Chapter 210

The group headed by the ancestor Zhang Changsheng finally came to the edge of the core area of ​​the Mount Tai secret realm.

It’s like two worlds, if the periphery of Mount Tai secret realm is the world whose overall color is that dull red.

Then the world in the core area of ​​Mount Tai secret realm, which is less than ten meters in front of you, is a brand new world full of loneliness and death.

Black and weird breath are its basic colors, but it also attracts too many people to enter it.

Zhang Changsheng waved his hand slightly, signaled everyone else to stop, and turned his face solemnly and said, “You are about to enter the core of this Mount Tai secret realm. Remember to report to the group to walk. No one knows what’s going on inside. Don’t blame the old man for not reminding me. I won’t save the guys who are left behind.”

After Zhang Changsheng finished speaking, he immediately walked into this brand new world with a plain face, which is the core area of ​​Mount Tai secret realm.

The dim environment is full of withered big trees, and the tone with no vitality makes people feel uncomfortable.

Zhang Changsheng19’s eyesight is like a distance, relying on his own line of sight and the picture of Tai Chi Yin & Yang hidden half a meter deep in the ground to see the surrounding environment.

There is no aura left by any creatures, which makes Zhang Changsheng feel that there is strangeness everywhere.

Dragon Turtel led a group of people behind him and finally followed in the footsteps of the ancestor Zhang Changsheng and entered the core area of ​​Mount Tai.

While being shocked by the different scenery in front of him, Zhang Changsheng did not stop but still took the lead.

The dense and withered giant trees passed by Zhang Changsheng, and the people behind them did not dare to breathe.

After all, the current scene is a bit too quiet, making everyone afraid to breathe.

Zhang Changsheng’s speed was not very fast, but after a little bit of time passed, he finally passed through a corner of this weird forest.

The scene that first appeared before Zhang Changsheng’s eyes after passing through this forest was also a bit of surprise on his face.

Dragon Turtel carried Shen Mubai and Qin Yin in the direction of the old patriarch Zhang Changsheng and saw the scene in front of them. For a while, there was extreme fear in his eyes, as well as the nausea.

From time to time, he started to retching.

Under this circumstance, even the heads of various sects were a little bit ugly by the sight in front of them.

An altar with a height of more than fifty meters, like a leaning tower, stands on this broad black ground.

Like the tower of the death god, the breath of cruelty and temptation began to slowly emerge in front of everyone.

The most disgusting and panicking thing is that at the place where the weird leaning tower is located at the first door, more than a dozen people who have turned into corpses in guard clothes suddenly appeared on the wall of the leaning tower.

Shen Mubai’s eyes trembled with fear, “It turns out that the members of the elite team I sent have died in this Mount Tai secret realm core area?”

“What kind of existence does this disgusting Leaning Tower exist? It captures and kills these elite squad members, and is there any weird existence deliberately doing this.”

For a while, Shen Mubai’s words were like everyone’s psychological problems, waiting for the insider’s answer.

It’s a pity that no one here knows this situation, and the only thing is Dragon Turtel’s eyes with a glint of light looking at the leaning tower in front of him, and then shook his head.

Zhang Changsheng glanced at Dragon Turtel and didn’t say much. Instead, he turned around and said, “Leave here first, at least check the core of this Mount Tai secret realm clearly before talking about it. As for the situation here, we wait for us to figure out other places. ”

Zhang Changsheng also perceives that this Mount Tai secret realm repair core is not big, according to his calculation, it is only 30 kilometers in diameter, just when they just came in.

It has already been ten kilometers, and in general, it is considered to have explored about one third of this area.

And now it is just to eliminate the hidden danger, so as to take a good look at the core of this Mount Tai secret realm.

And what Zhang Changsheng wants to do now is just to notify the abbot who has been contaminated by the strange substance to kill.

Not only for its own system tasks, but also for the following Mount Tai secret realm when it is used as a trial venue for disciples of various sects, it can also lose a threat.

And as Zhang Changsheng and the crowd left, that strange creature walking on all fours quietly appeared in the corner of the leaning tower.

And if you observe carefully, it is surprisingly noticed by the Shaolin Abbot, who had been contaminated by that strange substance early, and was almost degraded.

At this moment, his face was like a devil, and his limbs were obviously enlarged too much, but the torso of his body was extremely curved.

Perhaps it can be said that the current abbot’s notice can no longer be said to be a human being, but a living monster.

And the corners of the monster’s slimy mouth constantly muttered, “It’s all mine, I want to resurrect……resurrect my same…like…”

The breath of the monster has completely distinguished the normal Practitioner or the breath of human beings, which is the reason why Zhang Changsheng didn’t pay attention for the first time.

And now the only thing this monster has to do is kill everyone who enters the core of this Mount Tai secret realm!

In this way, the own kind of people come back to life. It is said that Zhang Changsheng’s time card for entering the core of this secret realm is great.

After all, after the monster entered the core of this Mount Tai secret realm, he found rows of corpses hanging on the leaning tower, originally intending to use these bodies to resurrect its own kind.

But who can know that a group of people with strong energy in their bodies is already the new target of this monster.

Naturally, I can’t even look at the corpses of the members of the elite guard squad who had died a long time earlier.

The speed of the monster is very agile, and it is also wary of abnormalities, as if it is not killing people, but simply hunting.

The heart of this kind of hunting is undoubtedly what one creature needs for another creature.

Dragon Turtel’s eyes hesitated, and he didn’t know in his heart whether to tell Zhang Changsheng about something at this time.

But it itself wasn’t sure if it was dazzled, after all, in this Mount Tai secret realm space, how could there be treasures of that level.

Moreover, it is so complete that even in the outer starry sky, there is no such thing as a Sect that is not a six-star level.

Zhang Changsheng squinted his eyes, revealing an intriguing look, and glanced at the giant tree a hundred meters away behind him.


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