
A cloud of ice blue light suddenly poured out, spurting straight towards the entrance of the cave.

And it exploded in the air, forming a large freezing point and rushing towards the giant who was entering the hole.

In just two breaths, the freezing point condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the giant body that was frozen in ice was used to successfully block the large hole about eight meters wide.

At the same time, because the laser shells of Ziyin Tiga just now were too eye-catching, a large number of ordinary soldiers rushed over.

As it happens, they just happened to see the scene of the 'Cryo Beam' being fired.

At this point, Chen Yanqiu also understands that he may have a complete showdown with the government this time.

Because, under the condition that the whole city is on alert, even if he turns back into a human body, he will be found quickly.

It's better to take the initiative to admit it yourself in exchange for a friendly gesture.

Moreover, with Chen Yanqiu's current strength, there is no longer any need to be afraid of the government within the wall.

On the contrary, the government has to rely on his power to drive out the giants.

This idea coincides with Chen Yanqiu.

Because you must know that the enemies of the humans within the walls are not only the giants, but also all the nations of the world that consider the humans within the walls to be the 'descendants of demons'.

Including the superpower with a super-strong army, the country of Marais.

As expected, in the past few years, Marais will send a large number of intelligent giants and troops to attack the wall.

And Chen Yanqiu, as a member of the human race in the wall, will inevitably suffer from the impact of infringement.

Rather than facing many forces on your own, it is better to further cooperate with the humans within the walls and fight against the so-called 'justice' coalition together.



In the few seconds that Chen Yanqiu was thinking, an extremely fast shadow crossed the sky.

Even with Chen Yanqiu's current dynamic vision, he couldn't see the face of this figure clearly for a while.

In the blink of an eye, Swift Shadow had already come to the vicinity of Tiga, and at the same time, with a sharp edge, it was about to slash straight ahead!


At this time, I saw Anka shout violently, and subconsciously wanted to fly into the air:

"It's a light giant!!"


The moment the sound fell, I saw that the black shadow quickly turned around in the air, followed by a gas jet and quickly landed on the roof.

The whole movement is clean and neat, not dragging mud and water at all, and the posture is completely adjusted in a moment.

"Light giants?"

The sound of a subwoofer sounded faintly, and the figure wearing the cloak of Freedom Wings slowly raised its head, and the steel blade in his hand was still in a backward posture, and the whole person looked extremely cold.

"The giant of light who slaughtered the giant three years ago. "


Ankha hurriedly explained:

"Pixis has ordered us to establish a preliminary basis for communication with him! It has been determined that this giant of light is autonomous and has the intention of cooperating with humans!"


There was a strange look of surprise in Levi's trademark dead fish eyes.

He lifted his slightly pale face and glanced at Tiga's body:

"Does this guy have a sense of autonomy? "

"Yes! I'll take care of it here! Please go to the city gate to help the giant first! This battle plan is to plug the hole that has been destroyed! Use the power of the giant!"

Anka said quickly, looking extremely urgent, for fear that the one-meter-six in front of him would fight with Diga again.

If that happens, no one can predict the outcome.

One is the strongest human race, claiming to be as effective as a brigade commander.

One is a giant of light with mysterious powers and the power to exorcise demons.

No matter who starts the fire on both sides, it is not something that she, a small staff officer, can control.

"I see. "

As if Ankh prayed, Levi only had a flash of fluctuation in his eyes, and then he flew away decisively.

The whole process seemed extremely cold, as if Tiga was not a surprise to him.


Just as Levi had walked on his front foot, suddenly, a familiar sound of an earthquake suddenly sounded.

Everyone followed the reputation, and the entrance to the cave that had just been frozen had been blocked by a huge cobblestone.

And the one who supported the boulder was the black-haired giant who had recovered from it, Alan Yageger.

The black-haired giant stood in place as if he had been reborn in a bath, emitting a large amount of steam and blood from his body.

This means that it has exhausted its life's work to complete the goal of this mission.


There was a heroic roar, and finally, as if the oil had run out, it slowly fell to the ground, and the huge body suddenly stirred up a burst of dust.

And at this moment, Allen, who was located on the back of the black-haired giant's neck, also seemed to be unable to support it, and slowly closed his heavy eyelids.

Before his world went completely dark, the only thing he saw was a purple and silver giant not far away, who was also tall.


The moment the boulder blocked the hole, it meant that the 'Battle Plan to Recapture the City of Toloster' was a complete success.

In the following time, the survey corps rushed back from outside the wall in a hurry, and the remaining garrison corps were active.

The Wall of Rossi has finally resisted the invasion of giants once again.

After that, in order to exterminate the thousands of giants that were trapped in the city of Toroste.

Commander Pixis directly ordered to use the fixed cannons on the wall to strangle most of the giants who were still gathered around the wall.

The few giants on the streets were also slaughtered by the highly combative Survey Corps.

Even, in order to solve the mystery of the giant, a 4-meter giant and a 7-meter giant were captured as experimental backups.

However, despite the fact that this was the only time in human history that a giant was defeated, most of the soldiers did not look too happy.

There is no other reason.

The number of troops lost in this battle is unmatched in previous battles.

The death toll alone is no less than 500, and the number of missing is even doubled.

So, against such a background, the remaining soldiers, with a victorious and sad mood, cleaned up the battlefield at the same time.

But they didn't even notice that Chen Yanqiu, who was the purple silver Tiga, had quietly come to the base camp of the Rose's Wall, where Commander Pixis was located.

He was accompanied by a female soldier.

"Surprised, Counselor Anka. "

“... Unexpectedly, it was you..."

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