the sky burial copper coffin, only the corpse that is buried is one level higher than himself can obtain items.

For now, whether it is Lin Wudao's true form or the Great Demon God of Qingshan, they must collect corpses at the level of ancient immortals or gods of incense and fire in order to gain anything.


This failure was not beyond his expectation.

not to mention!

What Lin Wudao is really concerned about is not getting anything good from Li Yuancang, but the Xuanyin Divine System behind him.

"Great Karma Technique!"

While throwing Li Yuancang's divine Dao Fruit into the sky-burial copper coffin, Lin Wudao also performed the Great Cause and Effect Technique at the same time.

Under the power of the great cause and effect technique, all the people and things that are contaminated with cause and effect appear.

This time!

He forcefully suppressed and killed Li Yuancang, which had touched the interests of Xuanyin High God and established a weak cause and effect with the entire Xuanyin God System.


At present, Li Yuancang has perished, and the information that can be detected and captured solely by relying on his Divine Dao Fruit is extremely limited.

Through the Great Cause and Effect Technique, Lin Wudao accurately found the cause and effect line of the Xuanyin Divine System.

All of a sudden!

Under the power of the Great Cause and Effect Technique, the entire incense system of the Xuanyin God System came into his sight.

Look up.

I saw that the Xuanyin divine system built by the Supreme God Xuanyin was a three-layered pyramid.

The highest level at the top is the God of the God System, the High God Xuanyin.

Second floor!

There are a total of twelve incense gods, representing the twelve fairy cities controlled by the Xuanyin Demon Sect.

In every fairy city, there is a powerful god sitting in charge.

Under these twelve incense gods is the third level of the Xuanyin God System.

At this level, there are even more things of God distributed.

Lin Wudao glanced at it and saw that there were more than a thousand gods. In the Bahuang Ancient City where Li Yuancang was located, there were 128 gods.

"The Xuanyin Divine System seems to be very large, with many gods of incense and fire, but its power and strength are not very strong."

"It's much weaker than I thought..."

Looking at the three-dimensional cause and effect line presented by the Xuanyin Divine System in front of him, a hint of disappointment flashed across Lin Wudao's eyes.


In his mind, since the former Great Demon God of Taiyin was a holy god, it proved that many high-level gods had been born in the area of ​​Bahuang Ancient City.

However, through the observation of the Great Cause and Effect Technique today, the final result was a huge disappointment for Lin Wudao.

The Xuanyin Divine System was not as powerful as he imagined.

The most powerful person in his divine system, Xuanyin High God, is now just a ninth-level high god.

It is equivalent to the eighth level of the ancient immortal in the human world!

As for the gods of the twelve immortal cities under Xuanyin High God, they are all sixth-level high gods.

The rest are all gods from the third to sixth levels...

Although the quantity is large, the quality is not high!

"Since God Xuanyin has not reached the level of the Holy God, there is no need to worry about Him."

"Next, we can start directly from Xuanyin High God, or the twelve fairy cities under his command."

"After all, I don't have that much time to play slowly with them..."

Lin Wudao thought secretly.

Talking time!

Just when he was about to pull the line of cause and effect and test the reaction of God Xuanyin, suddenly, the line of cause and effect connecting God Xuanyin was directly broken.

Not only that.

The entire causal line of the Xuanyin God System collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Looking at this sudden and strange scene, Lin Wudao was very surprised at first, but then he understood the reason.


At this moment, he clearly saw that there were waves of terrifying taboo power surging towards the Xuanyin Divine System along those lines of cause and effect.

In just an instant, the entire Xuanyin God System was completely polluted...

"The sky-burial copper coffin can actually cause pollution and erosion along the line of cause and effect?"

"Moreover, these causal threads were all fused under the power of the Sky Burying Bronze Coffin."

"Could it be said that Lord Xuanyin and the others are all dead?"

Lin Wudao looked surprised.

This was the first time he had seen such a situation!

[System, why have all the causal lines between me and the Xuanyin God System collapsed? 】

[Also, are all the gods of the Xuanyin God System dead? 】

Lin Wudao, who really couldn't figure out the reason, asked the system in his mind.

[Xuanyin Divine System, no gods die! 】

[The reason why the Xuanyin God System collapsed is because the main cause and effect involving the host has been severed. 】

[Once the main cause and effect is terminated, all the secondary causes and effects entangled with the main cause and effect will collapse. 】

[And if you want to turn the secondary cause and effect into the main cause and effect, you must re-establish the direct cause and effect relationship. 】

[Li Yuancang is the main cause and effect of the host. Compared to him, the Xuanyin Divine System has become a secondary cause and effect. 】

[Therefore, once Li Yuancang dies, the causal relationship established and connected by it will collapse. 】

[According to the current level and strength of the host, it is not enough to rely on the major cause and effect technique to directly attack secondary cause and effect objects. 】

[Cause and effect, like the incense and fire system, are also hierarchical. 】

[Executing the Great Causation Technique has the most powerful lethality for the main causal relationship; as for the secondary causal relationships, the lethality will be weakened, and a higher level is required to attack. 】

"So this is ah……"

After listening to the systematic explanation, Lin Wudao finally understood the reason for the collapse of the causal line.

He did not expect that cause and effect could be so complicated, and could be divided into primary cause and effect and secondary cause and effect.

[So, the former Ye Lingtian is my main cause and effect? 】

【Yes! 】

[You were entrusted by Song Huangquan to kill Ye Lingtian. You have already established the most direct causal relationship between you. 】

[Therefore, when host you pulled the line of cause and effect, Ye Lingtian was killed directly. 】

[As for the Dayin Immortal Dynasty related to Ye Lingtian, as well as the Emperor's Holy Land, etc., they are secondary causes and effects. 】

[The power of the host cannot move their causal lines, and it is impossible for the opponent to attack the host through the causal lines. 】

[Ye Lingtian, the Dayin Immortal Dynasty behind him, and the Emperor’s Holy Land are cause and effect on two levels. 】

[In addition, when the secondary cause and effect is strong enough, it will become the main cause and effect. 】

[Host can be understood as: hatred! 】

[The reason why Dayin Immortal Dynasty and Huangji Holy Land have not been upgraded to become the main cause and effect is because the hatred between the host and them is not strong enough. 】

[As long as the hatred is strong enough, the cause and effect line will naturally transform and be upgraded to the main cause and effect...]

The voice of the system continued to ring in my mind.

After hearing this explanation, Lin Wudao nodded thoughtfully.


He has a deeper knowledge and understanding of the causal relationship in the world.

"It seems that it is impossible to directly kill Xuanyin Lord and the others through the line of cause and effect."

"You still have to do it yourself..."

Lin Wudao sighed secretly in his heart.

[System, can I see the belief status of the entire Xuanyin God System? 】


He seemed to have thought of something and asked hurriedly.

At present, the entire Xuanyin Divine System has been contaminated by the Heaven Burial Copper Coffin, and he really wants to see how Xuanyin High God will respond.

The system did not reject Lin Wudao's request.

[Watch it once and get 10 billion flowers of luck! 】


Upon hearing this, Lin Wudao suddenly had the urge to scold his mother, but in order to see the belief and incense situation of the Xuanyin God Department, he reluctantly accepted it.


After consuming 10 billion flowers of luck, a picture of the incense of the Xuanyin God System was immediately clearly presented in front of him. (End of chapter)

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