"High Priest, now that the Great Celestial Master has obtained the title of Dao Dao, aren't you going to set up a few tables to celebrate?"

Just as Lin Wudao was checking Yin Siming's information, suddenly, the crazy Taoist's teasing voice rang out.

"Yes, High Priest, it is unusual to be granted a title on the avenue. You must celebrate it no matter what."

"After all, this is an eternal and rare honor!"

"When the Great Heavenly Master receives the title of Great Dao, the people of Qingshan Divine Kingdom will be extremely excited and honored."

"Such a grand event should be celebrated properly..."

Qin Daofu also answered.

Hear the words!

Tushan Cangyue nodded calmly.

"The Great Heavenly Master is the pride of our Qingshan Divine Kingdom. Now that I have attained enlightenment and become an immortal, and received the title of Great Dao, I must celebrate it."

"You three evil-doers, do you want to show some respect?"


Let us express?

Hearing Tu Shan Cangyue's straightforward words, Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu were slightly startled.

"High Priest, you are also the supreme ruler of the kingdom of God and the spokesperson of the great god in the world. Can't you be more subtle?"

"How can you directly ask someone for something?"

"Yes, High Priest, this is not in line with your identity..."

Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu, you and I sighed one after another.

"Do I need to be polite to you?"

Tushan Cangyue said calmly.

As soon as she said these words, Lin Wudao and the other three looked at each other, and then they all took out a treasure of the True Immortal of the Universe and handed it to Yin Siming at the side.

"High Priest, our brothers are relatively poor. This is a little thought. You and the Great Heavenly Master must not dislike it."

The crazy Taoist has a look of pain on his face!

Similarly, Qin Daofu also showed great reluctance and looked like he was bleeding profusely.


Tushan Cangyue, who knew their details well, had no reaction at all to their cries of poverty.

"Ling'er, let Shopkeeper Ji prepare a few tables in the Jiutian Tower later, and then invite Immortal Qinglan and others to come over to celebrate the Great Heavenly Master."

"In addition, by passing on my decree, the Great Celestial Master attains enlightenment and becomes an immortal, and obtains the title of Dao Dao. The whole world of Qingshan Divine Kingdom will celebrate."

"Everyone, your cultivation level will rise to a small level, and the world will be baptized once..."

Tushan Cangyue turned around and ordered.

"Yes, High Priest!"

After hearing the order, Tushan Ling'er, who was serving behind him, responded respectfully.

"By the way, why are you three free to come here today?"

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

After giving instructions to Tu Shan Ling'er, Tu Shan Cang Yue once again cast her gaze on Lin Wudao and the others.

bother you for something!

She is very aware of the temperament of the evil trio. They will never appear if there is no benefit or difficulty.

This time.

They came to her door, they must have something to ask her...

"Hehe, the high priest really has a keen eye."

"This time, we came to see the high priest. We hope that the high priest can do a small favor and introduce us to the great god Qingshan."

"Right now, Pindao and Qin Daofu have both reached the ultimate level of Heavenly Emperor, and are also preparing to try to challenge the title of Great Dao."

"Therefore, we would like to ask the Great God Qingshan to help us protect our path..."

The mad Taoist took a deep breath and then said straight to the point.

Hear this!

Tushan Cangyue nodded thoughtfully.

She was not surprised that Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu were trying to block the avenue.

What really surprised her was that the two were planning to ask the Great God Qingshan to protect their way.

Think of this!

Tushan Cangyue seemed to have thought of something, and glanced meaningfully at Lin Wudao next to her.

"This is easy to talk about!"

"We are old acquaintances, and you have a passionate relationship with the Great God. I think the Great God will be willing to help you."

"Later, I will pray for the arrival of the Great God. When the time comes, if you have anything to say, you can tell the Great God directly."

"By the way, since you are preparing to challenge the Grand Avenue title, I have some kind words for you."

Good words?

Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu looked puzzled, wondering what Tu Shan Cang Yue was planning.

"High Priest, please speak!"

"Well, crazy Taoist, you like to dig graves, while Qin Daofu likes to save the dead. The power of both of you is related to the dead."

"If you can trust me, I suggest you that when you attack the avenue in the future, it is best to go through the tribulation together."

"In this case, the success rate of obtaining the title of the avenue may be greater..."

Tushan Cangyue said lightly with a hint of mystery.


Two people going through a tribulation together?

Upon hearing this suddenly, whether it was Mad Taoist, Qin Daofu, or Lin Wudao, they were all extremely surprised.

"High Priest, could it be that you...predicted our great road closure in advance?"

Qin Daofu asked in disbelief.

Faced with his inquiry, Tushan Cangyue did not answer.

"That's all I have to say. As for whether you listen or not, that's your own business."

"Listen! Of course!"

"What the high priest said must be the truth. How dare we not listen?"

The crazy Taoist said with a smile.

"However, High Priest, if Qin Daofu and I go through the tribulation at the same time, shouldn't the difficulty be increased?"

"Why is it said that the success rate of overcoming the tribulation is higher?"

He looked confused.

"The two of you can complement each other and achieve each other's success, and the success rate will naturally be higher."

"Okay, I have said enough about the Great Dao Title Tribulation. If you say more, it will trigger the Great Dao Sensation."

"When the time comes, it may change your process of overcoming the tribulation..."

Tushan Cangyue said calmly.

Say it!

She ignored the frowns of the two men and went to the altar at the end of the room and prayed devoutly.

[System, let me host it and let me do it! 】

Seeing that Tu Shan Cang Yue had already begun to pray, Lin Wudao woke up from his meditation and immediately spoke to the system.


With the custody of the system, Lin Wudao's consciousness was instantly separated from his body and transferred to the Great Demon God Qingshan.


A few moments later, under Tushan Cangyue's devout prayers, Lin Wudao descended on the statue in the form of the Qingshan Great Demon God.

All of a sudden!

Waves of majestic and majestic divine power and will suddenly enveloped the entire Cangyue Courtyard, overwhelming everyone present and making them breathless.

"Greetings to the great god!"

"Greetings to the great god!"

"I've seen the great God!"

Seeing the appearance of the great god of Qingshan, Yin Siming and others immediately started to worship respectfully under the leadership of Tushan Cangyue.

at the same time.

Lin Wudao, Mad Taoist, and Qin Daofu also saluted the statue.

"Everyone, get up~"

Accompanied by the majestic and majestic voice, Tushan Cangyue and others slowly stood up from the ground.

"Cang Yue, what do you mean by praying to this god?"

"Reporting back to the great god, Yin Si Ming has returned from the long river of destiny and achieved enlightenment. Now, he has cultivated into a true immortal and obtained the incomplete title of the great avenue."

"One more thing, the wicked trio of crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu are preparing to attack the avenue and beg the great god to protect them in the future."

Tu Shan Cang Yue respectfully reported.

Hear the words!

Lin Wudao pretended to be the Great Demon God of Qingshan and nodded.

"It is a great blessing for the Qingshan Divine Kingdom that the Great Heavenly Master becomes an immortal and obtains the title of Great Dao."

“It’s time for the whole country to celebrate!”

"Cang Yue, you can handle the specific matters yourself. You can ask Ji Yuan for all the resources you need."

"In addition, this god will give Yin Si Ming another method to appease his merits!"

call out!

The words fell.

Lin Wudao raised his hand and pointed out, and engraved the seal of the past supreme law on the immortal spirit of Yin Si Ming.

"Thank you, God, for the gift!"

Yin Siming knelt down and bowed excitedly.

This supreme method of the past is also of unparalleled importance to him and can help him cut off all traces of the past.

This is the only way to become enlightened in the future...

"Get up!"

"The Great Heavenly Master's enlightenment is an example for our Kingdom of God. You should all take the Great Heavenly Master as a reference and work hard to polish yourselves so as to pursue a more lofty future."

"Obey the oracle!"

Everyone knelt down and insisted.

"As for Crazy Taoist and Qin Daofu, I promised you before in the Land of the Divine Tomb that I would properly help you fight against the Grand Avenue title."

"As for what you want, let me go through the Eastern Supreme. I have already told this god."

"This god can fulfill your wishes and allow you to obtain my divine power and power before you leave, but there is a price."

"Ten top-quality treasures of the Ancient Immortal King for each person per day!"

Lin Wudao informed Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu of the price he had learned from the system.

The price of a top-quality Ancient Immortal King's treasure is basically worth one trillion flowers of luck.

Every day, ten top-quality treasures of the Ancient Immortal King?

Upon hearing this price, both Mad Taoist and Qin Daofu nodded readily.

"no problem!"

"Do everything as God says!"

They agreed without even thinking about it.

Previously, the ransom given by the Taishang Immortal Clan was very generous, and they were able to get only ten of the top-grade Ancient Immortal King's treasures.


Looking at the smiles on their faces, Lin Wudao sighed secretly in his heart.

[System, how long will it take for Mad Taoist and Qin Dao to survive the great tribulation? 】

Lin Wudao asked curiously.

【Three months! 】


Upon hearing this answer, even Lin Wudao, who had been mentally prepared, was shocked. (End of chapter)

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