Fairy land!


As a brilliant divine light bloomed, it dispersed the ferocity and evil in the surrounding space, making the originally dark temple become brighter.

"here it is……"

When the true spirit of the god descended on the statue, the outline of an ancient temple appeared in front of Lin Wudao.


The temple in front of me, although it is very grand and ancient, is extremely dilapidated.

Lin Wudao looked around and found that this temple was even more dilapidated than the original Qingshan Temple enshrined by the Tushan clan.


In the ten directions of the temple, there is always a strange black energy visible to the naked eye, revealing boundless ferocity and evil.

The void outside the temple was even more dark, and the terrifying demonic energy enveloped the entire world, as if entering a demonic realm.

at the same time!

Lin Wudao was also surprised to find that the entire temple was built on an unparalleled magic mountain.

"Taiyin Demon Mountain, Taiyin Temple!"

With his eyes sweeping across the surrounding ten directions, Lin Wudao learned some information about the area in front of him.

"Greetings to the great god, and welcome the great god to the land of Xianlin!"

"Greetings to the great god, and welcome the great god to the land of Xianlin!"

Boom, boom, boom!

Just as Lin Wudao was sizing up the Taiyin Temple and the environment around the Taiyin Demon Mountain, waves of devout worship suddenly sounded in his ears.

Take a closer look.

At this time, under the altar of Taiyin Temple, a group of mourners headed by Li Zangtian were worshiping him devoutly.

"Everyone get up!"

"Li Zangtian, is this the divine soil you chose for me? It's a little too run-down."

"Isn't there a better place in this huge Xianlin land than this Taiyin Demon Mountain?"

Lin Wudao asked with a frown.

He took a brief look just now and found that there was no sign of life on the Taiyin Demonic Mountain.

There is only boundless silence and destruction...

In such an extremely vicious place, no one would come except Li Zangtian and the others.

This place is obviously a forbidden land!

Lin Wudao didn't understand why Li Zangtian and others chose the temple in such a cruel place.

Faced with Lin Wudao's dissatisfaction, Li Zangtian also showed a wry smile.

"Reporting to the Great God, the land of Xianlin has collapsed. This is a incomplete world dominated by gods."

"Basically all the places are occupied by those incense gods. The only ones my subordinates can find are these extremely vicious forbidden lands."

"This Taiyin Demonic Mountain is said to be an ancient sacred mountain that fell from outside the territory. Later, it was contaminated with the dark matter of this world, so it turned into a strange and terrifying demonic mountain."

"Under the erosion of the overwhelming demonic energy, the incense of the Taiyin Temple in the past gradually declined, and the incense god was completely extinct."

"A few of my subordinates discussed it and decided that this ready-made magic mountain is the most suitable for the coming of a great god."

"So, we will move the original statue of the Taiyin Holy God and let you, the great god, dominate this terrifying forbidden land."

"Although Taiyin Demon Mountain is a terrifying forbidden land, its territory is very vast, comparable to the great world of Cangyuan..."

Li Yantian explained respectfully.

Talking time!

He also introduced the situation of Taiyin Demon Mountain in detail.

Immortal rain and earth, heaven and earth collapse?

Taiyin Holy God?

Listening to Li Zangtian's narration, Lin Wudao grasped several key points.

"The land of Xianlin is a big incomplete world. This god has already predicted this."

"Li Zangtian, according to what you said, the previous owner of this Taiyin Temple was a holy god?"

"So, the creatures in the Xianlin land are all very powerful?"

Lin Wudao asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, great god!"

"According to our investigation, Xianlin Land seems to be a fragment of a high-level world."

"Nowadays, there are a total of eighty-eight fairy realms in the Xianlin Land. The area is very vast."

"Every fairyland here is larger than the largest medium-sized world in the universe."

"At least, it is more than ten thousand times that of Qianyuan Realm!"

"In the land of Xianlin, because the level of the world is very high and the origin of the world is extremely strong, the creatures born here are inherently very powerful."

"According to our understanding, it is very likely that there is a quasi-immortal emperor in Xianlin Land."

"In addition, Xianlin Land seems to be closely related to the Yuanshi Divine System."

"This place is equivalent to a world hub. It can lead to various lower worlds downwards, and it can lead to higher worlds upwards."

"Such as Qingxuan World, Immortal Ancient World, these big worlds can..."


The Primordial God System?

Suddenly hearing Li Zangtian's words, Lin Wudao narrowed his eyes instantly.

"You just said that the Xianlin Land is related to the Yuanshi God System?"


"The name of the higher world connected to Xianlin Earth is the Immortal Ancient World."

"It's just that it's very difficult for the creatures in the Xianlin land to enter the ancient world of Xianlin."

"As for going to the lower world below, it's easier..."

Li Zangtian nodded seriously.

Isn't this too coincidental?

After carefully confirming that he heard correctly, Lin Wudao felt extremely surprised and surprised.

He really didn't expect that Xianlin Earth could actually be related to the Yuanshi God System.

"So, the land of Xianlin is also a divine domain ruled by the Yuanshi God System?"

he continued to ask.

"This... nominally speaking, the land of Xianlin falls under the jurisdiction of the Immortal Ancient World and is part of the sacred land of the Yuanshi God System."

"It's just that the Xianlin Earth is a bit special. It's just a fragment, and it was eroded by dark matter, causing the world to collapse."

"For this place, the Immortal Ancient World seems to look down upon it. There are no gods from the Yuanshi God System existing in the land of Xianlin."

"Strictly speaking, Xianlin Land is just a subsidiary of the Yuanshi Divine System, and it is a dispensable place."

"The creatures in the Immortal Land need to ascend to the Immortal Ancient World..."

Li Zangtian replied respectfully.

After listening to his story, Lin Wudao had a basic understanding of the situation in Xianlin Land.

Since the Yuanshi God System looks down on it, he will not dislike it.

after all!

According to Li Zangtian's description, although the land of Xianlin is just a fragment of the higher world, its territory is extremely vast.

Just a fairyland is larger than a medium-sized world. If the entire land of Xianlin is brought under the rule of Qingshan Divine Kingdom, by then, it may be possible to hit the Grand Avenue title.


Although the land of Xianlin is a huge piece of fat, there are also many powerful incense gods.

Since there is a suspected quasi-immortal emperor, there must be gods of the same level. It is not easy to develop faith here.


He also has to take care of the Yuanshi God System!

At least, within this month and a half, the gods of the Yuanshi God System cannot be aware of his existence.

As long as you persist through this period of time and wait until the death of the ancient emperor God Yuanshi, the world of Immortal Ancient World and the land of Xianlin will definitely be in chaos.

By then!

His chance has come...

Think of this.

Lin Wudao suddenly had a rough plan in mind.

If you want to develop faith in the land of Xianlin, you can't rush it, you have to plan slowly.


Before that, he had to find a breakthrough.

"The Taiyin Demonic Mountain in front of us has no living creatures at all. It is even more dilapidated than the Tushan clan before. There is definitely no hope here."

"If you want to develop your people, you can only go to places other than Taiyin Demon Mountain..."

Lin Wudao secretly thought about how to start.

How about going out to capture a few creatures and force them to become your followers?


He thought of a simple and crude method.

"Li Zangtian, you go immediately... Huh?"

Just as Lin Wudao was about to put his plan into action, suddenly, as if he noticed something, he instantly looked outside at the Taiyin Demon Mountain.

call out!

I saw, along with a sharp sound breaking through the air, a broken fairy boat crashed into the Taiyin Demonic Mountain.

On the fairy boat, Lin Wudao also saw a young man covered in blood.

Judging from his breath, he is already dead... (End of this chapter)

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