Chapter 298

Zhang Changsheng looked at the Mingyue, who was only five or six years old, with firmness in his eyes, and said every word, “I believe that the real existence of the immortal, Mingyue, everything in the world is done by Tao!”

“As for the existence or nonexistence of immortals, it depends on the perception between you and me. I hope he exists in the world. If he does not exist, then I will become immortal. This is my goal!”

Zhang Changsheng’s voice was not loud, but it resounded like thunder in Mingyue’s ears.

With an unprecedented spark in Mingyue’s eyes, she looked at the master owner in front of her and said, “Master, let’s look for traces of the existence of immortals, otherwise the disciples will follow in your old footsteps. If there is no immortal, then you will become immortal yourself. !”

If this kind of xinxing caused Zhang Changsheng to shake his heart.

Zhang Changsheng also did not expect that he, the eleventh disciple he received, had the innocent heart to Dao that no one else had ever had.

Zhang Changsheng grinned slightly at the corner of his mouth and said, “Very good, very good, very good, Xiao Mingyue, your future is already under your own feet. As for what kind of path you can take, it depends on you. ”

“The law of calculability only limits the future direction of ordinary people, but it cannot predict the truly powerful. You have already surpassed many people.”

Zhang Changsheng praised his own apprentice Mingyue here, and he was not joking.

Everyone’s future is in front of Zhang Changsheng, that is, it is a fixed number, but only a few people will not be subject to this restriction, so that indescribable changes will occur.

It is possible that just because of a little butterfly effect, there will be countless storms that will scare the world in the future.

However, this is only the result of the unsuccessful method of Zhang Changsheng.

But if he uses ancient and modern copper coins, basically people who are not more than Zhang Changsheng’s own Cultivation Base can’t escape him.

At first glance, this is a rule that cannot be escaped. After all, at least in the current era when basically all Practitioner Cultivation Bases are far from catching up with the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

Everyone’s future or past, as long as Zhang Changsheng is willing, will know the answer!

Mingyue looked at her master Zhang Changsheng with excitement, and hurriedly respectfully said, “Master and disciple must live up to your old expectations. I will find my own way and break my own way from the thorns!”

Mingyue is also very fortunate now that Master Own is the ancestor Zhang Changsheng of Wudang in front of her.


The sun is sinking slowly, and under the refraction of the fiery red sunlight, a large and a small figure sits on the top of the extremely high peaks around Wudang Mountain.

Zhang Changsheng’s hands are rounding, following the large amount of Yin & Yang’s two spirits under his feet, he rotates wantonly.

Between the breath and the breath between the nose and mouth, a large amount of hot yang breath and yin breath gush out, really terrifying.

After opening his eyes, Zhang Changsheng looked at Mingyue in front of him and said, “Little Mingyue, how can I understand the Tai Chi Fist Technique taught to you by my teacher? Do you have the confidence to display it completely?”

“I don’t want you to be able to use this Tai Chi Cultivation Technique to play a bit of power, but I also hope that you can play it out completely.”

Zhang Changsheng naturally did not have high requirements for Mingyue at the beginning. He is a strict teacher, but he also needs to teach by talents.

Mingyue’s slow tension caused the eyes of her tight face to open, and she said with confidence, “Master, the Tai Chi Fist Technique you taught me is really profound, and it’s not a mortal Cultivation. Technique, and the disciple feels that such Tai Chi Fist Technique is very beneficial to comprehend the Yin & Yang Tao.”

“Even the disciple feels that if you only need to cultivate this Tai Chi Fist Technique to the highest level, I am afraid that you will perfectly understand the Yin & Yang Tao at that time. This kind of Cultivation Technique is really precious. Thank you, Master, for your old gift.”

Mingyue now is undoubtedly very moved by the actions of own master Zhang Changsheng.

No one can give selflessly or help others, but there are only two exceptions in the world.

They are also the two purest emotions, one is to be a parent, and the other is to be a teacher!

Zhang Changsheng looked at the Mingyue, who had only studied Tai Chi Fist Technique once, and saw so many things, he was also very satisfied in his heart.

Immediately Zhang Changsheng brushed his sleeves and walked to the side of the mountain with the red afterglow of the sunset, leaning against a pine tree and said, “Then Mingyue, since you have such an understanding, it means that you have a relationship with Tai Chi Fist Technique. Not everyone is learning. This Fist Technique has such a deep understanding. When you learn this Tai Chi Fist Technique almost…”

“As a teacher, you can also teach you Tai Chi Sword Technique. The Tai Chi Sword Technique has too many restrictions than the Tai Chi Fist Technique. You cannot practice without Sword intent, but the sword itself is the honor of the weapon.”

“If you can master Tai Chi Fist Technique and Tai Chi Sword Technique at the same time, then Mingyue, you will be my proudest apprentice, Professor Zhang Changsheng.”

Zhang Changsheng is undoubtedly happier now, after all, he finally received a disciple with such a talent.

After seeing Zhang Changsheng walking to the side, Mingyue respectfully bowed to Zhang Changsheng and performed the Tai Chi Fist Technique that Zhang Changsheng had just taught him.

With a little Yin & Yang aura emerging all over that Mingyue, a set of Tai Chi Fist Technique was also finished at this time.

Zhang Changsheng looked in front of him and just watched him perform Tai Chi Fist Technique, and he was able to beat Mingyue so well, and he couldn’t be happy in his heart.

I am afraid that Mingyue’s performance today is nothing but seeing him alone.

But if there are other Wudang disciples who see it, it is estimated that they will all be made inferior by Mingyue’s performance.

Most Wudang disciples are not bad at their roots, but to practice this Tai Chi Fist Technique, without a few years of Cultivation Technique, it is impossible to be so proficient.

But Mingyue only took a short half a day to master the Tai Chi Fist Technique proficiently, which is really terrifying.

In this respect, it not only shows that Mingyue’s own fundamental qualifications, but also the level of peerless genius.

It also indirectly shows that Mingyue’s comprehension aptitude is also very good, at least it far surpasses all the disciples of Wudang Mountain today.

This is undeniable, and it is also a certainty. Mingyue closed her eyes and felt a little Yin & Yang breath in her body.

At this moment, Mingyue knew that she was no longer in her power and could not use skills. The Martial Master Realm, the half-pull of the move, had repaired the Practitioner.

It is a real Wudang generation disciple who has surpassed ordinary Cultivation Technique Tai Chi Fist Technique!


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