Chapter 290

The seventh and eighth thunders of the terrifying Martial Emperor-level thunder tribulation above the sky, the horrible purple thunder light engulfed in response.

“Boom… boom…”

Two extremely powerful forces began to collide, and this force was already strong enough to destroy a city at will.

In almost an instant, the Dragon Turtel, which was more than two thousand meters in size, was submerged by the energy that turned into a sea of ​​thunder.


The miserable dragon roar of Dragon Turtel resounded between the world.

I never dreamed that Dragon Turtel really panicked this time, and it didn’t estimate the degree of horror of the Martial Emperor’s thunder robbery.

His most proud Taijizhen god map has tried his best to grind more than half of the power of the seventh and eighth thunder of the Martial Emperor.

But even if it is like this, there is still a part of the thundering power that makes people’s mind and body completely enveloped in it.

The purest destructive power and vitality of the power of thunder roaming freely in Dragon Turtel’s body.

At this moment, Dragon Turtel’s whole body strength has been completely consumed, nothing more.

At this time, Dragon Turtel can only say that it relies on its own mythical creature’s strongest characteristic vitality and willpower to offset this force that seems to be wiped out in an instant.

After hearing the miserable roar of Dragon Turtel, Mingyue quickly pulled the corner of Master Zhang Changsheng’s clothes and said, “Master, Dragon Turtel really can’t stand it anymore, or you can help it for a while, otherwise It’s really going to be destroyed by this thunder.”

Although Mingyue didn’t communicate much with Dragon Turtel, as the youngest disciple of the Wudang Mountain generation, she still didn’t want her second combat force in Wudang Mountain to die under this Martial Emperor level terrifying thunder.

Zhang Changsheng calmly shook his head and said, “Before it reaches its maximum limit, don’t worry, Xiao Mingyue, how could I let my spirit beast die under the thunder disaster in this area.”

“It’s not the time yet. Waiting a while, it’s my chance to shoot.”

For a moment, Dragon Turtel wanted to give up struggling because he really didn’t have the slightest strength.

But it was not convinced, why did it fail at the feet of this Martial Emperor Thunder Tribulation, impossible!

Its Martial Dao journey can’t end like this, it has to stand at the highest point of the Martial Dao journey and look at the scenery that all living beings have never seen before!

Immediately, Dragon Turtel once again strengthened his body to be ruined, while absorbing the vitality of the devastating thunder tribulation, while slowly guiding the thunder tribulation power to polish and forge his own flesh and blood.

With the passage of time, Dragon Turtel finally spent more than an hour, still barely passing the seventh and eighth steps of the Martial Emperor level thunder.



Accompanied by Dragon Turtel’s deep gasping sound, a little blue thunder light from time to time emits a large amount of electric current on Dragon Turtel’s broken body.

And before Dragon Turtel can recover from a certain breath, the thunderclouds stretching for more than ten kilometers above the sky are accumulating its greatest strength.

Come and give a fatal blow to this Dragon Turtel, who is trying to enter the next big Realm.

Obviously, the ninth thunder calamity, which is mixed with almost half purple thunder light, has surpassed the point where Dragon Tiger can bear.


The terrifying thunder light, accompanied by the power of destroying the world, brazenly gave Dragon Turtel almost no room for reaction, and directly hit Dragon Turtel.

And Dragon Turtel’s huge golden vertical pupil was filled with fear and regret. I just hesitated, why not call my own master Zhang Changsheng to rescue it with all my strength!

Zhang Changsheng looked at the ninth thunder robbery from the sky, with a smile on his expression.

An instant black and white light wrapped Zhang Changsheng’s body, and an instant kung fu flashed in front of Dragon Turtel.

Slightly driving the Yin & Yang two Qis of Yin & Yang’s completion, Zhang Changsheng lightly raised his own right hand and collided with the ninth thunder of the terrifying Martial Emperor.

The terrifying lightning power had a violent collision with Zhang Changsheng’s Yin & Yang two qi.

At this moment, tiny cracks have appeared in the space, and the earth also felt violent shaking.

Countless dust was stirred up, and the earth cracked countless bottomless gaps. This mountainside behind Wudang Mountain seemed to have entered a doomsday-like scenery.

Dragon Turtel looked at the stalwart figure in front of him, feeling moved and grateful in his heart.

It knew that the owner came back to save it, and it really couldn’t stand such a powerful thunder calamity.

And now I am finally at peace, because in the heart of Dragon Turtel, his owner Zhang Changsheng represents invincibility!

And this is something no one has ever doubted, at least in the hearts of everyone in Wudang Mountain.

At this moment, Zhang Changsheng was slowly dissipating the power of this Martial Emperor level ninth thunder calamity.

Stomping slightly on one side, another Tai Chi Yin & Yang picture with an area of ​​more than 5,000 meters suppressed the rocky land behind the Wudang Mountain.

Otherwise, even if this terrifying thunder tribulation force does not directly collide on the ground.

The mountainside behind Wudang Mountain may have only been affected a little by this energy, and I am afraid it will be completely destroyed.

As time passed, Zhang Changsheng’s open right hand was slightly clenched into a fist.

The power of the ninth thunder tribulation that originally carried the energy of destroying the sky and the earth finally dissipated in this space, which really shocked people.

When Dragon Turtel opened his unbelievably big eyes and looked at the owner Zhang Changsheng, who is obviously not huge but has unparalleled power.

Now my heart is not only full of shock, but more of joy and gratitude.

Fortunately, I finally broke the power of the Martial Emperor Thunder Tribulation, the ninth thunder Tribulation, so that at this moment (obtained Zhao), I can enter the Martial Emperor Realm calmly.

And gratitude is of course grateful to Zhang Changsheng, the patriarch who single-handedly destroyed the power of the ninth thunder calamity of the horror.

If it weren’t for him to help, Dragon Turtel knew in his heart that he would definitely die here.

Because just before Zhang Changsheng took a shot, he fully learned the Dragon Turtel from the first to the eighth thunder tribulation of the Martial Emperor.

It is also very clear in my heart that as long as he is struck by the ninth thunder tribulation, not to mention the ashes, death must be dead.

And it was the kind of cool immediately, but because Zhang Changsheng outrageously assisted, the dead chess that was originally played by Dragon Turtel suddenly came alive and turned defeat into victory!

At this moment, Dragon Turtel is extremely grateful for how happy and lucky he is as the spirit beast under Zhang Changsheng’s ancestor.


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