Chapter 293


The old man in the wheelchair had a gray face, but he still respectfully bid farewell to the white snake that had survived for thousands of years.

After leaving the Leifeng Pagoda, a dozen black-clad bodyguards have been waiting for a long time outside the three pure black bridge cars waiting outside.

The old man no longer had the gray and respectful look, instead he suddenly said domineering coldly, “This matter of Leifeng Pagoda must be monitored in the past few days, and no outsiders are allowed to enter. In addition, if anyone dares to explore Leifeng Pagoda privately, you should Know what to do.”

As the old man left the Leifeng Pagoda by the West Lake in his car, the place that had been closed for regular maintenance of the Leifeng Pagoda was once again in a weird silence.


Zhang Changsheng looked surprised and watched that he had just used his own worthy method to finally figure out what was going on under the blessing of that amazing ancient and modern copper coin.

In turn, following the calculation of this answer, the information released by the new mission from the longevity system attribute version.

【Longevity System Attribute Edition

Zhang Changsheng: 100 years old

Cultivation Technique: Taijiquan (ninth layer) Cultivation Technique is complete, and the current level of upgraded mythology is zero percent.

Tai Chi Sword (ninth floor) Cultivation Technique is complete, and the current level of upgraded mythology is zero%.

The Sun Scripture (first layer) (evolved from the Nine Sun Divine Art, belongs to the Emperor Cultivation Technique)

Taiyin Scriptures (first layer) (evolved and evolved from the application of the Jiuyin Scriptures, belonging to the Emperor Cultivation Technique)

Vajra is not bad magical skills (seventh layer), special enhancement of flesh and blood Cultivation Technique, more than seven layers, each cultivation layer increases 50 years of life

Life level: Martial Ancestor Realm ninth-level

Remaining lifespan: 730 years of life

Current long-term task: For every disciple who has a talent exceeding the elite level, he will get ten lifespan points.

Root Qualification: Elite genius level (respectively ordinary, elite, genius, elite genius, peerless genius, and the highest level currently)

Comprehension: the ultimate level

Current long-term mission: Now for every Realm disciple cultivated with a Martial Master or higher, 30 life points can be obtained.

Four-star mission: Lead the second-generation disciples of the martial art to participate in the Quito competition, maintain a complete victory and win the championship of the Quito competition!

Task reward: get a Cultivation Base Martial King Realm, you can use precious materials to upgrade Realm

Five-star mission: At this stage, the weak mythical white snake of the Martial Emperor level is about to be born. A plan to destroy all living creatures in a hundred kilometers will be launched to prevent the white snake from revenge so as to conquer and capture the mythical white snake.

Quest reward: Get two chances at the first level of any emperor Cultivation Technique of Ascension, and get 300 life points.

Remaining life points: two hundred and thirty points

Remaining merit points: 180 points (can be exchanged for life yuan points at a ratio of one to fifty. You cherish the energy points, please use them carefully.)

Obtain the formation of Taijizhen god map that can be learned! Obtain the 50% chance of Cultivation Technique for two times, and get any chance of Cultivation Technique for five times in the first layer of Ascension. 】

Zhang Changsheng frowned slightly, and there was something unexpected and unexpected in his heart.

After all, this incident was really beyond his expectation. The original ancestor of feelings still survived such a mythical creature of Realm.

And since there is this white snake that has survived for thousands of years, it is no longer dormant, ready to be revealed in the world.

Then it is impossible for this world to be the only creature that has survived for so long.

With such a task, Zhang Changsheng is also the first time to see that the rewards brought by the longevity system are also very rich.

At least there is a reward of two chances at the first level of the Ascension Cultivation Technique, which is very useful for the current Zhang Changsheng.

Secondly, the Shouyuan points increased again, and then as long as Zhang Changsheng wants to do it, he only needs to redeem the merit points a little bit.

Then Zhang Changsheng’s root qualifications can once again get Ascension, from the original level of elite genius Ascension to the level of peerless genius!

This basic qualification is also currently Zhang Changsheng wants to put it in Ascension once in the short term.


When Dragon Turtel saw that Zhang Changsheng was finally about the same, he said with great curiosity in his heart, “Patriarch, your old man, have you already figured out the specific position and some things of that creature.”

“If time permits, I, Dragon Turtel, will definitely rush there now to complete what you always told me.”

Dragon Turtel is also itchy now, after all, this own owner Zhang Changsheng is not going to be able to beat him in this life…

But this bully bullies other Practitioners or other creatures with similar strengths, Dragon Turtel is still very confident.

Mingyue on the side is also very curious. After all, she also wants to know what kind of creatures are about to be born that can make Zhang Changsheng take it so seriously.

Naturally, Zhang Changsheng glanced at the two overly curious Dragon Turtel and Mingyue. “This thing will happen within two or three days without accident, and this matter is of great importance, and it may also affect it. When hundreds of thousands of people are killed, it’s better to exchange good information with the capital’s government as early as possible.”

“But the person who handles this matter, little tortoise will let you go this time. At least that white snake is enough for you to do your best to make a good fight.”

Although Zhang Changsheng’s remarks were plain, Dragon Turtel and Mingyue had already frowned.

After all, there are too few people or creatures like Zhang Changsheng who can have a high evaluation.

This time it is obvious that this white snake Cultivation Base is terrifying and can survive for thousands of years. At least according to Dragon Turtel’s own guess, conservative estimates are Martial King Realm!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to be able to say something that would destroy a hundred kilometers in a radius.

Dragon Turtel was filled with excitement in his heart. It had been a long time since a decent opponent had fought with it, except for entering the Tower of Death last time, which made it feel powerless.

Dragon Turtel looked up at the huge dragon head and widened its golden eyes with vertical pupils and solemnly said, “Master, don’t worry, just leave it to me to deal with this matter. I will definitely catch the big white snake back for you. Boil soup and drink by the way to replenish the body.”

Dragon Turtel already regards that white snake as a defeated opponent of own.

And Zhang Changsheng was with one hand behind him, and the ancient and modern coins rotating behind him were also integrated into Zhang Changsheng’s flesh and blood, and the mysterious disappeared.

Now Zhang Changsheng knows that time has begun to wait for no one. This Spiritual Recovery has not yet erupted, and so many things have occurred. Once it erupts, no one really can predict what the original ancestor star will appear last time. All kinds of big things.


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