Chapter 225

Wang Ye also gritted his teeth forcibly, carrying the constant pain in his body, preparing to use the Tai Chi Yin & Yang Bai Shi Quan again.

He is going to protect Wudang Mountain to the death, and also desperately to feel the damn mysterious person in front of him.

The blue veins on Wang Ye’s forehead violently, and his hands clenched the Hualing fist tightly after Yang Tian was angry.

“Tai Chi Yin & Yang hundred styles…………”


A large amount of blood spewed out from the corner of Wang Ye’s mouth, and his internal organs that had been beaten by Li Shengqiang’s palm were all injured.

Moreover, it was still seriously injured, and both physical strength and energy were now completely consumed, how could it be possible to use Tai Chi Fist Technique.

Li Shengqiang laughed at the scene of Wang Ye in front of him, and quickly speeded up again to rush towards Wang Ye.

He planned to destroy the roots of this young little Taoist priest with a single blow, turning him into a complete waste.

Wang Ye looked at the mysterious person who was getting closer and closer to him. He also gave up the struggle in his heart, closing his eyes and preparing to face death.


A strange sound rang, accompanied by a cry of pain from Li Shengqiang.

According to time, Wang Ye feels that he should be dead, but why hasn’t the mysterious person’s attack been brought?

With this doubt, Wang Ye opened his eyes slightly, and what happened in this scene was beyond his expectation.

The dragon carp was blocking Wang Ye with its huge body, and that Li Shengqiang had been thrown aside by the dragon carp’s powerful fish tail because of his carelessness.

The most unexpected thing is that Long Lei suddenly said at this moment, “I’m sorry, little Taoist, I just wanted to manifest Li Shengqiang and crush Li Shengqiang to death, but unfortunately the first time he manifested in the battle. I didn’t control my body well, and the energy in my body rioted for a while.”

“It’s all right now. Let me take care of this matter by myself. The master has ordered that during the time he and Guige leave, the spirit beast of Wudang Mountain is my dragon carp, and only I can protect it. Wudang Mountain!”

After listening to what Long Lei said, Wang Ye really had 10,000 grass-mud horses running on the grassland in his heart.

He thought that this dragon carp was knocked out by the mysterious person. He didn’t expect it to convulse itself. For a while, Wang Ye didn’t know what to say.

But fortunately, Wang Ye didn’t need to worry about the next result, and he also recovered a small life.

Before Wang Ye thanked the Dragon Carp Dao, suddenly Wang Ye was dragged into the Thunder Tribulation Pool by a cloud of golden and red glow.

And Wang Ye also felt warm in his heart. He knew that it was Dragon Carp wishing to heal the injury by himself.

Wang Ye’s original signs of aggravation just started to slowly disappear.

Although dragon carp is an advanced creature of mythology, it has already been mentioned in the previous Dragon Turtel.

Dragon carp is a mythical creature of air luck. When it hasn’t entered the stage of transforming the dragon into Realm, its own attack power can be said to be very low.

But it also made up for this shortcoming after having the Tai Chi Fist Technique by the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

But after all, the Tai Chi Fist Technique practiced by the dragon carp only took seven or eight days, and naturally it was far from enough.

This is why Li Shengqiang did not feel that Dragon Carp was no longer a Tier 2 Realm creature, but is now a Tier 3 Realm creature.

However, if it is not a kind of gas luck in the true sense, it is such a special creature like the dragon carp.

Once you reach the third-order Realm, a Martial Master consummation level guy like Li Shengqiang will probably be unable to handle even a few tricks.

Li Shengqiang covered his left hand, which was almost broken, looked at the dragon carp, who was suddenly reborn in front of him, with eyes full of disbelief, “You bastard didn’t pass out by my blow. One blow is already my strongest blow.”

“According to that attack power, any second-level upgraded creature is unstoppable!”

Now undoubtedly, Long Lei’s very weird and magical performance has already made Li Shengqiang a little confused.

Long Lei’s golden-red eyes were full of hatred and angrily said, “I call me a beast all day long. Is Li Shengqiang a human being? You are not as good as a beast. If it weren’t for that deal, Big Brother and I would still be different. It will be in your hands!”

“Do you think that guy really intends to make a deal with you? I was only a first-order Realm back then, but I know everything about that year!”

It’s okay not to say this. Li Shengqiang suddenly distorted his face and roared, “If you know the damn thing, then you won’t be able to keep you anymore, so you can honestly enter my internal organs, for Contribute your strength to my great cause!”

Li Shengqiang was surprised in his heart. After interrupting Long Lei’s words quickly, he no longer reserved his physical strength and energy.

After all, at this time, Li Shengqiang knew very well in his heart that he was dragging on, and waiting for the Wudang disciples in the front mountain of Wudang Mountain to react and rush to this place, it would really not end well.

Li Shengqiang once again rushed to the dragon carp suspended in the air, and the dragon carp had no mistake that just happened at this moment.

The six-meter-large body was suddenly covered by the golden red glow, and all of Li Shengqiang’s attacks were submerged in this glow.

There was no reaction at all, and it seemed that with Li Shengqiang’s eyes fixed on, the cloud of glow was getting bigger and bigger.

The Xia Guang, which was originally no more than ten meters in diameter, has changed to as large as a hundred meters in a very short time!

At this time, Li Shengqiang had a bad hunch in his heart, and this hunch became stronger and stronger.

The instinctive body began to tremble, which seemed to tell him that there was a great danger, and drove him to flee quickly.

Unfortunately, when Li Shengqiang had not expected it, he was ready to escape from Wudang Mountain out of the old fox’s mentality.

At this time, Li Shengqiang found in horror that he really had no chance to leave the mountainside behind Wudang Mountain.

Because the golden-red glow of the weird light had already begun to dissipate greatly, and the huge terrifying body that was truly hidden in the glow of light finally appeared in front of Li Shengqiang and Wang Ye.

The terrifying body, which is close to a hundred meters in size, is glowing with golden red light from time to time, and the flow of that huge fish tail from time to time brings a powerful air flow.

With a posture like a terrifying beast, Li Shengqiang finally realized in horror that the spirit carp in front of him was no longer the one that he knew was the one that he knew.

This ability to evolve the real body can only be achieved by a Tier 3 Realm upgraded creature.

And according to the changes in the qualifications and types of upgraded creatures, the size of the revealed true god is also different!

Obviously, this one has been underestimated, and he only regards it as a delicious delicacy in Realm. It is not an ordinary upgraded creature, but a mythical species!


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