Chapter 227

Wang Ye looked at the dragon carp wandering freely beside him, and he was also speechless for a while, “I said you dragon carp, you have destroyed the mountainside of the back mountainside to what it is like, and you don’t want to clean up with me.”

“Otherwise, there really won’t be any good fruit for us to eat when the old ancestor and his old man come back.”

Wang Ye wanted to forcibly endure the injury and tried to get up and leave the thunder robbery pond.

Because he knew that the movement on the back mountainside was too great this time, although the back mountainside was a forbidden place for all the disciples of Wudang Mountain.

But Wang Ye also has to solve this problem. The most troublesome thing at the moment is to deal with these mysterious people of unknown origin.

This kind of thing is currently the most important thing to solve, and it is clear that Wang Ye also knows that Dragon Carp seems to know this group of mysterious heads.

Immediately, Wang Ye stopped his own action again, and looked at the dragon carp wandering in front of him with interest and said, “I said dragon carp, what is the origin of the mysterious person who was killed by you? It seems to be watching him use Cultivation. Technique has something to do with Shaolin Temple.”

“To be honest, they won’t be the Shaolin Temple who came here to snatch you back.”

Although Wang Ye already knew part of the truth, after all he knew too little, so naturally he could only guess something roughly.

For more, the person involved, the dragon carp, must speak out in person.

Dragon Carp seems to be immersed in own thoughts now, not willing to speak much, but after hearing Wang Ye’s inquiry, he said part of the things about Shaolin Temple and this Li Shengqiang.

Long carp’s eyes lightly said with a hint of relief, “That was a matter of ten years ago. Of course, the deeper things in the past are not what you should know as a little Taoist, and the dead black head in front of you is the official capital. People who have notified Shaolin Temple’s abbot is a cooperative relationship.”

“I have a Big Brother who has already died in their hands, and all the flesh and bones have been swallowed by them. As for other things, I won’t say much.”

After Long Lei finished speaking lightly, Wang Ye fell silent for a while.

For this kind of thing, compared to the dragon carp in front of him, it has been oppressed by this invisible pressure and extreme pain for too long.

After learning about the general things, Wang Ye was slightly relieved, and then smiled, “Don’t worry about these things, our ancestors will be here next, and the death of Li Shengqiang will not have any effect on us.”

“And when my body is almost recovered, let’s clean up the back mountainside, and we will dispose of all the people in black who have died.”

Wang Ye’s words also completely let go of the little worry in Long Lei’s heart.


The old ancestor Zhang Changsheng, who is far away in the core area of ​​the Mount Tai secret realm, does not know that Wudang Mountain at this moment has already dealt with the partner notified by the Shaolin Abbot.

However, Zhang Changsheng still knew what might happen to Wudang Mountain after he left, and the biggest problem should be the dragon carp.

That’s why the ancestor Zhang Changsheng advanced the dragon carp to the third-order spirit beast before he left.

Under this circumstance, among the currently known Practitioners in the world, few can face the opponents of Tier 3 Dragon Carp.

And the Death Tower in front of me is the Sect trial tower, and several sect leaders have already entered.

Among them, the head of Huashan, the head of Tang Clan, and the master of Emei Taitianjue, all entered and came out.

However, in a short period of time, there were no people entering, because among the few people who entered without accident, they were all stuck on the tenth floor and couldn’t get up.

And now the remaining people who have not yet entered are the celestial master Zhang Zhiwei and Dragon Turtel. Of course, the last one is the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

All the other people present have already entered, and there were no accidents during this period.

The only thing in common is that after they came out, they coincided with each other, their experiences in the Tower of Death were all forgotten.

The only thing I can remember is the short memory before I went in and after I came out, and everything else in it was completely forgotten.

Zhang Zhiwei’s face is a bit ugly and said, “What do you think now, after all, at this time, it seems that in addition to breaking through to the tenth floor, it seems that it can’t go up. Is it not only the strength to be tested, but also the own trial? Realm qualified?”

“Under this circumstance, can you enter the level above the eleventh floor?”

Now Zhang Zhiwei is undoubtedly unwilling, because besides Dragon Turtel, there is also the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng, and he is the only Martial Master who has completed the Realm Practitioner and has not entered.

It’s a pity that of course there will be more information at this time, which is also helpful for oneself to enter the Death Tower.

Feng Siyang, the head of Huashan Mountain, tightly hugged Magical Item, which he had finally gotten, coldly said, “Zhang Zhiwei usually you are not always brave, why at this time you still hesitate, and we really do not know what the specific situation is. forgotten.”

“The only thing is to know how many levels I have cleared before leaving the Tower of Death.”

Feng Siyang is also a rare opportunity to find a place that can harm the celestial master Zhang Zhiwei, and naturally he is unwilling to let it go.

When Zhang Zhiwei was said by Feng Siyang, his face blushed naturally, “Aren’t you be careful with this appearance, besides, I also want to break the records of a few of you, don’t you think you are anxious, but the old patriarch didn’t say anything.” .”

Dragon Turtel was also a bit speechless by Zhang Zhiwei’s cheeky remarks.

After all, being cheeky has always been its Dragon Turtel’s strengths, how come to this Mount Tai secret realm, but this Zhang Zhiwei seems to be slightly better than it.

This situation is really something Dragon Turtel never thought of.

Zhang Changsheng stood with his hand in his hand, with a flat face saying, “Since the people who entered in the front still cannot provide any valuable customs clearance, then it is better to pass the customs on your own strength.”

“Little tortoise, let you and Zhang Zhiwei enter the Tower of Death together. I hope you don’t let me down.”

The ancestor Zhang Changsheng still believes in the strength of Dragon Turtel. After all, Dragon Turtel is also the current fourth-order Realm, and its strength is terrifying.

Naturally, it broke the record of the former leaders of the ancient Wu lineage who broke through the Death Tower level.

That is something that Zhang Changsheng can do in minutes, but as for how many levels Dragon Turtel can break, it depends on Dragon Turtel himself.


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