Code Farmer Comprehension

Chapter 563: remains

  Chapter 563 Ruins

   On the fourth mural, there are obvious features. The young man is the main **** of Yuanchen Pavilion at dusk, the **** of war of the Shenting Federation, and the true emperor.

  Looking at the murals, it shows that he is fighting to protect Xiaotian Realm. The only thing whose meaning is unclear is the dog riders of the three hellhounds. Shrouded in darkness, hiding in shadows, not knowing what to do!

  After clearing his mind, Zhang Deming continued to walk down.

  The fifth chapter is a continuation of the fourth chapter, and the coherence is still very strong.

  I saw a huge corpse lying in front of the boy holding a three-pointed double-edged knife. The corpse was covered with tentacles, arms, and vertical eyes. The whole body was cylindrical, and it was indescribable.

   But in the painting, he is obviously dead. The boy who was killed by the boy seems to be injured at the moment. He is a little weak and is holding a long knife, and the dog beside him is also hanged everywhere.

  Behind the boy, the figure riding the three-headed hellhound in the shadow has already jumped out at this moment, and rushed towards the injured boy.

  The living beings below are full of horror. In the sky, a sun, a golden book is shining, illuminating the world. There are still words flowing in the book, which seems to have changed the world.


  Is this a sneak attack?

   Judging from the painting style and size, isn't the dog rider also the main god?

  Why sneak attack on another main god?

   Still in such a foreign battle?

  Zhang Deming continued to walk, and came to the sixth painting. This painting is messy and abstract, and it is not easy to guess.

  The boy representing the God of War inserted a long knife into the shadow body, and the shadow used some vague object to press on the boy's forehead.

  The two dogs' tearing was even more exaggerated. The black dog lost two front legs, and the three-headed dog lost two heads. Even so, the two dogs were still tearing apart.

  The book in the sky was still flickering, and under its light, the dead and indescribable corpse had undergone a mutation, turning into a strange gray mist, which permeated the crowd.

  Among the crowd, three people were featured in a close-up. They were drenched in the blood of dogs and gods fighting in the sky, shining in the mist.

  As soon as the following three paintings are combined, Zhang Deming probably understands. From what we know so far, it should be the cause of Xiaotian Realm's past and its current situation.

  So here, it is very likely that the people who survived built it?

  The first three pictures are speculation, or what?

  How true is it?

  Looking at the level of information embodied in this painting, Zhang Deming is not sure how much it is true, and this **** is too abstract, and he has to guess all over his body, and he is a little speechless.

  Through his thoughts, Zhang Deming continued to move forward, and saw another painting. To Zhang Deming's surprise, this painting was blurred.

   It's not like it was scratched by human claws like before, but it's blurred. It's clearly a painting on the wall, but it's like an ink painting, it's a mess!

   Zhang Deming frowned. Originally, seeing that the six murals here were not affected, he thought that this place was built after the fall of the gods and would not be affected.

   I didn’t expect there to be pasted murals!

   So the first three pictures are bullshit?

   Zhang Deming can still understand that the last three paintings are not blurred. After all, it seems that the God of War has not been blurred before.

   While his thoughts flickered, Zhang Deming didn't see the continuation of the murals. It seemed that there were only seven murals, and he didn't know if they were meaningful.


  After Zhang Deming walked forward for a certain distance again, the corridor in front of him was suddenly empty, and a huge domed hall appeared in front of Zhang Deming.

   I don’t know what the people who built it thought. The dome hall with a height of more than 100 meters gives people an extremely shocking feeling.

  The main hall is very huge and empty. In the main hall, there is a statue of a juvenile standing tens of meters high, holding a three-pointed double-edged knife, with three eyes open, overlooking the entrance, and a **** dog at his feet.

  The statue is gray and white. I don’t know what kind of rock it was carved with, or it may have been shaped purely by magic. After all, such a large volume is very difficult to carve normally, and it is brought into such a place.

   There is a two-meter-high sarcophagus in front of the statue's feet. Although it is still larger than a normal coffin, it is nothing compared to the statue.

  In the entire hall, there should be an extremely shocking dome on the dome above the head, the only dome color painting with strong colors, occupying the entire spherical dome.

  But's all a mess, and there's no trace of it. The only thing that is not confused is the various sacrificial runes all over the hall, other than that, there is no other decoration.

  Zhang Deming came to the two-meter-high and five- to six-meter-long sarcophagus, feeling a little apprehensive, because if I understand correctly, this is the legendary Tomb of the God of War?

  He bowed to the statue and whispered: "I'm offended, boss, you're leaving anyway. I'll use the waste to benefit the surviving people of Xiaotian Realm. You can understand it if you think about it!"

   After saying a word of comfort that he didn't quite believe, Zhang Deming threw out several array cards, and then activated the spirit cultivation summoning. After his cultivation base reached the Five Elements stage, Zhang Deming's mind moved slightly after waiting for the formation.

  Several emerald vines swayed on the ground, pushing the sarcophagus open a little bit. Unlike imagination, there was no sudden situation, and it was surprisingly calm.

   No dark hands, no strange pollution, no curses of any kind, not even... nothing!

  Zhang Deming was floating. When he nervously and carefully pushed open the coffin lid, Mao didn't notice that it was an empty coffin that couldn't be emptier.

   "Fucking wool, here are all these messy sacrificial runes engraved, and the investigation and perspective can't be done. It's so exaggerated, you tell me it's a clothes tomb? Or a clothes tomb without even a piece of clothes?"

   Zhang Deming, who didn't believe in evil, searched the entire hall inch by inch, but found nothing else.

   "Is it really an empty tomb?"

  Zhang Deming looked at the statue speechlessly, and then at the empty hall around him. He found nothing else, so he shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked back along the passageway he came from.

  There are still many side rooms before, and the direction of the entrance has not been explored. I hope that the side rooms of the guards will not let him down.


   While thinking, he turned around and drifted back. After passing seven mural areas, Zhang Deming came to the ear room area.

  Following the first fork, Zhang Deming floated in. There were also murals on the wall, but they were still blurred, which made Zhang Deming frown.

  If this is really a cemetery, then these... should be personal life or something? Does such a blurred situation mean that... the people buried here are also from the Shenting era?

   While thinking, Zhang Deming came to the bottom of Langfang, where there is also a hall. The entire hall is very similar to the hall in the ear room that Zhang Deming experienced for the first time when he came in through the tree hole.

  The size, pattern, and so on are similar, even the stone platform in the middle and the coffin should be the same specification, but the one here is not broken.

  The only difference is that there is a huge statue in the center of the main hall here. Of course, it is incomparable with the main room, but it is still huge.

   What made Zhang Deming frown was that this statue was not a human being, but a pure animal, a gray-white giant ape, with a complete sarcophagus in front of the giant ape's feet.

  As before, Zhang Deming arranged a lot of defenses, and after carefully opening the sarcophagus, he found another empty tomb without any clothes.

   Frowning even more, Zhang Deming turned around and floated away again, returned to the main passage, and walked towards the loop.

  In this way, Zhang Deming went through seven main halls in a row, all of which were pasted with murals on the Langfang, and there was an empty tomb with a statue in the main hall.

  The statues are not all human beings, but animals. They are: white ape, buffalo, dog, wild boar, centipede, white snake and goat.

  Seven animal statues, seven halls, all empty tombs, guarding the main tomb backwards, seem to express some meaning or relationship.

   If Zhang Deming remembers correctly, since he came to the main passage and chose a direction to go forward, he has experienced a total of eight forks along the way.

  So he frowned, with a little expectation, and entered the last fork he had passed before.

   I didn’t notice it before, but after going through the main hall and the seven secondary halls, Zhang Deming found that the age of the eighth passage is obviously different.

  It looks like... It looks like the side hall hall that was added again many years after the construction was completed here.

  Going forward for a while, Zhang Deming was slightly surprised that the murals on the wall were no longer pasty, but just like the passage he came from, scratched with dog paws.

  Although there is still no information, this change made Zhang Deming show a little joy. If it is different, it means that there is an improvement!

   Floating quickly to the end of the passage, the hall here is exactly the same as the hall when Zhang Deming entered. There are no statues, only an unbroken coffin placed on the central stone platform.

  With a little anticipation, Zhang Deming came to the coffin carefully, and put up defenses with great trouble. Zhang Deming used vines to pry open the sarcophagus again.

  As soon as a gap was opened, a strong and treacherous aura came out, causing the formation arranged by Zhang Deming to flicker continuously, and instantly extinguished several layers.

  The moment the emerald-like vines came into contact with the strong breath, they began to twist, as if they were about to give birth to consciousness. Countless crazy thoughts rushed straight into Zhang Deming's mind following the connection of spells.

  Zhang Deming's complexion changed slightly, the vines collapsed, and he stepped back a certain distance in fear, watching from a distance.

  Fortunately, he was more careful, and the arrangement was more perfect, otherwise, if he didn't know what the hell, such a sudden look on his face, the devil knows what the result would be, and it would probably be enough for him.

  It seemed that because of the long-lived dust, the extremely corrosive atmosphere inside took a few breaths, and then slowly stopped, becoming as if nothing existed.

Seeing this, Zhang Deming floated back again, carefully grew a vine again, tested it a bit, and after the change did not happen before, he slowly pushed the entire sarcophagus cover along the crack that was pried open before. open.


this is······?

  After seeing the scene inside the coffin, Zhang Deming was taken aback for a moment. There was still nothing in the coffin, even a little less than the previous seven coffins.

   This coffin doesn’t even have the bottom of the coffin!

  That's right, under the coffin, there is a dark cave, like the mouth of an abyss, picking someone and devouring it.

  So, the corpse that was originally buried here also had a problem and ran away?

That's right, since this is a tomb of gods, only the gods should be buried, and people should not continue to be buried here. People of later generations are buried here. If this is really the place where the gods fell, the evil breath will affect the mutation. It is inevitable!

  Looking at the dark cave in front of him, Zhang Deming frowned for a while, hesitating whether to continue.

   Forget it, it’s all here, we can’t give up halfway!

   Moreover, there is obviously no way to get out of the Zhang family's land now, and now they can only pin their hopes here.

  Thinking of this, Zhang Deming didn't hesitate anymore, he turned his head to look at Xiaolei on his shoulder and said, "Little guy, what's wrong, remember to call out immediately!"


  Seeing this, Zhang Deming ignored it, floated up, and drifted towards the cave.


  The cave is different from the one we came to. This cave is not inclined, but vertically downward, and it seems to be vertical. It is trumpet-shaped, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. When the cave expanded six or seven times, it stopped expanding.

  Zhang Deming floated downward for a while, but he didn't feel the tendency to fall to the bottom. He simply removed the buoyancy and fell downward.

  The cave seemed abnormally deep. Zhang Deming felt that he had fallen for a long time before his mind moved slightly and his speed began to drop sharply. The moment his speed returned to zero, he just rushed out of the cave, but did not fall to the ground.

  He seems to appear in the sky? !

   Zhang Deming looked up, and there was a white cloud above his head, which he just fell out of. A vine stretched out, poked into the clouds, and returned to the cave, making Zhang Deming heave a sigh of relief.

   It’s okay, if there is any problem, you can go back. So... this is an underground world?

   Or, Xiaotian Realm is a multi-layered honeycomb space?

   Or did he just come to another heaven?

  I have this idea because the magical firewall here seems to have become very weak.

  With such astonishment, Zhang Deming began to look around. The sky is not high, but there are endless white clouds, which looks a little fake, as if it was created by a high-level illusion array, which can already create a mixture of reality and reality.

  When Zhang Deming saw the whole ground, he was completely stunned.

  The entire ground has been deserted for many years, and there are many plants growing, but the vegetation is all very deformed, with twists and turns, like ghosts, but full of luster, like fleshy.

  This is not the main thing, the main thing is that after Zhang Deming saw the traces on the ground through the vegetation, he found... here, it seems to be a relic of a battlefield!

  (end of this chapter)

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