Chapter 284

Wang Ye is undoubtedly very excited now, tightly holding the first Magical Item in his hand.

Although as the old ancestor said, it is only a magical item of the rank of mortal martial arts, but its function has been enough for him to use a Practitioner Realm to repair the Practitioner for a long time.

Maybe even Martial Master Realm doesn’t need to replace any Magical Item anymore.

But now Wang Ye actually didn’t know, after all, many heads of sects now only use Magical Item of the Fanwu level.

If it were not for this time to go to the Mount Tai secret realm, with the help of the old ancestors, I obtained the Fanwu Magical Item. Many of them now don’t say the Fanwu level Magical Item.

Even the ordinary weapons of the hundred refining level manufactured in combination with modern technology are extremely precious.

Zhang Changsheng looked at the Tower of Death in front of him, and was very satisfied. After all, for him, the Tower of Death had already exerted its great value under the use of Wang Ye, a second-generation disciple.

In the next period of time, Zhang Changsheng felt that it was at least before the start of the Kui Dou competition from the ancient Wu lineage.

I have trained a 19th Sect disciple, at least then the champion of the Kuidou contest is from Wudang Mountain.

This is in the old patriarch’s meaning and thinking, he will either not do it, or do his best. It has always been this way, and it has never changed!

And at this time, the information about the new mission released from the longevity system attribute board.

【Longevity System Attribute Edition

Zhang Changsheng: 100 years old

Cultivation Technique: Taijiquan (ninth layer) Cultivation Technique is complete, and the current level of upgraded mythology is zero percent.

Tai Chi Sword (ninth floor) Cultivation Technique is complete, and the current level of upgraded mythology is zero%.

The Sun Scripture (first layer) (evolved from the Nine Sun Divine Art, belongs to the Emperor Cultivation Technique)

Taiyin Scriptures (first layer) (evolved and evolved from the application of the Jiuyin Scriptures, belonging to the Emperor Cultivation Technique)

Vajra is not bad magical skills (seventh layer), special enhancement of flesh and blood Cultivation Technique, more than seven layers, each cultivation layer increases 50 years of life

Life level: Martial Ancestor Realm ninth-level

Remaining lifespan: 730 years of life

Current long-term task: For every disciple who has a talent exceeding the elite level, he will get ten lifespan points.

Root Qualification: Elite genius level (respectively ordinary, elite, genius, elite genius, peerless genius, and the highest level currently)

Comprehension: the ultimate level

Current long-term mission: Now for every Realm disciple cultivated with a Martial Master or higher, 30 life points can be obtained.

Four-star mission: Lead the second-generation disciples of the martial art to participate in the Quito competition, maintain a complete victory and win the championship of the Quito competition!

Task reward: get a Cultivation Base Martial King Realm, you can use precious materials to upgrade Realm

Remaining life points: two hundred and thirty points

Remaining merit points: 180 points (can be exchanged for life yuan points at a ratio of one to fifty. You cherish the energy points, please use them carefully.)

Obtain the formation of Taijizhen god map that can be learned! Obtain the 50% chance of Cultivation Technique for two times, and get any chance of Cultivation Technique for five times in the first layer of Ascension. 】

Zhang Changsheng frowned slightly, looking at this new four-star mission reward, something he didn’t expect.

This golden armor should be a high-level refining puppet, a puppet of this level, in that Mingyue’s previous life.

That is, during the period of the six-star Sect Blue Bird Sect Sect Leader Mingyue, many high-level puppets were refined.

Of course, the one that made Zhang Changsheng move his bones a bit was the puppet black dragon that had reached the Martial Ancestor Realm.

This is already a full manifestation of the fact that the refining techniques used in this Mingyue previous life have reached the point where they are magical.

However, it is a pity that the puppet refined in the previous life like Mingyue can only retain the Realm of the puppet itself when it is alive, and cannot be upgraded.

However, this time the longevity system issued a four-star level mission reward.

Although this Cultivation Base Realm that moved the mountain golden armor is just the fourth-order Realm, which is the Martial King Realm.

But what is marked at the back of this one can break through, which also aroused the great interest of the patriarch.

It was the first time he saw such a puppet, and it was a bit beyond his expectation.

At this time, it is natural that after completing this new task this time, I also want to summon this moving mountain golden armor early.

Because not only can it be provided to Zhang Changsheng as a research institute for refining tools, but also a Martial King Realm repair Practitioner has been added to Wudang Mountain in disguise.

In the opinion of the patriarch Zhang Changsheng, this unobtained puppet with a golden armour is also a good choice for viewing the mountain gate.

Fortunately, this is also the calculation in the heart of the old patriarch, if it is let others know.

He would definitely disregard the old patriarch’s overstated status and insult him for not knowing the shameful truth of waste of treasures.

Zhang Changsheng glanced at Wang Ye beside him and said, “Xiao Wangye, go back to the front hall of Wudang Mountain now. In the next two days, all you need to do is to provide the old man with the first batch of twenty People’s second-generation disciple.”

“They will be our first batch of disciples who entered Martial Dao on a large scale in Wudang Mountain. Do you have the confidence to do this well?”

Zhang Changsheng has already made up his mind early through this mission.

What he needs to do this time is to take the 100 champions of the Kuidou contest that all the schools of Guwu participated in!

Therefore, it is also necessary to show a fact across the country, that is, in the ancient Wu lineage, Wudang’s first position cannot be shaken.

But Wang Ye was extremely excited when he heard the plans of the old patriarch Zhang Changsheng.

He originally thought that this plan would take at least half a month, but this incident exceeded his expectations.

At the moment when the Death Tower was just renovated and located in Wudang Mountain, perhaps the old ancestor he had been looking up to had already made such a plan.

With excitement in Wang Ye’s eyes, he hurriedly saluted and said, “Tru Sun Wang Ye obeyed, I am confident that I will handle the things you have told me this time, and I will definitely not disappoint you a little bit.”

Wang Ye had already given himself a death order. After all, he had only been in Wudang Mountain for three or four years.

But he also knew that the old ancestor had a little temperament, mainly because his master told him a little about nothing and got in touch with what he felt.

The ancestor Zhang Changsheng has a part of his personality, he is extremely perfect, he does not like to do things 99% completed, or get a result of 99%.

What the Patriarch needs is 100%, or even 120%!


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