Chapter 282

Dragon Turtel et al. realized that this time with the help of the residual energy of the merits and gifts brought by the ancestor Zhang Changsheng, they have obtained great benefits.

With a trembling sound of Dragon Turtel in his heart, he crawled to the ancestor and respectfully said, “Thank you for the grace of the master. This time, I can also cultivate to the full state of Transcends Tribulation by Dragon Turtel tomorrow.”

What Dragon Turtel said here is of course that he wants to break through his current Martial King Realm according to Practitioner Realm.

So as to enter the brand new Realm Martial Emperor Realm~!

Once Dragon Turtel has reached such a Realm, Wudang Mountain will obviously also obtain a superb rank 5th rank mythical spirit beast in the true sense.

What Dragon Turtel said also made Zhang Changsheng’s face smile with a hint of smile, “That’s not bad, little turtle, then leave your thunder tribulation to me, and I will make full use of it.”

The seemingly simple conversation has already caused cold sweat on the dragon head head of Dragon Turtel.

Dragon Turtel is not worried about its own Transcends Tribulation, after all, it has the great existence of the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

Natural Thunder Tribulation is also a drizzle thing, but Dragon Turtel sweats so coldly, it is also a moment of silence for the Thunder Tribulation that he has crossed.

After all, the general repair Practitioner encounters Thunder Tribulation with the belief that he will die for a lifetime to break through his current limit.

But Old Patriarch is different. He is crossing the thunder robbery, and he is directly like the core of the thunder robbery who came to buy goods.

However, Dragon Turtel still suppressed the thoughts in his heart and said with gratitude, “Thank you for the help of the master first.”

Mingyue on the side was shocked, even though she didn’t need Transcends Tribulation before Martial Master Realm.

But after the Practitioner enters the Martial GrandMaster Realm, every big Realm has to overcome thunder and catastrophe.

So instinctively, for this extremely dangerous and life-threatening thing for the Practitioner, I naturally don’t want to face it now.

But what made Mingyue most puzzled and shocked was that Zhang Changsheng, the master own master, was too calm when he heard the thunder robbery, and Dragon Turtel on the side was not at all concerned about the thunder robbery.

This is also a side view, which makes Mingyue very puzzled. Is Lei Jie already a toy for them now? Just break through?

Dragon Turtel is attentive after all. When he saw Mingyue’s little face full of doubts and smiled, “Xiao Mingyue, you don’t have to use your little head to think about these things anymore. Some things can’t be explained by words. of.”

“I can only say that tomorrow you will know why we communicate in this way, and you don’t need to be so anxious about Transcends Tribulation in the future.”

After all, Dragon Turtel seldom takes much trouble with people other than Zhang Changsheng, but who said that the little girl in front of him is the ancestor Zhang Changsheng, who is the eleventh disciple received by its owner in his entire life.

Moreover, Dragon Turtel is not stupid. Naturally, he also knows that Zhang Changsheng values ​​the new disciple in front of him very much.

Naturally at this time, Dragon Turtel felt that having a good relationship with the little girl in front of him would be of great benefit to the future.

Dragon Turtel only knows one truth, that is, anyone whom the ancestor Zhang Changsheng looks up to, whether he is a Practitioner or an ordinary person, has his original special strengths.

Natural Dragon Turtel is based on the idea of ​​making one more friend, and it is impossible to make another enemy. As long as the ancestors value people, Dragon Turtel will sell them a face.

Otherwise, with such a noble mythological dragon-like creature like Dragon Turtel, how could it be possible to leave the old ancestor at will, let the little Mingyue in front of him, or Qin Yin and Shen Mubai sit on it.

Although Mingyue didn’t understand what Dragon Turtel was saying, she nodded sensibly.

Zhang Changsheng looked at the Death Tower in front of the rugged rocky mountain with his hand with his hand.

There was a hunch in his heart, he knew that Wang Ye, the second-generation disciple of own, should have reached the limit he could break through.

Although Zhang Changsheng didn’t care much about Dragon Turtel’s bet, he also wanted to see how this little turtle failed.

As the blue vortex of the Tower of Death lit up at the stone gate, a tired body came out from the inside supporting the wall of the Tower of Death.

Now Wang Ye’s mood is extremely complicated. On the one hand, he is not very satisfied with the level he has broken through. On the other hand, he now has a full understanding of the strength of Dragon Turtel and his own ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

· ··········Ask for flowers········

It really shocked Wang Ye. He just couldn’t break the sixth level after completing the fifth level.

Moreover, he himself spent a lot of time in the fifth level. When facing the sixth level of Death Tower, he didn’t have much spare energy to challenge next.

Wang Ye showed a trace of guilt and walked over to the old patriarch and said, “Old patriarch, boy, I am so useless. I am ashamed of your old man’s cultivation and giving his disciple grandson such a good trial opportunity.”

These words echoed in this small corner. Zhang Changsheng hadn’t reacted yet. The boss of Dragon Turtel, who was grinning, was very happy in his heart.

. 0 0

It knows that with the current Wangye Practitioner eighth-level Realm strength, it is simply not possible to pass the fifth level.

Obviously Dragon Turtel at this moment, naturally thinks that he has already won the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

This is also the first time that it is so close to its own victory over the Patriarch, and Dragon Turtel tears for a while.

Zhang Changsheng didn’t care about it. Dragon Turtel was ready to win and couldn’t suppress his expression.

Instead, he looked at Wang Ye, who was exhausted and suffered a lot of physical injuries. “It’s no problem, just come out safely. Xiao Wangye, you’re doing at least one thing very well. Many Cultivation Bases are too much higher than your Practitioner. You have realized the truth that you don’t understand.”

“It’s not bad to be willing to be willing, and to be willing to be rewarded. Sometimes rationality is the most successful factor for progress. This is good.”

Wang Ye was suddenly embarrassed when he was praised by his beloved Patriarch in front of him.

After his performance this time was really not good enough, Wang Ye looked bitterly and scratched his head and said, “Old Patriarch, please don’t praise me. I just broke through the fifth level of Death Tower. The level above is not me. It can be a breakthrough at this stage.”

“But there is also a great possibility that my strength itself is weak. I can’t break through. Others estimate that I can also break through the sixth level at my level. Patriarch, do you always say that the disciple is a little useless, let you down. .”


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