Chapter 288

In the current Dragon Turtel, he still has great fear of this kind of Martial Emperor level thunder robbery.

After all, as a creature with only the Martial King fulfilling Realm Transcends Tribulation, if there is no fear of such a powerful Thunder Tribulation, wouldn’t it be indistinguishable from a fool?

A large number of black dark clouds appeared above the cloudless sky, converging towards the backside of Wudang Mountain.

The natural gust of wind brought the blue among the black clouds and the rare purple thunder and lightning also followed one after another.

Zhang Changsheng looked towards the sky with his hand, and then waved with one hand, countless Yin & Yang two qis emerged along with his white cuffs that were not stained with a trace of filth.

A picture of Tai Chi Yin & Yang with an area of ​​more than 10,000 meters glowed with blue light, abruptly covering all the places behind the mountainside of Wudang Mountain.

On the one hand, it is to protect all the living beings in this Wudang Mountain, and on the other hand, the most important thing is to conceal this mythical Dragon Turtel crossing the Martial Emperor thunder robbery.

Mingyue raised her head to look at the huge Yin & Yang pattern of Tai Chi that appeared in the air, and her heart was shocked beyond words.

Dragon Turtel felt a lot of peace of mind in his heart when he saw a trick that his owner Zhang Changsheng used at will.

At least I can welcome this Martial Emperor thunder robbery without any scruples.

Dragon Turtel looked at the dark clouds above his head no longer condensing, and he knew very well that this terrifying Martial Emperor Thunder Tribulation was about to be smashed down.

A large number of blue thunder lights mingled with a little purple thunder light surging in the dark clouds with terrifying power.

The blue thunder light is like a dragon-like stout body wrapped in a large amount of thunder tribulation that is enough to destroy one world and the earth is accumulating the first thunder and lightning in the Martial Emperor thunder tribulation.



A blue thunder and lightning that was as strong as a bucket instantly passed through the dark clouds, and smashed at the Dragon Turtel located in the center of the mountainside behind Wudang.

Dragon Turtel is not the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng. Naturally, he does not have the calmness and strength that he does not take this terrifying thunder robbery seriously.

The only Dragon Turtel is also relying on his own talent for understanding Yin & Yang, and he also masters the talent of Yin & Yang that ordinary people can’t imagine.

The natural Dragon Turtel did not reveal its own mythical horror in the first place.

Just simply using the large amount of Yin breath that came out of her, she was finally able to resist this strike with the violent shaking of the earth.

Dragon Turtel frantically absorbed the lightning power that the Martial Emperor’s first thunder tribulation poured into his body, while using the power of the thunder tribulation to temper his own flesh and blood, and at the same time repairing the damage he had just hit by the thunder tribulation.

And the thick and breathless Martial Emperor Thunder Tribulation on the sky seemed to have lost patience early.

One after another, accompanied by the terrifying thunder, the sky was accompanied by an anxious breath, and three terrifying thunder and lightning hit Dragon Turtel again in an instant.

And the dragon carp, who was trembling and hiding in the thunder tribulation pond, did not dare to play more at this moment, and could only hope that Dragon Turtel could survive the thunder tribulation early and safely.

And with a small hand, he firmly grasped Mingyue in the white corner of the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng’s side, and looked pale at the Dragon Turtel who had already begun to overcome the thunder and tribulation.

Zhang Changsheng still has a calm face. For him, the Dragon Turtel crossing the Martial Emperor is not dangerous.

At least in Zhang Changsheng’s opinion, this time even if Dragon Turtel himself really had one or two thunder disasters behind him, he wouldn’t mind helping.

After all, what Zhang Changsheng wanted most was the Martial Emperor Thunder Tribulation Core. What he wanted to do was also after obtaining the Martial Emperor Thunder Tribulation Core.

Not only can it be used on the refining process, but it can also replenish energy for the thunder tribulation pool again.

Maybe next time we will collect a few high-level Thunder Tribulation Cores, the medium-sized Thunder Tribulation Pool will probably break through again soon.

Zhang Changsheng glanced at Mingyue who had been scared by this terrifying thunder robbery and her face pale and said, “Xiao Mingyue, are you scared when you look at the Martial Emperor thunder robbery in front of you.”

Zhang Changsheng’s sudden words shocked Mingyue, who had always been in a tight state.

Immediately, Mingyue knew that she seemed to have no respect for the master Zhang Changsheng, and she hurriedly said with a ruddy little face that knew her mistakes, “No master, I am not afraid of this thunder, because there is a master you are by my side, Mingyue does anything. Not afraid…”

Although Mingyue in front of her is only in her early six years, she is also a Martial Master Realm repairing Practitioner anyway.

Naturally, it is more sensitive to dangerous things than ordinary people know, just like this terrifying Martial Emperor level thunder calamity.

If Mingyue didn’t fear in her heart, it would be too fake, this level of terrifying thunder and lightning, even if Mingyue contaminated it a little bit, would be dead or injured.

Not to mention that Dragon Turtel, who was already at the core of that Thunder Tribulation, had been struck by lightning again.

Zhang Changsheng let the gust of wind continue to hit him because of the heaven and earth, blowing his long white hair as white as snow, and his white robe was also blew rustling.

Seeing Mingyue, who bit his scalp and said that he was not afraid of thunder, in fact, he secretly grasped the Mingyue of Zhang Changsheng’s clothes again, Zhang Changsheng almost laughed out of it for a while.


Zhang Changsheng pretended to cough a few times and looked at Mingyue in front of him and said, “Why are you afraid of such a thunder, but still bite the bullet and say you are not afraid? Everyone has something to fear, and this conception It’s a bad thing and a good thing.”

“There is such a subtle degree of doing things, even if it is the old man, I am afraid of a lot of things, you, Xiao Mingyue, are you now afraid of this thunderstorm?”

Mingyue is the eleventh disciple accepted by Zhang Changsheng. Naturally, Zhang Changsheng also hopes to teach her well, and a person who is a teacher should not only teach her his disciple’s superb skills.

She must also guide her to the right path, and even enable her to find her own way.

The Tao that Zhang Changsheng said and comprehend here is the purest Tao in his heart, not the Tao on the way of cultivation.

These two Taoisms are essentially different, but they seem to be related in general.

The most important thing is that Zhang Changsheng is already clear about the Tao in his heart, although he doesn’t know how it will develop in the future.

But Zhang Changsheng knows that the practitioner who knows clearly in his heart will go farther than ordinary people on the journey of martial arts.


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