Chapter 81

I was anxious to leave this place where the shaking became more and more obvious, and the temperature was getting hotter and hotter.

Dozens of military vehicles carrying rockets and medium-sized missiles shuttled back and forth around the Kunlun Mountains, where the boulders kept rolling.

Just when everyone present thought that as long as they escaped from this Kunlun mountain range, they would get a chance to live.

The meteorite with a diameter of more than two kilometers that caused the rapid fall in the air, carrying the flames, was no more than a kilometer away from Shen Mubai and their helicopter.

Shen Mubai gave up, looking helplessly at the huge meteorite that was about to fall.

She knows very well that people like herself can’t escape at all, and will be wiped out by the huge explosion caused by this huge meteorite, even the residue will not be left.

Everyone on the scene stopped their movements, raised their heads to endure that the scorching roasted skin had become dry and cracked, and looked at the huge meteorite in the sky.

Just when everyone on the scene closed their eyes and waited for Death to come.

But after five minutes, apart from the burning sensation that still existed, there was also a slight sound of landslides, and there was no other sound.

Shen Mubai looked surprised, looking through the helicopter-towards the earth.

The sight in front of her made her shocked and unable to say anything for a while.

The huge meteorite still braving the scorching flame landed silently on the mountain peak a kilometer away from here.

The mountain peak was set to melt slowly, and the flames burned the mountain forest, which had caused a big fire, but it did not produce the terrifying explosion she was afraid of.

The people who were still fleeing saw that they were not dead, so they stopped the vehicles one after another, and the helicopter above their heads slowly hovered in the air.

“What happened to 0101, why didn’t the huge meteorite produce a big explosion, so why did we survive?”

The commander who was in command of these dozens of rockets and missiles couldn’t believe what was happening before him.

Tang Zhan watched that the flame of the huge meteorite was slowly diminishing, and quickly picked up the wireless communication and said inconceivably, “Received 01. The meteorite has landed on the top of the mountain a kilometer away from us.”

“Whether to explore, whether to explore.”

Tang Zhan put down the wireless walkie-talkie in his hand, and said to Shen Mubai with a surviving expression, “Director, do we want to check this strange meteorite, or do we have to follow the original plan again now.”

“Using rocket missiles, kill the Damn it upgraded White Tiger first?”

Tang Zhan now blames own very much. If he knew such a result, he would save the six companions first without affecting their plan to kill the Upgraded White Tiger.

Shen Mubai slowly let out a foul breath, and whispered, “Let’s go down first, first dock with the commander of the rocket and missile unit. Let’s see what to do next is the best policy.”

To be honest, from last night to now, Shen Mubai has seen too many accidents and knows that sometimes things are not that simple.

Tang Zhan nodded solemnly when Shen Mubai said this.

In the midair, the seven helicopters led the rotating propellers to slowly stop in the direction of the vehicle carrying the rocket and missile.

After Shen Mubai and Qin Yin got off the helicopter, the commander of the rocket and missile unit headed by him hurriedly saluted Shen Mubai.

Shen Mubai’s position is very high, because this is when the country established this Super S-level Official Research Institute of Spiritual Recovery, it has already issued instructions to the troops and the capital.

As long as Shen Mubai is willing, she can mobilize the power of the army in any place of the country to complete the work and research of her own research.

The young officer walked to Shen Mubai’s face with a remnant expression on his face and said, “Director, Li Changsan, now the command of our rocket and missile force is handed over to you.”

It was not the first time that Shen Mubai had commanded various types of troops. He was watching the troops approaching more than a thousand soldiers.

She is also very confident to handle the things of the mutated and weird Kunlun sacred mountain here.

On the contrary, Shen Mubai’s interest in the upgraded White Tiger is no longer as interesting to her as that huge strange meteorite.

Shen Mubai thought for a while and said, “Now prepare twenty soldiers, follow me and Qin Yin to the huge meteorite to explore first.”

“Then send another thirty soldiers to be led by Tang Zhan, and then determine the location of the upgraded White Tiger. Don’t start the attack and wait for my order to attack.”

Naturally, Shen Mubai was now unwilling to let the soldiers under his command suffer casualties.

· ··········Ask for flowers·······

And her arrangement is very appropriate, at least on both sides together.

She has always been interested in these weird and strange things, and this huge weird meteorite is naturally what she likes.

Two military officers, Tang Zhan and Li Changsan, paid military salutes to Shen Mubai one after another, and arranged two implementation plans accordingly.


At this moment, Shen Mubai and Qin Yin were wearing high-temperature and radiation-resistant protective clothing, followed by more than twenty soldiers who were wearing the same clothes as them.

Shen Mu, Bai and Qin Yin are all people with extremely good physical fitness. For them, this mere one-kilometer journey takes only a few minutes.

The huge meteorite with a diameter of more than two kilometers carried the flames, roasting the clean that had been burned by it, revealing the black soil.

……… …. 0

A large amount of thick smoke with scorching high temperature tortured Shen Mu, Bai Qinyin and others all the time.

But I don’t know why Shen Mubai’s eyes are dizzy because of extreme fatigue. Why does she seem to see this huge meteorite shake?

Shen Mubai, who did not believe in evil, blinked pantothenic eyes and looked at the motionless meteorite that was less than 100 meters away.

With sudden anxiety in his heart, Shen Mubai panted and said to Qin Yin next to him, “Girl Qin, did you just discover that this huge meteorite in front of you moved?”

“Could it be that I am dazzled, this shouldn’t be, my eyesight has always been very good.”

Qin Yin was said by Shen Mubai, and subconsciously looked at the meteorite that was getting closer and closer to them.

At this look, something more frightened appeared in front of Qin Yin’s eyes. The huge upgraded White Tiger that tortured them, nearly half of its figure was stained with a lot of blood.

The body was already stiff, and the rich, nauseating bloody air finally broke through the hot high temperature and the thick black charred smoke drifted into the Qin Yin’s protective clothing.

But the body of this powerful upgraded White Tiger was still shaking strangely, and half of its flesh seemed to be swallowed by this weird giant meteorite in front of you!


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