Chapter 300

Shen Mubai put the small black mobile phone in his hand on the table aside, and looked at Qin Yin in front of him and said relaxedly, “The things over there are almost the same, and we have also started to act here. Don’t worry, things will definitely happen this time. Finished perfectly.”

“The old ancestor is very human, even if it is the strength of the mythical Dragon Turtel, we two have not seen it early, have we?”

When Shen Mubai mentioned the mythological Dragon Turtel here, he remembered what happened on the Kunlun sacred mountain at that time.

At that time, she was thinking about what kind of terrifying creatures exist that can destroy the mountain with a single blow.

And now this mythological species Dragon Turtel, as the spirit beast of Wudang Mountain, came down to help them, and was responsible for solving the mythical white snake circulating in folk myths.

Shen Mubai has great confidence in the mythical Dragon Turtel, and she believes that it can win!

After hearing Shen Mubai’s explanation like this, Qin Yin also let out a sigh of relief.

Her hanging heart also slowly fell, and she had a little confidence in the big things that will happen tomorrow or Houtian’s latest stage.


With the first gentle and vigorous sun spreading on this mountainside behind Wudang Mountain in the early morning.

A touch of the body that looks like a god is sitting on the top of the mountain, with both hands holding a circle, as if holding Yin & Yang with both hands, it really makes people respectful.

And as the corners of Zhang Changsheng’s mouth slowly Breathing Exercises, a large amount of hot sun breath came out, which also represented the end of his cultivation that had never been wrong in the morning.

In the autumn season, the whole land is slightly wet with mist in the morning.

And Wang Ye stepped on the moist soil, ignoring the dew that was shaking from the trees he accidentally touched, and poured it on his Azure Taoist robe’s shoulders.

He held at least 40 kilograms of good drinks in one hand, and in the other hand he also carried a large amount of the rich food he had prepared when he got up early in the morning.

This is for the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng, Mingyue and Dragon Turtel who are going to go down to Wudang Mountain to the Leifeng Pagoda this morning.

Natural Wang Ye, because the meals prepared today are so plentiful, the Dragon Turtel, who was still crawling asleep in front of the cabin, has woken up with the head of the giant dragon.

Dragon Turtel looked at Wang Ye who was preparing meals in front of the cabin and said, “Xiao Wangye, you came early today. If you are like you, I would be so happy to die. Why would I go down the mountain today and eat so rich? 々〃.”

“I don’t know if you, a little guy, can do things, don’t forget that there are good things here too, please entertain me, and maybe you will give you a few small toys that you can use in the future. ”

Dragon Turtel is naturally more pleasant to get along with Wang Ye, who is thoughtful and courteous.

It doesn’t mind giving a little reward to the Wang Ye in front of him. What’s more, in Dragon Turtel’s mind, he is also the elder of the Wang Ye in front of him. Naturally, he also has the responsibility to cultivate juniors.

Wang Ye looked at Dragon Turtel, who seemed to have taken the wrong medicine today, with joy and surprise on his face and said, “Master Turtle, don’t lie to me, this little child. Wang Ye has written down your words. Waiting for you to defeat the white snake and deal with a catastrophe. Come back, you have to give me some gadgets that you don’t need.”

“When I come, I will pick you up when you come back.”

Wang Ye is flexible, and naturally these words are also amused by Dragon Turtel.

Anyway, I don’t have such a position in front of my master Zhang Changsheng, but it’s not bad to pretend to be in front of others.

Zhang Changsheng held him with one hand behind him, looking at the Dragon Turtel who was pretending to be successful in front of him, with a faint expression, “Little turtle, old man, I don’t have any fun toys in my hand. Would you like to give me some fun too?”

Zhang Changsheng couldn’t help but said that, and instantly beat the originally trivial Dragon Turtel back to the prototype.

And Dragon Turtel quickly shook its huge dragon head head and said, “Hey, the real master, what are you telling me about this? What is yours, mine, mine is you, and yours…”

Before Dragon Turtel finished speaking, he had heard Zhang Changsheng’s question.


The helpless Dragon Turtel can only follow his own words, “And your nature is yours, how can you be so distracted, if you want to pick it up when you want, I will give it to you, but you are not the owner of the little things here. I don’t like it.”

Dragon Turtel’s heart is also refreshing now. I knew I wouldn’t pretend to be this. Now it’s fine. The fact that I lost my wife and broke down was really done by Dragon Turtel, who had a short-circuit in his head today.

With satisfaction in his eyes, Zhang Changsheng walked to the side of the wine jar filled with a large amount of fine wine, and intoxicated he smelled the rich and uninspiring aroma of the wine.

Wang Ye also hurriedly stepped forward, quickly took a cup from the cup on the table, held it in both hands, and handed it to the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

And then, Wang Yebian also stood aside, not saying a word.

Zhang Changsheng has obeyed the tradition of the ancients since ancient times, and has no words for food.

After Mingyue, who had just gotten up, was also washed, she quickly sat at the side of the dining table.

Dragon Turtel was not too polite today, after all, it was this meal to see him off today.

Naturally, it also needs to eat more, so that the alcohol addiction on the road will not be hooked up again.


Zhang Changsheng picked up one side of the white veil, wiped the corner of his own mouth and looked at Wang Ye before him. “Let’s say, did that girl Shen already contact you last night, Xiao Wangye, what happened to them? How is it done?”

Wang Ye saw Zhang Changsheng inquiring about himself, and hurried forward (well done) to respectfully salute him and said, “Yes, the old patriarch. Director Shen has already contacted his disciples last night. There are already a large number of people within a hundred kilometers of Leifeng Pagoda. Arranging the evacuation also allows us to rest assured here during the chaos of the mythical white snake.”

“The hundred kilometers of Leifeng Pagoda is where no one can know what’s going on inside. This makes us rest assured.”

Wang Ye is now amazed at the capital’s official courage and speed in his heart.

This is the gap between personal power and the official power of the capital. It is simply human power, and many things cannot be done so easily even by the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

But the capital official does. The capital official has its own influence and dominance.

This is also a disguised explanation. The energy behind Shen Mubai, a girl who is only in her twenties, is also very huge.


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