Dali Imperial City, Fengtian Palace!


Wei Changtian, the high-ranking Lord of Dali who holds the power of life and death for hundreds of millions, no longer has the majesty and high-spiritedness of the past. Instead, he looks haggard and has a withered face.

In his eyes, there was a strong sense of grief...

These days, many princes of the Dali Dynasty have all died inexplicably.

Some died in their own palaces; some were killed by thieves outside, and the signs were all accidental, and no clues could be found at all.

One or two, maybe it was an accident!


It is unreasonable that all of his more than ten sons died unexpectedly and tragically in just over half a month.

Wei Changtian knew that someone was plotting behind this!

And his main suspects were only two people.

One is Wei Chengyin!

The other one is Lin Wudao who is far away in Sin City...

Wei Chengyin had always been under his nose, being monitored by him at all times. It was impossible for him to step out of the palace gate, and it was absolutely impossible for him to do it.

Then, only Lin Wudao is left!

He was the only one who harbored a strong hatred for the Dali Dynasty.

Think of this.

Wei Changtian's heart surged with boundless anger and hatred.

"The hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable!"

"Lin Wudao, I will cut your body into thousands of pieces, and then crush your bones and raise ashes to vent the hatred in my heart..."

Inside Fengtian Hall.

Wei Changtian's ferocious roar was heard.

It was not until a long time later that he woke up from his grief and resentment, and turned his gaze to Yin Siming, who was sitting upright below.

"National Master, my sons died one after another. This must be Lin Wudao's fault."

"Please teach me, Imperial Master, how to kill this beast?"

Wei Changtian said with hatred.

Hear the words!

Yin Siming ended his nap and looked at Wei Changtian's gaze with an indifferent expression.

"Hasn't His Majesty already sent someone to Xuantian Sect to ask for help?"


"Don't mention it!"

"As early as half a month ago, I have continuously sent out requests for help from the Xuantian Sect, asking them to send strong men to suppress Lin Wudao. Unfortunately, there is still no response."

"It seems that Xuantian Sect is not going to pay attention to this matter..."

Speaking of which.

Wei Changtian felt even more aggrieved!

The Dali Dynasty was attached to the Xuantian Sect and paid tribute on time every year. Almost half of the resources of the Dali Dynasty were given to the Xuantian Sect.

The reason is to seek their protection!


Nowadays, the Dali Dynasty is in trouble, but the Xuantian Sect has not made any movement or expression, which makes Wei Changtian extremely angry.

In the bottom of my heart, I also have a little more hatred towards Xuantian Sect...


Seeing his expression, Yin Siming couldn't help but smile.

All of this is under his control!

"Your Majesty, maybe Xuantian Sect is too busy taking care of itself?"


"Your Majesty, please know that due to the incident in Dayan's ancestral land some time ago, Fu Tianque, the leader of Xuantian Sect, and an ancestor of the mythical Dzogchen were all killed."

"When this incident came out, it made everyone in the Xuantian Sect panic. The death of the sect leader and ancestor greatly damaged the Xuantian Sect's vitality."

"Now, the Sunset Battlefield in the Hundred Thousand Mountains has also been opened. The three giants in the Kyushu Realm have sent most of their powerful men and disciples there."

"Therefore, it is understandable that Xuantian Sect did not respond in time..."

Yin Siming said calmly.

Hearing this, Wei Changtian still frowned.


He couldn't accept this argument.


"The Xuantian Sect, one of the three major powers in Kyushu, even if the sect leader and ancestors are dead, can't they produce a strong person?"

"They must have refused to save him!"

Wei Changtian gritted his teeth and growled.

To this.

Yin Siming didn't answer.

All of this was made up by Wei Changtian's own imagination and has nothing to do with him...


"The Xuantian Sect is unreliable, I have to do it myself!"


Wei Changtian, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly raised his head.

"Your Majesty, what's your plan?"

"Does the Imperial Master know that in addition to the princes and princesses in the imperial city, I also have an unknown princess in the outside world? Her name is Wei Qingsi."

"From the day she was born, she was accepted as a disciple by an expert."

"Not long ago, I received news that Qingsi has reached the Mahayana realm, and her master Ziyang Cave Master is in retreat to attack the cave heaven realm."

"Now, we are almost successful..."

Wei Changtian said with a smile.

this moment!

There was a touch of pride and pride between his brows.

That way.

It seems that his daughter Wei Qingsi fought for him, and he was proud of it.

Wei Qingsi?

Master of Ziyang Cave?

Hearing this, Yin Siming seemed a little surprised.


He did some calculations in secret and suddenly learned a lot of unknown information...

"Your Majesty plans to let Wei Qingsi come back and suppress Lin Wudao?"


"However, she is only in the Mahayana realm now. If she goes to the city of sin, she will be like a sheep in a tiger's mouth. Lin Wudao is not that simple."

Yin Siming pretended to remind.

To this!

Wei Changtian didn't take it to heart at all.

"Master, don't worry!"

"Although Qingsi only has the cultivation level of the Mahayana realm, she alone cannot suppress Lin Wudao. However, as far as I know, Master Ziyang Cave has many powerful servants around him."

"Among them, there are many overhauls of the mythical realm!"

"If we could recruit someone, wouldn't it be easy to kill a mere Lin Wudao?"

"I don't believe that Lin Wudao can still resist the myth..."

Wei Changtian sneered coldly.

When he thought about it, if Lin Wudao really had the power to compete with Shinhwa Daxiu, with his extremely arrogant and lawless character, how could he be willing to curl up in a small Yuanzhou Demon Suppression Division?

I'm afraid, he has already reached Dali Imperial City!


He concluded that Lin Wudao was definitely under the myth!

As long as Wei Qingsi can mobilize the experts around Ziyang Cave Master, he will definitely be able to suppress Lin Wudao.


Regarding his naive idea, Yin Siming secretly sneered...

"Your Majesty, aren't you afraid that Lin Wu will also kill Wei Qingsi?"


"My daughter Qingsi has been smart since she was a child. If she knew how difficult Lin Wudao was, she would definitely be well prepared. I don't believe Lin Wudao can kill her."

"What if I really kill him?"

"If Qingsi really died at the hands of Lin Wudao, it means that God has no eyes and allowed the rebellious ministers and traitors to run rampant, harming my subjects and destroying our ancestral temple and the country."

"Being able to die for the Dali Dynasty, she deserves to die."

"I believe that her master Ziyang Cave Master will avenge her..."

Wei Changtian clenched his fist and said.


He took a deep breath, turned around and left Fengtian Palace.

Looking at his leaving figure, Yin Siming shook his head, with a cold smile on his lips.

"What a good calculation!"

"In order to kill Lin Wudao, he even used his own daughter as a pawn. It's a pity that if Wei Qingsi goes away, I'm afraid she will never come back."

"Your strength has come to an end..."

An imperceptible whisper came from his mouth.


Yin Siming came to Langui Palace without alerting anyone.

"The Imperial Master is here."

Wei Chengyin stood up to greet him.

"We should be ready to take action!"

"I just returned from Fengtian Palace. Wei Changtian is planning to ask Wei Qingsi to go to the Sin City to kill Lin Wudao. In a few days, the Sunset Battlefield will be closed."

"When the time comes, Lin Wudao will definitely come to Dali Capital as soon as possible after dealing with the matter in Sin City."

"It's time to seize the throne now..."

Yin Siming said calmly.

Wei Qingsi?

Hearing this, Wei Chengyin was a little confused.

"Wei Qingsi is an unknown princess from the Dali Dynasty. When she was born, she was accepted as a disciple by Master Ziyang Cave. Now she has reached the realm of Mahayana."

"If she goes to Sin City, she will die!"

"So, you must take action..."

Yin Siming gave a simple explanation.

Hear the words!

Wei Chengyin nodded.

"In that case, I'll leave everything to the Imperial Master!"

He bowed respectfully.


"If nothing else happens, Wei Changtian will die suddenly in three days. You should be prepared. Now, you are the only prince left in the Dali Dynasty. The position of the Lord of Dali belongs to you."

Say it.

Yin Siming explained a few more words, and his figure disappeared instantly.

call out!

Two days later, a simple spiritual boat arrived in Sin City...

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