Chapter 280

Dragon Turtel watched the purple-glowing Sect Spiritual Qi first-level in Zhang Changsheng’s hand gather and install energy balls.

Pressing the shock in his heart, “Old Patriarch, what do you plan to do now, do you place this Sect Spiritual Qi first-level gathering device in this range of Wudang Mountain during this time period?”

“In this case, it will indeed greatly improve the concentration of Spiritual Qi in this Wudang Mountain range. Maybe there will be disciples who can rely on this richer Spiritual Qi on their own, so as to open their own body secrets and enter the path of practicing Practitioner. !”

What Dragon Turtel said is not a joke. Although the Spiritual Recovery in this world has not really exploded yet, it is in itself.

The Spiritual Qi of this world has slowly begun to appear in various famous mountains and rivers.

To put it bluntly and simply, this refined Sect Spiritual Qi first-level gathering device, one of the most cherished and a little damaging to Tianhe, is the formation of a famous mountain with rich Spiritual Qi.

With this light alone, it’s already stumped by too many refiners in the world, not to mention some of the later things that involve the more difficult inscription of formation.

So this is also a disguised explanation of why this Sect Spiritual Qi first-level gathering device is so precious and rare, and it is extremely likely to evolve independently.

After all, in essence, a large part of the material is refined from the core mountains of the famous mountains and rivers.

Zhang Changsheng looked at the expectant Dragon Turtel, nodded slightly and said, “Naturally, otherwise, the old man, what am I doing with this Sect Spiritual Qi first-level gathering device, just show you two and just forget it?”

“It happens to be here at this time, and I also want to see what kind of big changes this Wudang Mountain, where the Sect Spiritual Qi first-level gathering device is installed, will change.”

Although Zhang Changsheng’s words are still very plain, they have shocked Dragon Turtel and that Mingyue.

Immediately, Zhang Changsheng urged his own boundless energy that resembled the sea, and finally spurred this Sect Spiritual Qi first-level gathering device to succeed.

The energy ball glowing with purple light instantly experienced a sight that made people feel beautiful and shocking.

The palm-sized purple energy ball has disappeared, and what is left is a huge purple energy body that is more than a hundred meters in size, a landscape painting.

It is a painting. In fact, if you calm down and truly feel this painting in your heart, you will truly understand Tao.

What is hidden in this painting is the essence of a famous mountain and river in the true sense.

Immediately accompanied by a steady flow of energy provided by Zhang Changsheng.

The one-hundred-meter-large portrait of a landscape painting has once again undergone great changes.

For a time, the entire mountainside behind Wudang was shrouded in purple light.

But things are not that simple yet, a landscape pattern nearly five kilometers in size has been transformed into the air, recounting the past.

And the Dragon Turtel and Mingyue who saw such a wonder for the first time on the side, and even the dragon carp wandering in the Thunder Tribulation Pond, stopped all their movements.

He just opened his mouth slightly and looked at the incredible scene in the sky.

It is said that there is no end to the way of martial arts cultivation, and there are too many miraculous things, but today such a miraculous scene has been deeply portrayed in the minds of Dragon Turtel and others.

Zhang Changsheng felt that the changes in the Sect Spiritual Qi first-level gathering device had reached the extreme.

He knew very well that next was the most important time, and Zhang Changsheng’s breathtaking eyes burst into black and white clouds, breaking through the purple light package.

Under the circumstance that can be observed by the naked eye, this beautiful landscape map that stretches out a corner of itself has slowly sank from appearing in the air.

Then he slowly merged into the core area of ​​the Wudang Mountains, almost instantaneous kung fu.

And at this moment, the old patriarch felt a little bit, and the corners of his mouth grinned lightly.

Sure enough, everything was not beyond his expectation, and there was merit in doing such a thing this time!

At this moment, above the black night and starry sky of Wudang Mountain, from time to time there was a cry of auspiciousness, resounding through this 100-kilometer Wudang Mountain.

Although it is night, the Ruixiang in the sky and the colorful clouds have completely concealed the mountainside behind Wudang Mountain.

After seeing this scene, Zhang Changsheng felt a little joy in his heart, and then waved lightly.

A picture of Tai Chi Yin & Yang with a strong Yin & Yang atmosphere brazenly concealed all the area behind the mountainside of Wudang Mountain. This is also in order not to be too eye-catching. Zhang Changsheng himself is used to covering up the breath.

A five-colored cloud above the night sky turned into a ten-meter-large multicolored Phoenix with a crisp cry, cutting through the black night sky and laying down that extremely beautiful figure.

Accompanied by the crisp and refreshing cry, the colorful Phoenix rushed to the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng who was also suspended in the air.

The faces of Dragon Turtel and others were extremely shocked. At this time, Dragon Turtel couldn’t help but exclaimed, “I’m familiar with this scenery. It’s clearly the result of the Cultivation Technique created by the ancestor last time, and God gave him a reward. The merits are exactly the same 々〃!”

Immediately, Dragon Turtel did not hesitate, and shouted to the sky, “.”Xiao Mingyue, and dragon carp. You must cherish this great opportunity. Don’t think too much and just sit down and absorb a little bit of merit energy. Great benefit.”

“Grasp the great opportunity this time, better than five years of hard work for you! Don’t be distracted, this kind of opportunity can be met but not sought!”

Dragon Turtel now really understands a very profound truth, that is, one person gains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven!

And that Mingyue and the mythical dragon carp wandering in the distance in the Thunder Tribulation Pond naturally heard such words as Dragon Turtel.

They forcefully suppressed the doubts in their heart, and according to Dragon Turtel’s kind reminder, directly used their own body to absorb as much as possible the floating in the air, leaving a small amount of merit energy.

Zhang Changsheng didn’t feel any discomfort at the moment when he was hit by the huge merit energy engulfed by the colorful Phoenix.

Because (obtained) this is not the first time he has absorbed the merit energy that God has rewarded him. The last time was when he created his own Cultivation Technique more than a month ago.

This time it was Zhang Changsheng’s own intention. He was also experimenting with what kind of things he could do in order to gain recognition from heaven and gain the energy of merit.

Unexpectedly, his first tentative experiment was so successful, which really made Zhang Changsheng a little happy, but he did not expect it to be so simple.

The longevity system heard a voice saying “Successfully collect high-purity energy merit points.”

“Ten o’clock, twenty o’clock, thirty o’clock…”

At this time, Zhang Changsheng was still a little bit disappointed in his heart. It seems that the merit points gained this time should not be more than last time.


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